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Abstracts of Mycorrhizal Journal Articles
September 2008

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Baldi, A; Jain, A; Gupta, N; Srivastava, AK; Bisaria, VS. 2008. Co-culture of arbuscular mycorrhiza-like fungi (Piriformospora indica and Sebacina vermifera) with plant cells of Linum album for enhanced production of podophyllotoxins: a first report. BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 30(9):1671-1677.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Besserer, A; Becard, G; Jauneau, A; Roux, C; Sejalon-Delmas, N. 2008. GR24, a synthetic analog of strigolactones, stimulates the mitosis and growth of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora rosea by boosting its energy metabolism. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 148(1):402-413.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Cardoso, JA; de Lemos, EEP; dos Santos, TMC; Caetano, LC; Nogueira, MA. 2008. Mycorrhizal dependency of mangaba tree under increasing phosphorus levels. PESQUISA AGROPECUARIA BRASILEIRA. 43(7):887-892.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Carlsen, SCK; Fomsgaard, IS. 2008. Biologically active secondary metabolites in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) - a review focusing on contents in the plant, plant-pest interactions and transformation. CHEMOECOLOGY. 18(3):129-170.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Carriconde, F; Gardes, M; Jargeat, P; Heilmann-Clausen, J; Mouhamadou, B; Gryta, H. 2008. Population evidence of cryptic species and geographical structure in the cosmopolitan ectomycorrhizal fungus, Tricholoma scalpturatum. MICROBIAL ECOLOGY. 56(3):513-524.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Cesaro, P; van Tuinen, D; Copetta, A; Chatagnier, O; Berta, G; Gianinazzi, S; Lingua, G. 2008. Preferential colonization of Solanum tuberosum L. roots by the fungus Glomus intraradices in arable soil of a potato farming area. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 74(18):5776-5783.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Cornejo, P; Rubio, R; Boric, F. 2008. Effect of nitrogen source on some rhizospheric propertiesand persistence of mycorrhizal fungal propagules in an andisol. CHILEAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. 68(2):119-127.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Courty, PE; Franc, A; Pierrat, JC; Garbaye, J. 2008. Temporal changes in the ectomycorrhizal community in two soil horizons of a temperate oak forest. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 74(18):5792-5801.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Echeverria, M; Scambato, AA; Sannazzaro, AI; Maiale, S; Ruiz, OA; Menendez, AB. 2008. Phenotypic plasticity with respect to salt stress response by Lotus glaber: the role of its AM fungal and rhizobial symbionts. MYCORRHIZA. 18(6-7):317-329.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Flores, R; Diaz, G; Honrubia, M. 2008. Mycorrhizal synthesis and basidioma primordium formation between Abies guatemalensis and Laccaria bicolor. NOVA HEDWIGIA. 87(1-2):153-160.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Fournier, A; Enkerli, J; Keller, S; Widmer, F. 2008. A PCR-based tool for the cultivation-independent monitoring of Pandora neoaphidis. JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY. 99(1):49-56.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Franco, AD; Garcia, JRS; Cano, IG; Perez, NM. 2008. Impact of tillage and arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation on charcoal rot and yield of maize under semiarid conditions. REVISTA FITOTECNIA MEXICANA. 31(3):257-263.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Fulgenzi, TD; Mayor, JR; Henkel, TW; Halling, RE. 2008. New species of Boletellus from Guyana. MYCOLOGIA. 100(3):490-495.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Geml, J; Tulloss, RE; Laursen, GA; Sazanova, NA; Taylor, DL. 2008. Evidence for strong inter- and intracontinental phylogeographic structure in Amanita muscaria, a wind-dispersed ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION. 48(2):694-701.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Gomez-Roldan, V; Fermas, S; Brewer, PB; Puech-Pages, V; Dun, EA; Pillot, JP; Letisse, F; Matusova, R; Danoun, S; Portais, JC; Bouwmeester, H; Becard, G; Beveridge, CA; Rameau, C; Rochange, SF. 2008. Strigolactone inhibition of shoot branching. NATURE. 455(7210):189-U22.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Haselwandter, K. 2008. Structure and function of siderophores produced by mycorrhizal fungi. MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE. 72(1):61-64.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Hedh, J; Samson, P; Erland, S; Tunlid, A. 2008. Multiple gene genealogies and species recognition in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus. MYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 112(8):965-975.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Herrera-Medina, MJ; Tamayo, MI; Vierheilig, H; Ocampo, JA; Garcia-Garrido, JM. 2008. The jasmonic acid signalling pathway restricts the development of the arbuscular mycorrhizal association in tomato. JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION. 27(3):221-230.