Discoveries Blog Horizons Blog
Chris Gaylord

Chris Gaylord &
Andrew Heining


Barnes & Noble set to challenge the Amazon Kindle

Just a month before the holiday shopping season really kicks off, a new rumor has caught the attention of bibliophiles the world over. According to the Wall Street Journal, Barnes & Noble is prepping an e-reader, which would go head to head with Amazon’s popular Kindle machine.
What kind of system will this hypothetical reader run? […]


NASA's Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) and its Centaur booster rocket crashes into the moon, in this artist's illustration released Friday. The mission is designed to determine whether there is useful water ice hidden in the rocks and soil of a deep polar crater.


After moon bombing, search for water begins

With moon bombing mission over, NASA is sifting data to learn if polar craters hold water.


Gaming goes hollywood

Motion capture blurs line between video games, films.


Taking aim at energy-sucking TVs

EPA sets new guidelines for efficiency that will rise through 2012.

More headlines


Energy use falls when neighbors compete

A California utility is using smiley faces on customer bills to show how people's usage compares with their neighbors'.


NASA finds water ice in Mars craters

NASA's Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter spotted ice just below the surface that was exposed by fresh meteor crashes, not far from where the Viking 2 Lander looked in 1976.


New evidence of water on the moon

Three probes, including a NASA instrument on India's Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter, have detected water molecules in minerals on the moon's surface.


Lines blur between blogs, newspapers

A marriage made in cyberspace: As traditional media gets 'bloggier,' blogs begin to look more like their traditional forebears.


Net neutrality: FCC proposes three new rules

The FCC's net neutrality guidelines would be a bill of rights for Internet users by prohibiting providers from blocking legal content or cutting connection speeds without explaining why.

Previous headlines


A block for those annoying online ads


Five ways to teach your old phone new tricks


When ‘back to basics’ leads to breakthroughs in science


Laser sight: NYU’s real-life tricorder


Your own personal cell phone tower


Snipping URLs into friendly forms


How charities harness social media for a social impact


Hey, global warming skeptics, take your heads out of the sand


Internet addiction center opens in US


Marketing company sells clients Facebook friends

All headlines...