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The Story of Stuff

Meatrix Trilogy

The True Cost of Food

Store Wars

Krafted - Anti GMO



    Links of Mutual Interest

Added Value & Herban Solutions, Inc.

Promoting the sustainable development of Red Hook by nurturing a new generation of young leaders. We work towards this goal by creating opportunities for the youth of South Brooklyn to expand their knowledge base, develop new skills and positively engage with their community through the operation of a socially responsible urban farming enterprise.

American Farmland Trust 

Since our founding in 1980, American Farmland Trust has helped win permanent protection for over a million acres of American farmland. Our hard work and sound strategies unite farmers, environmentalists and policymakers.

ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service

Market resources for organic food and fiber products, including organic prices, sales data, market trends, and other market data, organic trade associations, directories, and other organic marketing publications and resources, with contact information for ordering them.

Battenkill Kitchen, Inc.

An educational facility for growing food businesses, Battenkill Kitchen is a nonprofit inspected commercial kitchen facility hosting classes, groups, and food processors and is available for hourly rent. The Kitchen is located in historic Salem in upstate NY.

Baum Forum

The Baum Forum is a program of conferences and seminars held periodically to focus public and restaurant industry attention on food and agricultural issues. It's mission is to stimulate debate and help create informed decision-makers, from culinary students and professional food and beverage purchasers to home chefs and public policy makers.

Bitter Greens Journal

This blog will serve as a running critique of industrial agriculture, a clearinghouse for info on sustainable farming, and a working manifesto for a liberation politics based on food.

CADE, Inc.

The Center for Agricultural Development and Entrepreneurship (CADE) is a non-profit agricultural development organization located in Central New York State. CADE has worked to connect central New York State producers of specialty farm products to markets. CADE’s vision is to build a vibrant local food system where small farms and locally owned agricultural businesses thrive, and where consumers have access to healthy, sustainably produced food.

CSA and the Robyn Van En Center

CSA brings together community members, farmers and agricultural land in a relationship of mutual support based on an annual commitment to one another, a commitment that ensures the survival of local agriculture today and for future generations. The Robyn Van En Center offers a variety of services to existing and new CSA farmers and shareholders nationally.

Canadian Organic Growers

Canada's national membership-based education and networking organization representing farmers, gardeners and consumers in all provinces.

Center for Food Safety

Center for Food Safety uses multifaceted strategies, including legal actions, submission of policy comments and public education, to accomplish its goals of curtailing industrial agricultural production methods that harm human health and the environment, and promoting sustainable alternatives.

Citizens Environmental Coalition (CEC)

Founded in 1983 by people living with the legacy of toxic pollution. They were united in the belief that no child should be born with toxic chemicals in their body, and began to use their collective grassroots power to influence statewide policy, with a mission to eliminate toxic pollution from homes, workplaces, schools and communities by empowering people.

Cornucopia Institute

The Cornucopia Institute is dedicated to the fight for economic justice for the family-scale farming community. Through research, advocacy, and economic development our goal is to empower farmers both politically and through marketplace initiatives. The Organic Integrity Project acts as a corporate watchdog assuring that no compromises to the credibility of organic farming methods and the food it produces are made in the pursuit of profit. We will actively resist regulatory rollbacks and the weakening of organic standards to protect and maintain consumer confidence in the organic food label.

Dilmun Hill Cornell Student Farm

Our Mission is to provide experiential learning opportunities and educational facilities for Cornell students, faculty, staff and the local community in the exploration of sustainable food and agricultural systems.


The Consumers Union Guide to Environmental Labels.

Environmental Advocates of New York

Environmental Advocates serves the people of New York as an effective and aggressive watchdog and advocates on nearly every important state environmental issue. Through advocacy, coalition building, citizen education and policy development, we work to safeguard public health and preserve our unique natural heritage.

ETC Group

ETC Group is dedicated to the conservation and sustainable advancement of cultural and ecological diversity and human rights. To this end, ETC Group supports socially responsible developments in technologies useful to the poor and marginalized and it addresses governance issues affecting the international community. We also monitor the ownership and control of technologies, and the consolidation of corporate power.

Farm & Garden

A Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Living Resource.

Farm School, The

Programs & Training

Farm to Table

Sustainable News from the Earth Pledge Foundation.

Feed Me Better!