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Hobbie, EA; Hobbie, JE. 2008. Natural abundance of N-15 in nitrogen-limited forests and tundra can estimate nitrogen cycling through mycorrhizal fungi: A review. ECOSYSTEMS. 11(5):815-830.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Huang, BQ; Yang, XQ; Yu, FH; Luo, YB; Tai, YD. 2008. Surprisingly high orchid diversity in travertine and forest areas in the Huanglong valley, China, and implications for conservation. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. 17(11):2773-2786.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Hubert, NA; Gehring, CA. 2008. Neighboring trees affect ectomycorrhizal fungal community composition in a woodland-forest ecotone. MYCORRHIZA. 18(6-7):363-374.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Jaderlund, L; Arthurson, V; Granhall, U; Jansson, JK. 2008. Specific interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting bacteria: as revealed by different combinations. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS. 287(2):174-180.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Jakucs, E; Eros-Honti, Z. 2008. Morphological-anatomical characterization and identification of Tomentella ectomycorrhizas. MYCORRHIZA. 18(6-7):277-285.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Kondratkov, PV. 2008. Mycorrhiza and vitality structure of cenopopulation in Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 39(5):375-378.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Laird, RA; Addicott, JF. 2008. Neutral indirect effects of mycorrhizal fungi on a specialist insect herbivore. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY. 37(4):1017-1024.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Lamba, P; Sharma, S; Munshi, GD; Munshi, SK. 2008. Biochemical changes in sunflower plants due to seed treatment/spray application with biocontrol agents. PHYTOPARASITICA. 36(4):388-399.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Langer, I; Krpata, D; Peintner, U; Wenzel, WW; Schweiger, P. 2008. Media formulation influences in vitro ectomycorrhizal synthesis on the European aspen Populus tremula L. MYCORRHIZA. 18(6-7):297-307.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Leake, JR; Duran, AL; Hardy, KE; Johnson, I; Beerling, DJ; Banwart, SA; Smits, MM. 2008. Biological weathering in soil: the role of symbiotic root-associated fungi biosensing minerals and directing phiotosynthate-energy into grain-scale mineral weathering. MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE. 72(1):85-89.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Likar, M; Bukovnik, U; Kreft, I; Chrungoo, NK; Regvar, M. 2008. Mycorrhizal status and diversity of fungal endophytes in roots of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and tartary buckwheat(F-tataricum). MYCORRHIZA. 18(6-7):309-315.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Liu, JY; Versaw, WK; Pumplin, N; Gomez, SK; Blaylock, LA; Harrison, MJ. 2008. Closely related members of the Medicago truncatula PHT1 phosphate transporter gene family encode phosphate transporters with distinct biochemical activities. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 283(36):24673-24681.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Lombardo, VT; Hopkins, SE; Selosse, MA; Cozzolino, S; Taylor, DL. 2008. Isolation and characterization of new polymorphic microsatellite loci in the mixotrophic orchid Limodorum abortivum L. Swartz (Orchidaceae). MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES. 8(5):1117-1120.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Maeta, K; Koike, A; Mukaiyama, H; Ochi, T; Terashita, T; Kitamoto, Y; Aimi, T. 2008. Preparation and crossing of mating-capable monokaryons via protoplasting of the dikaryotic mycelia of a mycorrhizal mushroom, Lyophyllum shimeji. JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE. 54(4):337-340.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Muhlmann, O; Peintner, U. 2008. Ectomycorrhiza of Kobresia myosuroides at a primary successional glacier forefront. MYCORRHIZA. 18(6-7):355-362.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Nieminen, JK. 2008. Linking food webs to ecosystem processes: Piecewise linear models of soil microcosms. ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. 217(1-2):87-94.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Oaks, JR; Daul, JM; Adler, GH. 2008. Life span of a tropical forest rodent, Proechimys semispinosus. JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY. 89(4):904-908.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Ogura-Tsujita, Y; Yukawa, T. 2008. Epipactis helleborine shows strong mycorrhizal preference towards ectomycorrhizal fungi with contrasting geographic distributions in Japan. MYCORRHIZA. 18(6-7):331-338.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Reinecke, A; Muller, F; Hilker, M. 2008. Attractiveness of CO2 released by root respiration fades on the background of root exudates. BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY. 9(5):568-576.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Robinson, RM; Mellican, AE; Smith, RH. 2008. Epigeous macrofungal succession in the first five years following a wildfire in karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) regrowth forest in Western Australia. AUSTRAL ECOLOGY. 33(6):807-820.