Sun Partner Advantage Program
for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)

The Sun Partner Advantage Program connects you to free or deeply discounted offerings as well as sales relationships, so you can deliver your solutions/services to an expanded market.

Offerings and Benefits

Get connected to Sun and expand your business.

Program offerings:

Technology and Products

Free and deeply discounted hardware and access to new Sun technology business models.

Marketing and Sales
Marketing and Sales

Free marketing guides, visibility in Sun's partner directory and opportunities for sales engagement with Sun and other partners.

Technical Resources and Support
Technical Resources and Support

Free access to Sun's virtual lab for developers, free developer support and downloads of key Sun technology webcasts.

Education and Training
Education and Training

Free and fee based training on key Sun technologies.


No enrollment or annual fee. No charge for most benefits.

Tech Corner

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Glassfish3.0 Running in the Amazon Cloud
See the Glassfish components and how they work together to provide high performance and scaling.

Lustre Parallel File Sytem for CFD Analysis
Discover how to use the Lustre Parallel File Sytem for CFD analysis.

Are you experiencing unusual symptoms with your Sun products?

Program References

I believe that working with the Sun partner program has increased our revenue fourfold and helped establish a large and growing customer base. Our working relationship with Sun has been key in achieving growth rates of 50% quarter on quarter during 2008.
— Chander Kant,
Chief Executive Officer of Zmanda



OpenSolaris Initiative
Gain fast, free, and easy access to an open source OS to create with confidence.

Open Storage Initiative
Combining open source software with industry standard hardware, Sun is changing the way the world stores, accesses, and manages data.

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Open, scalable infrastructure for building and deploying web applications and services from Sun. Find out more and help shape the future.

xVM Initiative
Extend the value of the Sun xVM portfolio and help customers realize the full benefits of cross platform virtualization.

News and Resources

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Special Offer

Dude Where's My Pass?

Learn how you can receive a free, full conference pass to JavaOne and $1500 USD to cover travel expenses!