A campaign to provide REAL school foods.

Food & Water Watch

A Public Citizen nonprofit consumer advocacy organization dedicated to protecting food and water through research, education, lobbying, e-activism and media outreach.

Food Chain Weekly Radio Program

The Food Chain is an audience-interactive newstalk radio program that airs live on Saturdays from 9am to 10am Pacific time. The Food Chain, which has been named the Ag/News Show of the Year by California's legislature, is hosted by Michael Olson, author of the Ben Franklin Book of the Year award-winning MetroFarm, a 576-page guide to metropolitan agriculture.

Future of Food

Offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade.

Global Governance of Food and Agriculture Industries

As the twenty-first century unfolds, food safety regulation and the governance of regional and global biotechnology markets present new and more complex challenges for governments, agri-food industries and multilateral organizations. The contributors to this comprehensive volume detail the implications of globalization, free trade and regional market integration on the ability of national governments to regulate food safety in the food and biotechnology sectors.

Green Apple, The

Spend Smart, Live Healthy in NYC.

Growing New Farmers

A site to connect with programs, services, events, and resources for new farmers throughout the 12 Northeast states.

Healthy Schools Network

Founded in 1995, Healthy Schools Network, Inc. (HSN) is a national not for profit organization, centered on children's environmental health, and dedicated to assuring every child and school employee an environmentally safe and healthy schools.

Just Food

A non-profit organization that works to develop a just and sustainable food system in the New York City region.

Marly's Angels

Singer-songwriter and anti-GMO activist. currently booking FREE events around New York State and the Northeast region called the Organic Farm Aid Tour.

MILK: A Campaign for Real Milk

Back in the 20s, Americans could buy fresh raw whole milk, real clabber and buttermilk, luscious naturally yellow butter, fresh farm cheeses and cream in various colors and thicknesses. Today's milk is accused of causing everything from allergies to heart disease to cancer, but when Americans could buy Real Milk, these diseases were rare. In fact, a supply of high quality dairy products was considered vital to American security and the economic well being of the nation. Learn how and where to get your REAL Milk.

National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture, Inc

Dedicated to educating the public on the importance of a sustainable food and agriculture system that is economically viable, environmentally sound, socially just, and humane.


NorthEast Organic Network

New York Food Trader

This site lets you find locally produced food or donate food to those in need. It's like an online farmer's market and food-bank rolled into one. There's lots of fresh produce and other good local foodstuffs available and it's good for your community and the environment to eat locally. And, if you have food that would otherwise go to waste, you can list it for donation to a local food distribution charity. The site works like a classified ad section, and it's free to use. Includes a Farmers' Market Directory.

New York State Farmers' Markets Directory

NYS Dept of Agriculture & Markets map directory of Farmers' Market in New York State.

New York Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NYSAWG)

The New York Sustainable Agriculture Working Group serves people who produce food and who consume food in NYS by learning about their interests, building their capacity to develop self-reliant community-based food systems and sharing those interest with policy makers at local, state and federal levels.


The common people are virtually universally against National Animal Identification Syytem (NAIS) once they know about it. The problem is most people don’t know about NAIS because the USDA has been slipping it under the door without legislative review.  So, I have started this blog to help spread the word about the various groups fighting NAIS. I want to get the information out to the public so they can fight for their rights to raise their own food without government interference.

Northeast Farmer, The

The Northeast Farmer is a hub of  regional news, opinions, and comments.  Check out this site for topical discussion and a great list of links.

Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance

A resource for organic dairy farmers, organic milk producers and consumers interested in organic dairy farming and products.

Northeast Organic Farming Association

General site for information regarding the seven State NOFA organizations.

Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG)

The Purpose of the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG) is to build a sustainable food and agriculture system... one that is environmentally sound, economically viable, socially just and produces safe, nutritious food.

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

Research & Education Services for Farmers & Students.

Organic Agriculture at Cornell

The mission of the Organic Production and Marketing Program Work Team is to foster and increase meaningful applied and basic research, teaching and extension programs in all aspects of organic agriculture for New York State.

Organic Center, The

Our mission is to generate credible, peer reviewed scientific information and communicate the verifiable benefits of organic farming and products to society.

