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Republic of Guinea

National name: République de Guinée

President: Moussa Camara (2008)

Prime Minister: Kabiné Komara (2008)

Current government officials

Total area: 94,927 sq mi (245,861 sq km)

Population (2008 est.): 10,211,437 (growth rate: 2.6%); birth rate: 41.3/1000; infant mortality rate: 87.1/1000; life expectancy: 49.8; density per sq km: 41

Capital and largest city (2003 est.): Conakry, 1,767,200

Monetary unit: Guinean franc

Languages: French (official), native tongues (Malinké, Susu, Fulani)

Ethnicity/race: Peuhl 40%, Malinke 30%, Susu 20%, smaller tribes 10%

Religions: Islam 85%, Christian 8%, indigenous 7%

National Holiday: Independence Day, October 2

Literacy rate: 29.5% (2003 est.)

Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2007 est.): $10.69 billion; per capita $1,100. Real growth rate: 1.5%. Inflation: 22.9%. Unemployment: n.a. Arable land: 4%. Agriculture: rice, coffee, pineapples, palm kernels, cassava (tapioca), bananas, sweet potatoes; cattle, sheep, goats; timber. Labor force: 3.7 million (2006); agriculture 76%, industry and services 24% (2006 est.). Industries: bauxite, gold, diamonds; alumina refining; light manufacturing and agricultural processing industries. Natural resources: bauxite, iron ore, diamonds, gold, uranium, hydropower, fish. Exports: $998 million f.o.b. (2007 est.): bauxite, alumina, gold, diamonds, coffee, fish, agricultural products. Imports: $838 million f.o.b. (2007 est.): petroleum products, metals, machinery, transport equipment, textiles, grain and other foodstuffs. Major trading partners: Russia, Spain, France, Belgium, South Korea, US, Germany, Ireland, UK, Switzerland, Ukraine, China, Netherlands (2006).

Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 26,300 (2005); mobile cellular: 189,000 (2005). Radio broadcast stations: AM 0, FM 5, shortwave 3 (2006). Television broadcast stations: 6 low-power stations (2001). Internet hosts: 173 (2007). Internet users: 50,000 (2006).

Transportation: Railways: total: 837 km (2006). Highways: total: 44,348 km; paved: 4,342 km; unpaved: 40,006 km (2003). Waterways: 1,300 km (navigable by shallow-draft native craft) (2005). Ports and harbors: Kamsar. Airports: 16 (2007).

International disputes: conflicts among rebel groups, warlords, and youth gangs in neighboring states has spilled over into Guinea, resulting in domestic instability; Sierra Leone pressures Guinea to remove its forces from the town of Yenga occupied since 1998.

Major sources and definitions

Flag of Guinea


Guinea, in West Africa on the Atlantic, is also bordered by Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Slightly smaller than Oregon, the country consists of a coastal plain, a mountainous region, a savanna interior, and a forest area in the Guinea Highlands. The highest peak is Mount Nimba at 5,748 ft (1,752 m).




Beginning in 900, the Susu migrated from the north and began settling in the area that is now Guinea. The Susu civilization reached its height in the 13th century. Today the Susu make up about 20% of Guinea's population. From the 16th to the 19th century, the Fulani empire dominated the region. In 1849, the French claimed it as a protectorate. First called Rivières du Sud, the protectorate was rechristened French Guinea; finally, in 1895, it became part of French West Africa.

Guinea achieved independence on Oct. 2, 1958, and became an independent state with Sékou Touré as president. Under Touré, the country was the first avowedly Marxist state in Africa. Diplomatic relations with France were suspended in 1965, with the Soviet Union replacing France as the country's chief source of economic and technical assistance.

Prosperity came in 1960 after the start of exploitation of bauxite deposits. Touré was reelected to a seven-year term in 1974 and again in 1981. He died after 26 years as president in March 1984. A week later, a military regime headed by Col. Lansana Conté took power.

In 1989, President Conté announced that Guinea would move to a multiparty democracy, and in 1991, voters approved a new constitution. In Dec. 1993 elections, the president's Unity and Progress Party took almost 51% of the vote. In 2001, a government referendum was passed that eliminated presidential term limits, thus allowing Conté to run for a third term in 2003. Despite the trappings of multiparty rule, Conté has ruled the country with an iron fist.

Guinea has had ongoing difficulties with its neighbor Liberia, which was embroiled in a long civil war during the 1990s and again in 2000–2003. Guinea had taken sides against rebel leader Charles Taylor in Liberia's civil war and was part of the Nigerian-led ECOMOG forces that intervened in the crisis. As a consequence, President Conté's relations with Taylor remained sour after Taylor became Liberia's president in 1997. The fighting in Liberia spilled over the border into Guinea on several occasions. Sierra Leone's recent civil war also caused problems for neighboring Guinea. Already burdened by an inadequate infrastructure and a weak economy, an influx of nearly 300,000 refugees from Sierra Leone has overwhelmed the country.

In Dec. 2003 President Conté was reelected to a third term. In April 2004, after two months on the job, Prime Minister Lonseny Fall resigned and went into exile, claiming that the president would not allow him to govern effectively. President Conté is in poor health, and many fear a power struggle should he die or be deposed. Anti-government demonstrators took to the streets in January and February 2007, demanding that Conté step down. In addition, labor unions went on strike, paralyzing the country. Conté, who has been criticized as being corrupt, responded by declaring martial law. The strike ended in late February when President Conté agreed to name diplomat Lansana Kouyaté as prime minister. More than 100 people died in battles with security officials during the strike.

Kouyaté was sacked in May 2008 and replaced by Ahmed Tidiane Souaré, a member of President Conté's Party of Unity and Progress. Conte died in December 2008 after 24 years in power. Junior army leaders launched a bloodless coup shortly after his death. Many citizens, fed up with years of authoritarian rule, backed the coup. Army captain Moussa Camara took over as "president of the republic." The junta established a 32-member National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD) that replaced the government. The council said its priorities would be to wipe out corruption and improve the quality of life in Guinea.

See also Encyclopedia: Guinea.
U.S. State Dept. Country Notes: Guinea

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