News Item

Contact: McCall Avery 202-225-4201

Johnson Announces Service Academies Forum

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Washington, Sep 18, 2008 -

On Saturday, September 27th at 10 am, U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) will host the annual Service Academies Forum for young people and their families interested in pursuing an education at one of the nation’s prestigious service academies.  The free informational event will take place in the Conference Center of the Collin County Community College Spring Creek Campus located at 2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway in Plano.  No R.S.V.P is needed.

Students interested in seeking a nomination to the U.S. Military, Naval, Air Force, or Merchant Marine Academies are encouraged to attend.  At the event, representatives will present highlights of each Service Academy and provide details on student evaluation, nomination and appointment procedures.  Following this overview, people will break into groups.  This allows students and parents to speak directly with representatives from each academy.  Students who attend the forum are under no obligation to apply or enroll in an Academy. 

Students must be nominated for the U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs, CO), the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, NY), the U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis, MD), and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point, NY).  Students applying to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (New London, CT) do not need a congressional nomination.

Typically, students in 8th – 11th grade, as well as their families, attend this event.  In most cases, seniors have passed the information-gathering process for the service academies and started the application process, if desired.

“This forum is a great opportunity for interested students and their parents to meet with representatives from the service academies to get first-hand information about these fine schools,” concluded Johnson.  For more information, contact Johnson’s office in Richardson at 972-470-0892.

Saturday, September 27th

10 am

Service Academies Forum – a free informational session

Collin County Community College Spring Creek Campus Conference Center

2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway


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