D11 LogoDistrict Eleven Units Main Page

With in District Eleven there are 3 different Sectors and 1 Group, their areas span the entire length of California.  There are 5 Air Stations which house every thing from rescue Helicopters and long range Planes.  Within the Sectors/Groups there are 13 Small Boat Stations that carry out everything from Law Enforcement to Search and Rescue.  The 4 Aids to Navigation Teams (ATON) make sure that all the public navigations aids are correctly placed and is in charge of their up keep.  Below is how the different Sectors/Groups are set up.
-Group/Air Station Humboldt Bay, Sector San Francisco, Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach, and Sector San Diego.
-Air Station San Francisco, Air Station Sacramento, and
 Air Station Los Angeles


Last Modified 10/16/2008