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After chores

All around the homestead

Your homestead business

Alternative energy

Alternative housing

Homestead Construction

Country kitchen

Country neighbors

Homestead crafts

Crops & soils

Homestead finances

Homestead firearms

The garden

The Greenhorn's Guide to Homesteading

Homestead health

Homestead household hints

Homestead landscape

Homestead livestock

The apiary

The cow barn

Feeds & feeding

The goat barn

The horse barn

The pig pen

Homestead poultry


The rabbitry

The sheep shed

More Resources

In the wild

Looking back

The homestead pond

Notes from the Northwoods

Homestead politics


Homestead simplicity

Homestead skills

The smithy

Homestead water

The woodlot

The homestead workshop

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  The man of little learning grows old like an ox. His flesh increases, but not his wisdom.

  — Suttapitaka