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Evolutionary Psychology

Co-Editors: Todd K. Shackelford, Ph.D., and Steven M. Platek, Ph.D.

Evolutionary Psychology is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that aims to foster communication between experimental and theoretical work on the one hand and historical, conceptual and interdisciplinary writings across the whole range of the biological and human sciences on the other.

Evolutionary Psychology is indexed by PsycINFO, EBSCOhost, Scopus, Socolar, Google Scholar, PubMed, MEDLINE, MEDLARS, and the following Thomson Reuters databases: Web of Science, Social Sciences Citation Index ( SSCI), and Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Evolutionary Psychology receives around 500 000 page views annually and currently has an impact factor of 1.278.


Latest articles

PDF icon 13 Jul 2011: Homer, Horton, and evolution: A new perspective on narrative: A review of Brian Boyd, On the Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction by Cooke, B.
PDF icon 12 Jul 2011: Walking the moral landscape: A review of Sam Harris, The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values by Wall, J.N., and Shackelford, T.K.
PDF icon 24 Jun 2011: Is there a sensitive period in human incest avoidance? by Luo, L.
PDF icon 20 Jun 2011: Children's risky play from an evolutionary perspective: The anti-phobic effects of thrilling experiences by Sandseter, E.B.H., and Kennair, L.E.O.
PDF icon 16 Jun 2011: Is the social brain theory applicable to human individual differences? Relationship between sociability personality dimension and brain size by Horváth, K., Martos, J., Mihalik, B., and Bódizs, R.
PDF icon 24 May 2011: That’s what friends are for: A review of Daniel J. Hruschka, Friendship: Development, Ecology, and Evolution of a Relationship by Gray, P.B., and Escasa, M.J.
PDF icon 10 May 2011: Conceptualizing the autism spectrum in terms of natural selection and behavioral ecology: The solitary forager hypothesis by Reser, J. E.
PDF icon 7 May 2011: The implications of automaticity for evolutionary forensic psychology: A review of Wray Herbert, On Second Thought: Outsmarting Your Mind's Hard-Wired Habits by Mather, R. D., and Boggess, A. L.
PDF icon 7 May 2011: And a Machiavellian spin doctor shall lead them from the spotlight of the Cartesian theater: A review of Robert Kurzban, Why Everyone (Else) is a Hypocrite: Evolution and the Modular Mind by Mather, R.D., and Hurst, A.C.
PDF icon 5 May 2011: Surveillance cues enhance moral condemnation by Bourrat, P., Baumard, N., and McKay, R.
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Evolutionary Psychology
in the news

Current Press Release: People more strongly condemn bad behaviour when cued that they are being watched

New York Times, July 2011
Can a playground be too safe?

Huffington Post, July 2011
Sexy headlines & skimpy science: 'Why women shouldn't pick attractive husbands' needs a second look

LiveScience, June 2011
Big spenders attract flings, but not marriage

Sydney Morning Herald, June 2011
Why one look will put the fear of god into you

Gulf Daily News, May 2011
Autism may have had advantages in humans' hunter-gatherer past, researcher believes

Gulf Daily News, May 2011
Yawning gap being filled

Economist, April 2011
The good god guide

Washington Post, April 2011
Why do Americans still dislike atheists?

Scientific American, April 2011
Prize in the sky: The Templeton Foundation rewards "spiritual progress," but what the heck is that?

The Guardian, April 2011
Martin Rees and the Templeton travesty

Belfast Telegraph, March 2011
Attractive 'make meal of food bill

USA Today, March 2011
Deep voices trigger infidelity jitters, March 2011
Can your mate's voice be a clue to potential cheating?

National Post, March 2011
Want to know if your mate will cheat? Listen to the pitch of their voice

Hamilton Spectator, March 2011
The sound of promiscuity

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Evolutionary Psychology - An open access peer-reviewed journal - ISSN 1474-7049
© Ian Pitchford and Robert M. Young; individual articles © the author(s)