Happy to be here!Mark Longstroth,
Southwest Michigan District Extension Fruit Educator
219 Paw Paw Street, Suite 201
Paw Paw, MI 49079
PH: (269) 657-8213 x 3
Fax: (269) 657-6678
email: longstr7@msu.edu

I am responsible for fruit extension programming in Southwest Michigan. I am knowledgeable in both tree and small fruit culture in Michigan. During the growing season an insect scouting and plant disease prediction program along the Lake Michigan shore is maintained and the results are disseminated at weekly Monday meetings, by the fruit Code-A-Phone (269) 657-8217, MSU's Fruit CAT Alert, an weekly Fruit IPM newsletter, and this web siteEducational programming for fruit growers provided in several counties in Southwest Michigan and also at statewide meetings.

I spent about ten years of my life growing apples, cherries and plums, before I came to Michigan.  The most important fruit grower is the one I'm talking to and the most important fruit is the one that you are growing.

Because of the large acreages of apples, grapes and blueberries in my region I do a majority of my programming for these crops.  I also have a statewide responsiblity for extension in cranberries.

I have posted a page of weather pictures that I have taken over the years.

I also have begun to collect my pictures of fruit and pictures of insects on to single pages.

Annapurna Mountains from Pokhara, Nepal

Annapurna Mountains over Pokhara in Nepal

In 1999, I spent 4 weeks in India and Nepal if you want to see pictures and read my impressions see the India HomePage that other agents who went and I put together.
In 2000, I spent another 2 weeks in Himashal Pradesh the state between Kashmir and Nepal and one of the apple growing centers in India. I will post pictures from there also.


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Last modified: May 31, 2007