Weber County Attorney tapped to be new judge

Published: Friday, Jan. 16, 2009 3:00 p.m. MST
OGDEN — Weber County Attorney Mark DeCaria has been tapped to become the new 2nd District Court judge here.

Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. announced DeCaria's appointment on Friday. DeCaria will replace Parley Baldwin, who recently retired.

"Mark's wealth of experience as a county attorney, looking at civil and criminal cases, brings a unique and well-qualified perspective to the bench," Huntsman said in a statement. "Also, Mark's tremendous support from the local community makes him a true asset to the state."

DeCaria, who has been the Weber County Attorney for the past 15 years, helped create the county's domestic violence coalition and the county drug court. In a statement, he said he was "honored" to be appointed.

DeCaria's appointment must still be confirmed by the state Senate.

— Ben Winslow


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