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Rosling, A; Rosenstock, N. 2008. Ectomycorrhizal fungi in mineral soil. MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE. 72(1):127-130.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Rowe, EC; Smart, SM; Kennedy, VH; Emmett, BA; Evans, CD. 2008. Nitrogen deposition increases the acquisition of phosphorus and potassium by heather Calluna vulgaris. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. 155(2):201-207.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Scattolin, L; Montecchio, L; Mosca, E; Agerer, R. 2008. Vertical distribution of the ectomycorrhizal community in the top soil of Norway spruce stands. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH. 127(5):347-357.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Schmidt, SK; Sobieniak-Wiseman, LC; Kageyama, SA; Halloy, SRP; Schadt, CW. 2008. Mycorrhizal and dark-septate fungi in plant roots above 4270 meters elevation in the Andes and Rocky Mountains. ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH. 40(3):576-583.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Sheng, M; Tang, M; Chen, H; Yang, BW; Zhang, FF; Huang, YH. 2008. Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizae on photosynthesis and water status of maize plants under salt stress. MYCORRHIZA. 18(6-7):287-296.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Smits, MM; Bonneville, S; Haward, S; Leake, JR. 2008. Ectomycorrhizal weathering, a matter of scale? MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE. 72(1):131-134.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Stankeviciene, D; Kasparavicius, J; Rudawska, M; Iwanski, M. 2008. Studies of ectomycorrhizal fungi above- and belowground in the 50-year-old Pinus sylvestris L. forest. BALTIC FORESTRY. 14(1):7-15.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Sun, Z; Hans, J; Walter, MH; Matusova, R; Beekwilder, J; Verstappen, FWA; Ming, Z; van Echtelt, E; Strack, D; Bisseling, T; Bouwmeester, HJ. 2008. Cloning and characterisation of a maize carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase (ZmCCD1) and its involvement in the biosynthesis of apocarotenoids with various roles in mutualistic and parasitic interactions. PLANTA. 228(5):789-801.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Tang, M; Zhang, RQ; Chen, H; Zhang, HH; Tian, ZQ. 2008. Induced hydrolytic enzymes of ectomycorrhizal fungi against pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 30(10):1777-1782.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Treseder, KK. 2008. Nitrogen additions and microbial biomass: a meta-analysis of ecosystem studies. ECOLOGY LETTERS. 11(10):1111-1120.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Umehara, M; Hanada, A; Yoshida, S; Akiyama, K; Arite, T; Takeda-Kamiya, N; Magome, H; Kamiya, Y; Shirasu, K; Yoneyama, K; Kyozuka, J; Yamaguchi, S. 2008. Inhibition of shoot branching by new terpenoid plant hormones. NATURE. 455(7210):195-U29.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Upson, R; Newsham, KK; Read, DJ. 2008. Root-fungal associations of Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica in the maritime and subantarctic. ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH. 40(3):592-599.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Urban, A; Puschenreiter, M; Strauss, J; Gorfer, M. 2008. Diversity and structure of ectomycorrhizal and co-associated fungal communities in a serpentine soil. MYCORRHIZA. 18(6-7):339-354.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Van Wees, SCM; Van der Ent, S; Pieterse, CMJ. 2008. Plant immune responses triggered by beneficial microbes. CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY. 11(4):443-448.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Wang, ZH; Zhang, JL; Christie, P; Li, XL. 2008. Influence of inoculation with Glomus mosseae or Acaulospora morrowiae on arsenic uptake and translocation by maize. PLANT AND SOIL. 311(1-2):235-244.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Wenke, L. 2008. N, P Contribution and soil adaptability of four arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA SECTION B-SOIL AND PLANT SCIENCE. 58(3):285-288.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Wilson, MJ; Certini, G; Campbell, CD; Anderson, IC; Hillier, S. 2008. Does the preferential microbial colonisation of ferromagnesian minerals affect mineral weathering in soil? NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. 95(9):851-858.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Yamada, A; Kitamura, D; Setoguchi, M; Matsuda, Y; Hashimoto, Y; Matsushita, N; Fukuda, M. 2008. Monotropastrum humile var. humile is associated with diverse ectomycorrhizal Russulaceae fungi in Japanese forests. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 23(6):983-993.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Zeller, B; Brechet, C; Maurice, JP; Le Tacon, F. 2008. Saprotrophic versus symbiotic strategy during truffle ascocarp development under holm oak. A response based on C-13 and N-15 natural abundance. ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE. 65(6):607.
  - Abstract; reprint address

Zhou, ZS; Huang, SQ; Yang, ZM. 2008. Bioinformatic identification and expression analysis of new microRNAs from Medicago truncatula. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. 374(3):538-542.
  - Abstract; reprint address


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