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Are Your Resolutions Too Expensive?

Relax more. Get in shape. Take up a hobby. All good resolutions for the new year. But can your bank balance support trips to the spa, gym and craft store? Before turning over a new leaf, consider the impact on your budget.

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What Is Your Business? - Real Estate or Advertising?

Thursday January 15, 2009
In a real estate technology forum today, I saw a question posed by a Realtor about Adsense ads for her site. She stated that she was having problems getting the ads to display properly, and had wasted ten hours trying. It immediately hit me that I could probably...

These Days Credit Cards Are Use 'Em or Lose 'Em

Thursday January 15, 2009
Long gone are the days you could keep a credit card in your wallet and never use it. Now, if you don't use a credit card, you face the risk of having it closed by the issuer. If you want to keep your credit cards open because closing them would...

Free E-Course: Starting Your Career in Advertising

Thursday January 15, 2009
You want to work in advertising but you have no idea where to begin. Whether you're studying advertising, wanting to become a freelancer or you're looking for ad agency work, this free e-course helps you launch your advertising career. Free E-Course: Starting Your Career in Advertising...

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Achieve Financial Balance
Achieve Financial Balance

Sure you can always pop into your online account, but keeping track of your checking offline provides a valuable paper record - not to mention a manual wake up call of your actual spending.

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