IFS Mission Statement

The need

Scientific research provides an important input for sustainable management of biological resources. Scientific knowledge is central for rural, urban, industrial, and policy development, which will lead to improvement of people's livelihoods.

The mission

IFS shall contribute towards strengthening the capacity of developing countries to conduct relevant and high quality research on the sustainable management of biological resources. This will involve the study of physical, chemical, and biological processes, as well as relevant social and economic aspects, important in the conservation, production, and renewable utilisation of the natural resources base.

The strategy

IFS shall identify, through a careful selection process, promising young scientists from developing countries with potential to become future lead scientists and science leaders. They will receive support in their early careers to pursue high quality research in developing countries on problems relevant to the mission, which will help them to become established and recognised nationally and internationally. Additional supporting services will be provided to researchers in scientifically weaker institutions and countries.

IFS shall act in collaboration with Affiliated Organisations* and other national, regional, and international institutions utilising the complementary strengths of such partnerships.

* as of 2002, IFS Member Organisations are called
IFS Affiliated Organisations


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