IFS Awards


Three award schemes have been created to give recognition to the IFS Grantees' scientific achievements. Nominations for the IFS Awards can be submitted by IFS Affiliated Organisations, other national and international scientific societies, research institutions in developed and developing countries, IFS Scientific Advisers and other scientists, and IFS Grantees. Self-nomination is not permitted.

Note: these awards are available only for IFS Grantees.

The IFS/Danida Award

was established with special funds from the government of Denmark in 1996 and is given every year to grantees working in Sub-Saharan Africa (up to 12/year).

The IFS Jubilee Award

was established in 1997 as the "IFS Silver Jubilee Award" to complement the IFS/Danida Award. As a mark of the 30th Anniversary, the Board decided to change the name of the IFS Silver Jubilee Award to the IFS Jubilee Award. It is given to grantees from Latin America/ the Caribbean, Asia/ the Pacific and Northern Africa (up to 8/year).

The IFS/Danida Award and IFS Jubilee Award are in the amount of 2000 USD.

The Sven Brohult Award

The Sven Brohult Award is the most prestigious of the IFS Awards. It is given to an IFS Grantee once every three years. Each Award is in the cash amount of USD 10,000.

Sven Brohult Awardees to date

    8th Sven Brohult Award 2007
    / Dr Horacio Zagarese / Argentina

    7th Sven Brohult Award 2004
    / Professor Enrique Galindo / Mexico

    6th Sven Brohult Award 2000
    / Professor Philippe Rasoanaivo / Madagascar

    5th Sven Brohult Award 1997
    / Dr José María Gutiérrez / Costa Rica

    4th Sven Brohult Award 1997
    / Dr Lourdes Cruz / Philippines
    3rd Sven Brohult Award 1991
    / Dr Nteranya Sanginga / Democratic Republic of Congo /
    2nd Sven Brohult Award 1987
    / Prof Bernabé Santelices / Chile
    1st Sven Brohult Award 1984
    / Prof Abdul Latif Ibrahim / Malaysia

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