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Condor tours offered 2nd Sunday of every month.

Welcome to Ventana Wildlife Society
In California alone there are 130 species of animals in the wild threatened or endangered with extinction. Ventana Wildlife Society is committed to conserving native wildlife and their habitats. Rather than dwelling on past mistakes that brought many of our wild animals to the brink, we focus on the present. We recover individual species and track the populations of many others so that conservation can be timely as well as effective. Focusing on youth education, we better ensure that future generations have the willingness and capacity to help wildlife. Our vision is to have a society who cares for and supports wildlife across the planet, particularly in California.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company has long supported Ventana Wildlife Society in our work to restore bald eagles and more recently California condors to the wild. In late 2011, PG&E concluded a $4.2 million project to provide permanent protection to condors in Big Sur. See video to find out what they did.

Our Mission
Conserving native wildlife and their habitats.

Learn more about Condors in Notes from the Field. Track biologists monthly updates.
Notes from the Field

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Condor Tours

2011 Annual Report
2011 Annual Report(pdf)

Big Sur Eco-Week Internship Program

New Parent/Child
Nature Awareness Class


Discovery Center

Youth Programming


Condor Videos

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Thank you for your interest in joining Ventana Wildlife Society. Your support allows us to continue to better serve our community and the environment through our inspirational education programs, active research and monitoring programs and our important restoration projects. Our mission is to conserve native wildlife and their habitats.

You can Join or Renew online using our secure online system for entering credit card information or Join by Mail with our pdf form to be printed and mailed with your check or credit card information. Note: To make a donation without joining VWS, please use our Donation page.


Give to VWS
To make an online donation to Ventana Wildlife Society, please use our secure system for entering credit cardinformation. To donate by mail, please print this form and mail it with your check or credit card information.

Ventana Wildlife Society is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501©3 non-profit organization.