International Trade Centre Export Impact for Good
Partners and Networks
  Partners and Networks
  ITC works in partnership with the following organizations at the national and regional levels; enterprises, trade-related government departments, trade and industry associations, national trade promotion agencies, chambers of commerce, commodity organizations, small enterprise development agencies, commercial banks and other trade financing institutions, standards boards, packaging institutes, management institutes for training trade managers, tender boards and central purchasing institutions, state-owned corporations, purchasing and supply management associations and regional organizations specialized in selected trade and marketing functions.

ITC advocates an integrated and comprehensive approach to trade development, seeking to avoid duplication, maximizing synergy and choosing the best ideas.

To this end, in addition to its parent bodies, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), it cooperates with other relevant agencies inside and outside the UN system, building upon each other’s comparative advantages and “best practices”.
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