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About IFS

Brief description of IFS
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Mission Statement
Application Forms
Board of Trustees
Contact Us (IFS Secretariat)
Affiliated Organisations
Impact Studies (MESIA)
Visiting IFS in Stockholm

IFS Programme

Research Grants

Granting Programme
Eligibility Criteria
Application Forms
Search for Research Projects supported
by IFS

Special joint calls for applications

Capacity Building

Service and Maintenance of Scientific

IFS Grantees

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Awards to Grantees
Support for Grantees
Resources for scientists


Affiliated Organisations
Collaberating Organisations

IFS Publications

List of All IFS Publications
IFS eNews (quarterly email newsletter)
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Annual Reports
Developing Science, Science for Development
– IFS 30 Years

IFS Impact Studies (MESIA) Reports
External Evaluations of IFS
IFS Strategic Plans
IFS Workplans
IFS News (1994 - 2000)
Other IFS Reports and Documents
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Application Forms

How to Apply
List of All Application Forms
Application Form for 1st Grant (English)
Application Form for 1st Grant (French)
Application Form for Renewal Grant (English)
Application Form for Renewal Grant (French)
Application Form IFS Sida, coordinator (English)
Application Form IFS Sida, team member (English)