Brief Description of IFS


The Organisation

IFS is a NGO (non-governmental organisation) founded in 1972. Funding comes from governmental and non-governmental sources, as well as national and international organisations. The annual budget is approximately USD 5 million. IFS has 135 Affiliated Organisations in 86 countries, of which three-quarters are in developing countries and one-quarter in industrial countries. IFS has an international Board of Trustees. The IFS Secretariat is located in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Mission

IFS shall contribute towards strengthening the capacity of developing countries to conduct relevant and high quality research on the sustainable management of biological resources. This will involve the study of physical, chemical, and biological processes, as well as relevant social and economic aspects, important in the conservation, production, and renewable utilisation of the natural resources base.

To further this goal, IFS supports young developing country scientists who have the potential for becoming the future research leaders and lead scientists in their nations. The criteria for eligibility for IFS support stipulate that the scientist must be young and at the beginning of his or her research career and from a developing country, where the research must take place.

The Granting Programme

The support provided by IFS is primarily in the form of an IFS Research Grant, which amounts to USD 12,000 and may be renewed twice. It is intended for the purchase of the basic tools needed to conduct a research project: equipment, expendable supplies, and literature. Since 1974 there have been 3,500 IFS Grantees in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Of these 22% are women.

Awards to Grantees

IFS gives awards for excellence in research to chosen IFS Grantees. Up to 12 IFS/DANIDA Awards and the IFS Jubilee Awards (of US $2,000 each) are given annually and one Sven Brohult Award (of US $10,000) is given once every third year. Grantees must be nominated for these awards, but may not nominate themselves. Further details in the following pages:

Applying for an IFS Grant

Applications for IFS Grants must be made on the IFS Application Form, in English or French. This form is available on this web by following the link below. A paper Application Form may be obtained by contacting the IFS Secretariat.


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