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Rising Rents Shot San Francisco Eviction Rates Up 170% in Three Years

Rising Rents Shot San Francisco Eviction Rates Up 170% in Three Years

That squeezed out feeling San Francisco residents have been complaining about isn't just psychosomatic. A new study shows that evictions—especially ones where units are taken off the rental market—have "skyrocketed," reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Read… 11/05/13 5:23pm Yesterday 5:23pm

deep thoughtsBy Henry Blodget's Saved Drafts

Henry Blodget Wants To Know

Since being banned from Wall Street, Business Insider CEO Henry Blodget uses his blog to ponder life's mysteries. What's the deal with Jews? Why are airplane seats the way they are? How about those people in the bathroom? Now, Gawker has exclusively accessed his latest, unpublished inquiry: Why are black people so… Read… 11/05/13 11:38am Yesterday 11:38am

Snapchat's $4 Billion "Value" Causes Grown Man to Question His Sanity

Snapchat's $4 Billion "Value" Causes Grown Man to Question His Sanity

It's hard to keep your wits about you when trying to generate revenue makes a startup worth less money in the eyes of Silicon Valley. But Snapchat's bonkers $4 billion valuation has driven one man, Roy Murdock, to seriously question his mental faculties in an essay entitled, "Am I Going Insane? Snapchat is Intrinsically Worthless." Read… 11/05/13 11:36am Yesterday 11:36am

Buy Your Teen's Way Into Y Combinator

This weekend, Bing Nursery School, an elite institution for precocious little 2-to-5-year-olds, is holding its 25th Annual Harvest Moon Auction with all proceeds going toward student scholarships. As you might expect from a nursery school where Stanford University connections count so heavily, a handful of the items Read… 11/04/13 7:20pm Monday 7:20pm

If Justin Bieber Is a "Lead Investor" Then Tech Titles Have No Meaning

If Justin Bieber Is a "Lead Investor" Then Tech Titles Have No Meaning

Last week, Lenovo, a Chinese multinational corporation that sells personal computers and other electronic devices, hired actor-capitalist Ashton Kutcher as a "product engineer." Not a celebrity spokesperson, venture capitalist, or even the more laissez-faire "creative director" (à la Alicia Keys and BlackBerry, but a product engineer. Today, Fortune reports that Justin Bieber is the "lead investor" in a "new teen-focused social network" called Shots of Me. Read… 11/04/13 4:04pm Monday 4:04pm

The Most Powerful Gay Man in Silicon Valley Stays Quiet on Being Gay

The Most Powerful Gay Man in Silicon Valley Stays Quiet on Being Gay

Everyone knows Tim Cook is gay. Valleywag said it in 2011. His colleagues say it now. It's a social triumph that the arguably most powerful businessman in the world is also gay. So why, at one of the rare moments that Cook's sexuality actually matters, won't he finally say it? Read… 11/04/13 2:22pm Monday 2:22pm

Watch Mike Arrington Talk About Trading Favors for Blog Posts

In 2011, TechCrunch founder and Bully-in-Chief Michael Arrington gave an off the record talk to an audience of powerful tech CEOs. Details of unsavory comments leaked. Later that year, he did it again, and now we have the closed-doors video of Arrington's corruption, in his own words. Read… 11/04/13 11:47am Monday 11:47am

Airbnb and Uber's Latest Lobbying Tactic: Donate to Bill De Blasio

Both Airbnb and Uber—shining stars of the sharing economy or efficient middlemen, depending on how you look at it—have chosen to use New York as a model city for making sure lawmakers rule in their favor. And what better way to tip the scales than by backing the man most likely to be our next Mayor? Read… 11/01/13 2:56pm Friday 2:56pm

Read the Hugely Insulting Kanye West Lawsuit Against YouTube's Founder

Read the Hugely Insulting Kanye West Lawsuit Against YouTube's Founder

As we mentioned earlier this week, Kanye and Kim are suing YouTube creator Chad Hurley for the allegedly unauthorized upload of their lavish, geek-studded proposal ceremony. Now we've got the full legal documents, and they go out of their way to call Hurley a loser. Read… 11/01/13 12:33pm Friday 12:33pm

A THIRD MYSTERY BARGE HAS BEEN LOCATED. I REPEAT A THIRD GOOGLE BARGE FLOATS AMONG US. The Daily Mail spotted the third barge next to the Treasure Island one in the San Francisco Bay. By and Large, LLC has registered at least four barges with the U.S. Coast Guard. Quick, everyone check the nearest dock for robots. Discuss… 11/01/13 10:58am Friday 10:58am

The $4 Billion Secret: Don't Bother Making Any Money

Pinterest and Snapchat have two very important things in common: they were both recently, insanely valued by investors at around $4 billion, and neither of them has made a single dime in the entirety of their existence. How is this not a bubble, and why aren't more people saying this is crazy? Read… 10/31/13 4:39pm Thursday 4:39pm

Poor Billionaire: Oracle Cuts Larry Ellison's Paycheck

After so long, a rare moment of tech exec sanity: Bloomberg reports Oracle's board rejected its yacht-cheating, island-owning CEO's salary. Shareholders say Larry's not doing his job well enough, so he'll just have to get by with tens of millions of dollars a year. Read… 10/31/13 2:26pm Thursday 2:26pm