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Volume 93 Number 1

January/February, 2009

What's happening this month
on your Countryside homestead...
This Issue is still available. Click Here.
Country conversation8
Special feature:
The Greenhorn's guide to homesteading, Part II: 
Buying the farm28
Planning your homestead31
Life in the bush36
Life in the high desert38
Homesteading advice from former greenhorns41
Homestead finances:
How to earn extra money in the country52
Do you want fries with that?54
Bring customers to your front door with a website57
Life on the sunny side:
Sizing a solar-electric system for worry-free off-grid living58
The garden:
Build your own greenhouse by converting an outbuilding62
Get an early start in your garden66
Garden without water? Dry farming in the southwest68
Wolfberries: Exceptional nutrition in a small package75
The homestead kitchen:
Spinach: The prince of vegetables77
Dr. Chase's crackers and bread80
The goat barn:
Which breed is best for the cheesemaker?82
Cold water treatment works on snake bite82
The pig pen:
Make sure your pigs get proper minerals83
A good boar is worth more than some think83
The henhouse:
Finishing the perfect chicken coop84
Winter care for your chickens85
The rabbit barn:
Feeding rabbits in the 1930s88
The goat barn:
Lessons in goat raising89
The cow barn:
Watering your herd in winter91
When will she calve?92
Rural healthcare:
The stork stops here94
Sustainable living:
Four conditions for sustainability96
The hapless homesteader:
The flying squirrel99
Poor Will's Countryside Almanack101
2008 Countryside Index112
After chores:
I've been malled!114

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  When God lets loose a great thinker on this planet, then all things are at risk.

  — Emerson