Reader comments: Palin was persecuted

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She was ridiculous: | 1:32 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Sarah Palin was ridiculous,

"Katie Couric asked Sarah Palin what newspapers and magazines she read to inform her worldview before being tapped as John McCain's Vice Presidential running mate. And Tuesday on the "CBS Evening News," Palin's answer was revealed: "most of them," "all of 'em," and "any of 'em."

Palin would not, or could not, name a specific news source"

Sounds like a candidate for the Utah legislature to me.
Palin is cancer | 3:39 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
the writer states "in a superior stroke of evil genius" the dems/media/blah blah blah somehow thwarted the repub plan and made palin look bad.

no they didnt! they just let her speak, she took the handle from there.

joe biden makes blunders and sounds like a dolt sometimes. i accept that.

palin is less knowledgable than an AP history student and has less of a grasp of intl affairs than any college student who has taken a poli sci class.

her statements weren't freudian slips. she was the most offensive insult on American intelligence imaginable.

palin is cancer to the american body.
Utah Bill | 4:15 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
As a Republican I was fully prepared to vote for McCain - until he chose Palin for his running mate.

Out of all the possible great picks (including Romney), McCain settled on one of the worst prepared and unknowledgeable politicians I've seen. To this day, Palin takes no responsibility for her gaffs. I remain convinced we dodged a bullet in keeping her out of the Whitehouse.
Comments continue below
Timj | 4:21 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
She did not present herself as well-educated, experienced, or highly intelligent. She identified herself as a Joe Sixpack, a beer-drinking, football-watching person who many might identify with, but who you really don't want running the country...
Meanwhile, there are still people out there who believe Obama is a Muslim.
Agki | 4:22 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
So, Palin tried to come into the majors after a season in Pop Warner and another in American Legion baseball and she expected to be treated like the new Babe Ruth?

Neither the Democrats nor the media treated her "unfairly" or with disrespect anymore than she treated them. Palin was and is an intellectual disaster, a 95 IQ who never read a textbook trying to tell nuclear physicists what an atom is. She got sent back for regrooving, that's all.
Palin was not persecuted. | 5:11 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
She was accurately critizied. She proved her incompetence and total lack of qualifications out of her own mouth. She was ridiculed for her OWN actions and comments.

She's not qualified for the job she has now, and certainly not qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Thank God the McCain/Palin ticket was defeated -- the country really dodged one there.
Anonymous | 6:50 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Run her again in 4 years.
She can break into her usual neocon act calling her opponent:
Mainstream America will reject that Limbaugh-sounding trash-talking once again.
backwards | 6:58 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Umm - Fey's character was based on Palin - Palin acted first. Fey merely repeated Palin's statements and copied her acts and accents - usually adding (or removing) very little.

Fey did not make Palin look bad - Palin made Palin look bad.
Abraham Tschetter | 7:15 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
SNL's writers could not have done a better script for tina fey than palin did. Caribou sarah should have writing credit on the show. There is one youtube clip comparing what sarah said about health care and Fey parroting it on the show and it's almost verbatim, and funny in both cases. It's also sad when it comes from palin. Give up the persecution complex; we really did, as someone has mentioned, dodge one with her defeat.
Ernest T. Bass | 7:21 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin was persecuted.
She was persecuted because she isn't smart enough to run a city with the population of 2 let alone become the VP of the United States. Of course following schrub-dub she looked like a genious.
Still, she was WAY out of her league if she really thought she could be the veep and possibly the president one day.
Ernest T. Bass | 7:24 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
re: Palin is cancer
You said it perfectly. That said, she was the perfect choice for republicans. They don't want smart and articulate. They want a person who believes in the same myth and superstitions they believe in. It doesn't matter if the person they support cannot run a country, what matters is that the leader they vote for is a xenophobe who believes the world is 6000 years old and that people are black because Cain slew Able.
Captain Obvious | 7:39 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
She wasn't persecuted; she was exposed for being ignorant, unprepared and under-qualified. If you want to be first in line of succession to a 72 year old President of the United States, you should know that you can't see Russia from Alaska. You should know what the Bush doctrine is. You should be able to say what your foreign policy credentials are. And if you can't, that means you are not a good candidate. And no amount of winking at the camera or whining about bias is going to compensate for it.
Sean | 7:39 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin was vetted, plain and simple. And she failed muster, plain and simple. And this is the process that has been missing from out National political discourse for too long. I hope it only gets tougher in the future - too much is at stake. I certainly feel some compassion for her. I don't believe she could have been thrust upon us without some hidden puppet-masters in her party. And doubtless, she had no idea what she was getting herself into. I do fault her for what appears to be unreasonable persistence now as her political ambitions have clearly gone into overdrive. She is in the same camp with "Joe the Plumber" - victims of the Reality TV generation. And come next election, there will be another 4 year groups of Americans freshly authorized to vote her off the Island once again. And good riddance.
uncannygunman | 7:41 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin-Romney in 2012!
Janie | 8:00 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
When Palin came in only runner-up for the title of Miss Alaska she told a friend that she had lost because "she hadn't created enough drama around herself". Remember that. Keep it in mind every time she raises her head. The lesson Palin learned long ago when she lost a beauty contest can be seen in everything she does, every public statement she makes.
Anonymous | 8:14 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Funny that a lot of Tina Fey's skits used direct Palin quotes. The media didn't treat her unfairly, she was exposed for what she is: somwone who should not be vice president or President. That is all.
the venom continues | 8:20 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
While I don't think Palin was the most qualified candidate for the VP position, the media and nearly every commenter so far in this forum continue to spew out venom at anyone with conservative values.

