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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today's Public Channel Feature
Remembering Dr. Schweitzer

Following the announcement of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, César Chelala looks back at the 1952 recipient, Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Made famous by his medical work in a makeshift clinic in Gabon, he spent his life fighting for the basic right to health for all human beings.

Also: Ireland Says “Thank You” to Europe (Part II)
Soon: Reforming Islam?


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Today in history
On October 10, 1973, Spiro Agnew became the first U.S. Vice President to resign in disgrace, over tax evasion.

Quote of the day
“Peace is a question of will. All conflicts can be settled, and there are no excuses for allowing them to become eternal.”
Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland and 2008 Nobel Peace Prize laureate

Fact of the day
To date, the youngest Nobel Laureate is Lawrence Bragg, who was just 25 years old when he received the Nobel Prize in Physics with his father in 1915.

Link of the day
Nobel Prize Foundation
Learn more about the organization behind the prize.

Friday, October 09, 2009
Ireland Says “Thank You” to Europe (Part II)
In what ways has Ireland's EU membership proved crucial to the achievement of peace on the island?
By Martin Sieff
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Ireland Says "Thank You" to Europe (Part I)
How has membership in the European Union benefited Ireland over the past few decades?
By Martin Sieff
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Managing the Recovery of Failing States (Part II)
How much can the international community truly expect from a fragile, post-conflict government?
By Tim Carrington
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Managing the Recovery of Failing States (Part I)
How can international donors create realistic expectations for Afghanistan?
By Tim Carrington
Monday, October 05, 2009
When Emerging Markets Lead the Way (Part VII)
How can better global governance foster more inclusive national democracies?
By Marcel Fortuna Biato

The Globalist in the Media

The Magic Number on CO2 Emissions
Seattle Times | January 26, 2009
Rich and Poor in Obama's Washington
San Jose Mercury News | January 31, 2009
The Global R&D Leader
San Jose Mercury News | February 7, 2009
Net Connect
Seattle Times | February 16, 2009
China's Car Pool
Orange County Register | February 27, 2009
Child Adoptions Worldwide
Boston Globe | July 8, 2007
    Book of the Week
Reaching an Ultimatum (Part III)
By Matthew Glass
CD of the Week
Paris — Capital of the World of World Music
Why does the City of Lights attract — and help spawn — so many sounds?
By Richard Byrne

The Globalist Research Center

  Globalist Analysis
China in the Times to Come
How can Americans understand China as it is — not as politicians and pundits prefer to depict it?

The Iraq War and the Sicilian Campaign (Part I)
A Two-State Solution for Iraq? (Part I)


Features by New Contributors

Globalization and Grassroots Democracy (Part I)
By Marcel Fortuna Biato
Are Global Imbalances Curable? (Part I)
By Yang Yao
U2: Local Act, Global Horizons (Part I)
By Justin Kavanagh
Lord Turner and the Tobin Tax
By Paul-Bernd Spahn

Listen to the new Marketplace Globalist Quiz on public radio

China Vs. India
  Listen to the audio
Read the transcript

In conversations with Marketplace Morning Report hosts Bill Radke and Steve Chiotakis, Stephan Richter explores intriguing angles on the global economy.

The Globalist Poll

Will the establishment of a permanent EU president create a more effective structure for foreign relations?
Yes, it presents one dependable face.
No, the member states are still too fragmented.
It depends on who the president will be.

The Richter Scale
Stephan Richter
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The Globalist
Sotomayor: America's Global Advantage
Can GM Rise from the Ashes?
Obama, the (Foreign Policy) Realist
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