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Countryside & Small Stock Journal — The magazine of modern homesteading.

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Descriptive text link #1:

Countryside & Small Stock Journal — The magazine of modern homesteading. Promoting self-reliance and simple life style through home food production, gardening, cooking, food preservation and other homesteading techniques.

<p><font face="arial" size=2><a href=""><b>Countryside & Small Stock Journal</b></a> &#151; The magazine of modern homesteading. Promoting self-reliance and simple life style through home food production, gardening, cooking, food preservation and other homesteading techniques.</font>.

Descriptive text link #2:

Countryside & Small Stock Journal — The magazine of modern homesteading. A truly original country magazine for readers seeking voluntary simplicity and greater self-reliance, with emphasis on homesteading, home food production, gardening, cooking, food preservation, and much, much more.

<p><font face="arial" size=2><a href=""><b>Countryside & Small Stock Journal</b></a> &#151; The magazine of modern homesteading. A truly original country magazine for readers seeking voluntary simplicity and greater self-reliance, with emphasis on homesteading, home food production, gardening, cooking, food preservation, and much, much more.</font>.

Graphic Links

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  Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes.

  — Disraeli