She was persecuted because she was treated much differently than if she had been liberal. If she were Obama's running mate and had the same demeanor, gaffes, and other mistakes she would have been given a total pass by the media (if you don't believe me, just look how they treated the total buffoon Joe Biden).
Anonymous | 8:23 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin is the best example of how far the Far-right phenomenon has come and how quickly they have failed in the eyes of mainstream America that is sick to death of being shouted at, hung up on, interrupted, and dictated to.

It's an end of an era neocons.

America works best left of center - not further right than Genghis Khan or Hitler.
Kevin | 8:24 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
When Palin mocked fruit fly research, she lost every vote of every scientist with half a brain. Genetic linkage was discovered in the fruit fly. The first genetic map was created using the fruit fly. Groundbreaking research continues today using simple fruit fly models.

Palin wanted to kill this research, because she thought it sounded like waste. If someone is running for office, an office that may somehow have an impact on research budgets, and she wants to pontificate about research, she ought to do her homework first. She didn't. For that, and other reasons, she didn't get the job.

Palin was and is a tragedy. Her failure is emblematic of the failure of Bush and the failure of Republicans in general.
But | 8:26 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
She was pretty HOT...isnt that what we want in a vice president?
alwaysfiredup | 8:29 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Funny that only ONE SNL skit used ONE Palin line. Quit drawing your "facts" from mediocre sketch comedy and try a few reliable sources. She's not an idiot, she just flubbed an interview. You say you don't want to hear about her anymore, the solution would be to stop talking about her.
Mor(m)on | 8:30 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Righties have to have this persecution complex going, it stokes other righties. Actually its bred into them by the whole crucifixion story of Christ. Its drilled into them. The rightie puppet masters are at it again. I live in Chicago. I love the Bears and Ditka was fantastic, but at some point they had to quit running the ball every play and catch up to the passing offense. Righties need a new playbook. Whereas before this kind of story would make me mad, I laugh now, its ludicrous.
JournalismIsDead | 8:31 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
The point here is that her treatment was vastly different from other candidates with comparable or less experience, e.g. Barack Hussein Obama.

She was savaged by the press. Remember the stories about armies of lawyers and journalists landing in Wasila to do opposition research? In contrast, BHO got, as usual, rose petals strewn before him. Many of the bumps in his road would have completely derailed a candidate on the right.

We have a press that is FAR from impartial and that is bad for the country.
Tom | 8:32 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
I think Tina Fey was more qualified for the VP slot than Palin.
Anonymous | 8:37 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Can anyone name another candidate where the media went after their family with such hatred and bile? Were Obama's kids attacked by the media like Palin's kids? Was Obama's church set on fire while children were inside, like Palin's church?