Organic Comsumers Association

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is a grassroots non-profit public interest organization campaigning for health, justice, and sustainability. The OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, corporate accountability, and environmental sustainability. We are the only organization in the US focused exclusively on the views and interests of the nation's estimated ten million organic consumers.

OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute)

The nonprofit Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) publishes and disseminates generic and specific (brand name) lists of materials allowed and prohibited for use in the production, processing, and handling of organic food and fiber.  OMRI also conducts scientific research and education on the use of materials by the organic industry.

Organic Monitor

Organic Monitor is a business research & consulting company that specialises on the global organic & related product industries.  We provide a range of business services to organisations that are active in these industries. Our services include business research publications, customised research and business consulting.

Organic Research Foundation

Fostering the imporvement and wide spread adoptation of organic farming practices.

Organic Seed Partnership

The Organic Seed Partnership will enhance and expand a set of existing complementary, regionally-focused activities to create a strong national network aimed at developing and delivering improved vegetable varieties selected for superior performance in organic systems.

Organic Trade Association

A membership-based business association for the organic industry in North America.

As with any quest for research information, its about sourcing the information thats important to you. With Organic Research Database you will have the perfect tool to identify and explore the information most relevant to your research.

Otsego County Reap the Benefits

Access local, state and federal resources for starting or expanding your venture in Otsego County, a premier location for innovative agribusiness.

Pesticide Action Network North America

Advancing alternatives to pesticides in Worldwide farming.

Politics of Food

Politics of Food is part of a national movement of community school gardens integrating cultural and environmental history into the curriculum through gardening experience.


To coordinate the efforts of producer marketing groups to benefit and sustain organic producers by providing Target Price List and Livestock Taget Price List.

PRICING: Organic Price Report

Just how much of a premium should you be charging for your organic grains and produce? Find out with The New Farm Organic Price Index® (OPX®). The OPX is an online tool that helps you price competitively. The tool tracks selected prices from the fruit, vegetable, herbs and grain sectors, comparing organic prices to conventional prices in markets across the country. Provided by the Rodale Institute.

PRICING: USDA Economic Research Service

The organic farmgate and wholesale price data set contains Monthly organic and conventional farmgate prices for broccoli and carrots, Monthly organic and conventional wholesale (first receiver) prices for poultry (broilers) and eggs, Monthly organic market (f.o.b. or spot) prices for grain and feedstuffs, Monthly organic and conventional wholesale prices for broccoli, carrots, and mesclun mix, and A limited set of organic prices (and corresponding conventional prices) for other fruits and vegetables from the Boston and San Francisco wholesale markets.

Public Citizen - Safe School Lunches

Protecting health, safety and democracy.

Randall Cattle Registry, Inc.

The Randall Cattle Registry, Inc. is a not-for-profit, non-stock Corporation incorporated in the State of Connecticut in March, 2001. The objective of The Randall Cattle Registry, Inc. is to protect, enhance and certify the purebred status of Randall cattle.

Regional Farm & Food Project

The mission of the Regional Farm & Food Project is to foster sustainable agriculture, and connect farmers and their communities in vibrant local food systems.


Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education helping advance sustainable farming systems.

Science Barge, The

The Science Barge is a prototype, sustainable urban farm and environmental education center. It is the only fully functioning demonstration of renewable energy supporting sustainable food production in New York City. The Science Barge grows tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce with zero net carbon emissions, zero chemical pesticides, and zero runoff. Growing food in the city is good for the environment and good for people. In a world of climate change, rapid urbanization, and increasing pollution, urban agriculture can help us live more sustainably.

Small Farm Today

The Original How-to Magazine of Alternative and Traditional Crops, Livestock, and Direct Marketing Established 1984.

Straw Revolution

"I believe that a revolution can begin from this one strand of straw. Seen at a glance, this rice straw may appear light and insignificant. Hardly anyone would believe that it could start a revolution. But I have come to realize the weight and power of this straw. For me, this revolution is very real." -- Masanobu Fukuoka, One Straw Revolution

True Cost of Food

 A campaign to promote sustainable food choices from the Sierra Club National Sustainable Consumption Committee.  We, the consumers, through our food choices, can stop the practices that harm our health, our planet, and our quality of life. The True Cost of Food is a 15 minute educational and entertaining DVD about sustainable food. Download the movie here.

Copyright © 2008 Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York, Inc. All rights reserved.