Operation Homelink Named Finalist in Joining Forces Community Challenge
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Operation Homelink is proud to support First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden’s initiative for encouraging all Americans to step up in support of our military families.

Operation Homelink is a (501-C3) non-profit organization (FEIN # 91-2186796) founded in 2002 to support service members and their families with the use of donated computer technology. Our mission includes providing laptops to wounded warriors and veterans plus the facilitation of e-mail communication between American service members deployed overseas and their families back home. We offer this service on behalf of our donor corporations as a way of showing their support for the courageous men and women serving our country.

Why we are passionate about this work?

We believe that those that have “worn the uniform” hold a position of honor and respect unrivaled in the world today. At a time when many in our culture heap high praise upon athletes, musicians and movie stars, the true heroes don’t carry a football or play an instrument but instantly earned our respect when they answered the call by courageously saying “send me”. The most deserving 1% of Americans earn that respect every morning when they willingly step into harm’s way to do the heavy lifting for the 99% of the rest of us. We believe we owe anyone who has served a debt of gratitude that we can never repay. But we can try…we are obligated to do so.

This is why we wholeheartedly applaud the efforts of First Lady Obama and Dr. Jill Biden’s Joining Forces initiative to elevate these sentiments of support from words to action. Frankly, lapel pins and yellow ribbon bumper stickers alone don’t cut it. We enthusiastically share the Joining Forces belief that all Americans should use their talents, opportunities, and creativity to support a service member, a wounded warrior, a veteran...and just as importantly...the military families that support them.

What Inspires Us?

At Operation Homelink our mission, hope and prayer is that providing these computers will brighten the day or lessen the load, even a bit, for the military families we are honored to serve. Reading the poem “I Got Your Back” or watching the video “Letters from War” (both posted below) provides the clearest illustrations of the inspiration for starting OHL and the reason our volunteers provide their time, energy and money to keep up this essential work.

To learn more, view Operation Homelink's Program Overview.

For more than 26 years, Dell has empowered countries, communities, customers and people everywhere to use technology to realize their dreams. To date, Dell has graciously donated over 1,000 computers for Operation Homelink to “connect” military families and wounded warriors.

To download the song, click on the link below:

Letters from War ...

Letters from War by Mark Schultz

This is a powerful and passionate song which eloquently illustrates the importance of communication between families and their loved ones serving overseas.

We are pleased to announce that “Letters of War” has recently been made the official anthem for Operation Homelink

I Got Your Back

I am a small and precious child, my dad’s been sent to fight…
The only place I'll see his face, is in my dreams at night.
He will be gone too many days for my young mind to keep track.
I may be sad, but I am proud.
My daddy’s got your back.

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Operation Homelink | 25 East Washington, Suite 1501, Chicago, IL 60602
Copyright © 2003 All rights reserved.