Only an idiot could think the media treated Palin like any other candidate.
anonymous | 8:47 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Most of Tina Fey's skits were EXACT QUOTATIONS from the Couric interview or elsewhere - that's why they were so funny! (Or scary!)
APD | 8:52 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin is a victim of the Far Right. She actually thinks that "Right is right" no matter what. Antisocial personality disorder (APD) is a mental disorder. It is defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: "The essential feature for the diagnosis is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood." Deceit and manipulation are considered essential features of the disorder.
No rights for gays. No rights for women's reproduction. Illegal wire-tapping. Authorization of torture. All are symptoms of this disorder.
David Farnsworth | 8:54 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Much as I hate to enter this fray, since I have been ridiculed by everybody, including my wife, for being a fan of Sarah Palin... Let me say this, Palin is not stupid, she is not incompetent, and she is not a "drama queen". Check her record as governor of Alaska. In fact, ask her ANYTHING of importance to Alaska, and she can rattle off everything you need to know about it. Specifically, oil drilling, salmon fishing, and government ethics (just to name three). And I suspect that she would be a quick read once she hit Washington.
So knock off the stupid Alaskan woman jokes (and yes, Sarah Palin knows full well that you cannot literally see Russia from Alaska, she was just being allegorical). I thought feminists and liberals in general were supposed to be above such dissing. Its so 1950s...
Word worrier | 8:59 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Dear Donald,

Sarah Palin was ill prepared for what she tried to do.
But she's a big girl. She did her best and her best simply wasn't good enough. We can admire her for that. Run for the top office in the nation and you go under the microscope of scrutiny. Every thing you say can and will be used against you. If you have what it takes. You will prevail. If you don't you'll get what you deserve. Now... who's next?
2012 | 9:06 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
In 2012, Palin doesn't get an automatic nomination. She'll have to run through the primaries and several debates with leading Republicans.

She will either shine or fade away...
jeanie | 9:07 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Speaking in particular about bloggers from Palin's Deception - most of the contributors, and the 'owner' in particular, have nothing but the utmost respect for Palin's kids and all of the other pawns that she's put into play with her wacky schemes. The majority of us range from completely sympathetic to downright concerned, actually, for Palin's children.

The point of this blog is to examine one particular matter which speaks volumes about Palin's integrity and decision-making capability. The goal being to enable Alaskans to make informed choices about their future political candidates. If voters are unable to examine a candidate on matters of integrity and if journalists are unable to ask perfectly reasonable questions (i.e. what papers do you read?), then we have a serious problem.

It is very nice for a change that "Joe the Blogger" can now act as a journalist, encourage creative thinking and scientific analysis and not sit back and swallow every pre-digested bite the media hands to us!
Frank Castle | 9:10 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
re: Anonymous | 8:37 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
>>Can anyone name another candidate where the media went after their family with such hatred and bile<<

If memory serves, the press went after Nixon's Carter's daughter pretty hard.

>>Were Obama's kids attacked by the media like Palin's kids?<<

No. Because, Barack was smart enough to not place his kids out in the line of fine (metaphorically of course).

>>Only an idiot could think the media treated Palin like any other candidate.<<

Reiterating my previous opinion, Sarah brought all this agony on herself. I can't recall who said it but Mooseburger i.e. Gov. Palin proved it, "the only difference between a wise man & fool is a wise man knows when to keep his mouth shut."

Or, As Mark Twain quipped, "People may think you're a fool. Don't open your mouth and prove them right."
By Golly | 9:14 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
I believe it was Tom Brokaw and the "Liberal Media" that fired that church!
Anonymous | 9:19 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
It seems like there is a new scandal all the time about Sarah Palin. One time I saw she was firing her ex-brother-in-law from the Alaska state police, then I heard she was banning books at her town's library, and then there was that thing about charging her state travel expenses for nights she spent at home, and then her e-mail and whatever. Then it was her lavish shopping spree at SAKS and Neiman-Marcus.

As far as her being the #1 choice of the GOP in 2012 - I say (with apologies to George W. Bush) BRING HER ON!
DHJ | 9:22 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin did flub an interview...and another, and another, and another.

She did come back AFTER being briefed to provide the answers she should have had at the time the questions were asked.

It's a poor carpenter who blames the tools for the outcome of the project.

I liked the comments from Timj - if I want to find someone to be there to run this country, I'm not going down to the local tavern to recruit someone off their bar stool, nor will I take that person on the campaign trail as being someone to listen to.
Tom in Alabama | 9:22 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Voters realized that Tina Fey was better prepared than Sarah Palin to step onto the world stage. If the GOP feels the party is not "right" enough, let them pick salty-tongued Ann Coulter for their next Vice President and see how voters react.
Flojo | 9:24 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
The truth is that people are just jealous of Palin so they have to say bad things about her. They just don't have nothing else to talk about so people just are so rude about her & her family.
She is just as qualified as Obama. Let's get real about the situation she is on the money so to speak.
People are sooooooooo blinded by Obama & you will see in about six months to a year about him.
The media are so wrong about her from the start & I know everyone know this is the truth. Palin has alot of people behind her all the way. You go Palin on as you are & stay the same.
I do wish Obama well & so do other Americans. He's going to need it by far. I do wish him success.
Frozen Alaska | 9:26 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Too bad her mouth doesn't freeze also, maybe she would be better served.
John | 9:27 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Yes Sarah was persecuted because she was an extreme choice for VP. She was woefully unprepared for that office, but was blinded by her own arrogant ignorance.

She was in fact treated like any other candidate ... the difference noted was due entirely to the extremes of her own personal shortcomings. She was a laughable choice to VP by any reasonable measure and the press behaved proportionally.

That some folks are insulted by this and still maintain that Sarah Palin was a qualified choice for VP is truly sad. It's a commentary on how easily swayed some folks are through fear and thinly veiled lies.

That they stubbornly cling to these views is equally sad but unsurprising after the polarization of the past 8 years.
Anonymous | 9:30 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin and her further-Right-than-Genghis Khan philosophy, represents everything I abhor.

You would think the adherents of the Far-Right would have gotten the message when America replaced them in the House and Senate and now in the General Election in November.
peperlake | 9:32 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
get over it already, Palin was a huge mistake! every politician is skewered by the press. the ones who come out unscathed are the ones who can deal with opposition and actually accomplish real world tasks. if she wasn't ready for the press she wasn't ready for national politics period.

to make matters worse she took it personally. that is the first rule in politics, don't take it personal or everyone will pile on. Duh. maybe she will learn that one for next time. if not she will fail miserably again!
Anonymous | 9:39 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Poor persecuted Palin was totally incompetent. She proved this every time she opened her mouth. The worst part of this is that half the population of the US cannot spot a total fraud right in front of them. She is/was a second rate beauty contestant, spouting bumper sticker political slogans, nothing more.
Worst person | 9:41 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
re: Tom in Alabama | 9:22 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009

>>If the GOP feels the party is not "right" enough, let them pick salty-tongued Ann Coulter for their next Vice President and see how voters react.<<

Olbermann & Maddow would have to be on 24/7 not to mention Letterman & Leno.

Though, it may cause Lewis Black to finally stroke out.
Patriot | 9:44 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin’s nomination was an insult to most people’s intelligence, but she was perfect for today’s greedy republicans who view themselves above the law. Her ‘grab what you can, while you can’ quarter-million dollar clothing shopping spree was a perfect fit with this Neocom mind-set - and fitting for them as well. Her illegal and unethical attempts to get her former brother-in-law fired for personal reasons show us the type of person she is. Is Cheney, Bush, Rumsfield, Rove, Wolfowitz, Rice, McCain & Palin the best the repubs can offer this nation? Easy to see why we are where we are. Hopefully Obama can right the ship before these guys get back in.
jumipin' jack | 9:44 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin wanted to exploit her 15 minutes of fame, and she did. She is the one responsible for her actions. The press was only recording the events.

So sorry Shara. boo hoo hoo hoo.
Lee M. | 9:46 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin was clearly not ready and grossly incapable. No one seems to pick up on the fact that she majored in journalism and doesn't seem to know what journalists do by her constant whining. She can in no way be compared to Biden who has been referred to as boring because he has so much information and knows so many stats. To those who have stated that she misspoke or "knows" that you can't see Russia from Alaska. Why not check the interview again and also the T.V, magazine show that went to the remote area in Alaska where Russia CAN be seen. BTW they said Palin has never been there and also ignores that area.
All you Sarah Palin | 9:47 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
. . . haters -- how do you feel about Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg? Here's betting you toe a different party line about a much less experienced, infinitely less qualified liberal.

This is nothing more than the standard left-wing Taliban approach to politics -- since you know you can't win on issues, you resort to smarmy invective and ad hominem attack, to avoid having to advocate a losing position.

Note that in none of the comments above is there a single mention of disagreement with a specific position Sarah took or advocated during the campaign.

That's because snotty, snooty personal attack has been substituted for actual substance in the liberal playbook.

Hmmm | 9:49 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
And Joe Biden is any better?
Anonymous | 9:53 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Limited political knowledge is one thing...plenty of us suffer in that regard. But where I take issue with Palin the most is her failure to employ conventional wisdom when accepting the VP invitation...just what did she think she was getting into?? Is she that naive??
Anonymous | 9:54 a.m. Jan. 14, 2009
Palin called her opponent:
and America soundly rejected her.
And now the Far-right whines: "Palin was persecuted"
That's like Ann Coulter demonizing single-mothers and blacks on "The View" the other day and then whining to the hosts: "You're attacking me!"
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