Minutes of the Industrial Hygiene
Coordinating Committee Meeting
Denver, Colorado February 8-9, 1995


Michael C. Garcia, Chairman of the Industrial Hygiene Coordinating Committee (IHCC), called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m., on February 8, 1995. The following members were present:

Michael Garcia Albuquerque Operations Office
Don Harvey DP-31, HQ
Jim Slawski DP-31, HQ
David Weitzman EH-511, HQ
John Serocki EM-23, HQ
Harvey Grasso Oakland Operations Office
Janet Torma-Krajewski Rocky Flats Field Office
D. Curtis Watson Richland Operations Office
Lakshimi Singh Savannah River
William Burke YMSCPO
David Moore YMSCPO
Dustin Simonson Weston, Inc.

1. Industrial Hygiene Qualification Standard

John Serocki prepared a draft rewrite of the IH Qualification Standard. The Committee discussed options for incorporating changes proposed by John as part of the final version of the Qualification Standard. Specific questions were raised on the definition of IH subject matter experts and criteria for establishing IH qualifications. After further discussion the Committee agreed on the following actions:

  • Consolidate the Committee’s comments on the proposed draft re-write of the IH Qualification Standard;
  • Schedule a meeting with Roy Gibbs, EH, to discuss the Committee’s position regarding the Qualification Standard. A meeting will be scheduled for February 14, 1995, to discuss the Qualification Standard. Members of the Committee scheduled to attend the meeting are: Don Harvey, Mike Garcia, and John Serocki;
  • The Committee agreed to develop a point paper to discuss the Committee’s concern with the Qualification process. Members of the Committee volunteering to work on the point paper are as follows: Mike Garcia, Harvey Grasso and Bill Burke.

A proposal was made and passed to make the following specific changes:

  1. Replace HR General Technical Standards with guidelines developed by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene;
  2. Recognize CIH or Masters Degree in IH from an accredited University as meeting the competencies specified by the Standard;
  3. Page four of HR IH Draft Qualification Standard - Change Recommended

Background to Required Background.

Some of the Committee’s specific areas of concern regarding the Qualification Standard are summarized are summarized as follows:

  • Other options for the implementation of the Qualification Standard should be developed given the range of different organizations and the range of backgrounds of those professionals designated to provide support.
  • Clarification is required to address how the IH Qualification Standard will be used specifically for the different categories of IH professionals including: Professional Industrial Hygienists and IH support personnel.
  • Information is required on criteria for Supervisory Certification.
  • Clarification is required on the testing procedures for the Qualification Standard.
  • There is a concern regarding the need to identify the SME’s and peer groups who were involved in the review of the draft Standard.
  • A significant concern was raised by the Committee regarding the need to address the issue of experience and qualification of IH’s within DOE.
  • The contents of the draft Industrial Hygiene Qualification Standard briefing paper was discussed by members of the Committee. Several areas of concern were noted by members of the Committee. One concern involved the potential site impact related to specific training costs.

ACTION: A teleconference will be held on Monday, February 13, 1995; therefore, the briefing paper will be formalized into a memorandum and faxed out to Committee members on Friday, February 17, 1995.

2. SAR Review Standard -- John Serocki

John Serocki provide the Committee with an update on the SAR Review Standard. Nuclear Safety staff are currently in the process of developing operational guidance for contractors responsible for the SAR review process. One approach under consideration is the development of a Technical Standard. John Serocki and Jay Larson will continue to work with the Nuclear Safety staff representatives to ensure incorporation of applicable safety and health information as part of the final process. John Serocki agreed to prepare a summary document on the SAR Review Standard by the next IHCC meeting. Additional support from members of the Committee may be required following review of the draft.

3. 5483. OSH -- Don Harvey

Don Harvey provided the Committee with an update of actions taken to modify the DOE Order implementing the OSH requirements. The new Order, 5483.OSH, will include IH related requirements to enhance the implementation of ongoing safety and health programs. A concerted effort has been made to develop the new OSH Order consistent with the new format for all DOE Orders. The OSH Order has four major sections outlined as follows:

  1. OSH Program Requirements
    1. Management commitment
    2. Employee involvement
    3. Work-site analysis
    4. Hazard abatement and control
    5. Safety and Health training
  1. Standards
  2. Variances
  3. Reporting and Recordkeeping

Following further discussion a motion was made to approach the OSH Committee with a recommendation to include IH requirements as an integral part of the OSH Order.

Don Harvey agreed to support the initiative to include IH requirements as part of the OSH Order. In an effort to expedite the review Don Harvey suggested that comments from the Committee be forward directly to Monty Herr.

ACTION: Fax or E-mail comments to Monty Herr at 73302.1071@compuserve.com

FAX # 510-422-5176

DUE: February 21, 1995

Don Harvey will report back to the Committee following the scheduled OSH Committee meeting.

4. Annual Report -- Janet Torma-Krajewski

Janet Torma-Krajewski provided members of the Committee with copies of the draft Annual Report for final review and comment. Members of the Committee should forward all technical comments and suggested formatting changes directly to Janet Torma-Krajewski.

5. Beryllium Standard -- David Weitzman

According to David Weitzman, EH, the Assistant Secretary for Health and Safety,

Dr. Tara O’Toole, has expressed concern regarding the status of current DOE requirements to control workplace exposures to Beryllium. Therefore Dr. O’Toole has initiated an effort to develop a formal regulation to control and reduce potential exposures to Beryllium in the different DOE workplaces. Currently, Jackie Rogers, EH, is tasked with changing the draft DOE Beryllium guideline into a format consistent with the formal rulemaking requirements. David Weitzman is working with Jackie Rogers to develop the rule. Comments from the Committee should be forwarded directly to Jackie Rogers or David Weitzman.

6. HAZWOPER Handbook

The HAZWOPER Handbook is expected to be finalized by February 19, 1995. The expectation is that the "draft" Handbook will be field tested and be revised based on lessons learned from the field. A concerted effort will be necessary to ensure DOE contractors are provided necessary guidance.

7. Topics for IHCC Presentation at ES&H Conference

David Weitzman asked the Committee to provide ideas or topics for the IHCC presentation at the ES&H Conference. Some suggestions for topics proposed by members of the Committee were as follows:

    1. Emerging Issues
    2. Industrial Hygiene Initiatives
    3. New Health Standards from OSHA
    4. Exposure Assessment
    5. New NIOSH Initiatives
    6. Ergonomics
    7. Beryllium Surveillance
    8. 5483.OSH
    9. Performance Indicators
    10. IH Qualification Standard
    11. EM HASP Review Program
    12. HAZWOPER
    13. HEPA Filters

Specific suggestions regarding topics and or presentations for the meeting should be forwarded to David Weitzman.

8. IHCC Membership

The Committee discussed the need to update the current list of members. Updating the membership list would help to affirm senior management’s support and recognition for the Committee. A suggestion was made to distribute the soon to be approved Charter with a letter to Operations Office and Program Office Managers requesting identification of the respective Committee member.

ACTION: M. Garcia and H. Grasso will write a memorandum to all Operations Offices and Program Offices requesting appointment or reappointment of a member to the IHCC.

A copy of the approved Charter will be included as part of the distribution to the different offices.

9. Meeting Venue

After some discussion a the Committee reached a consensus regarding the site and date for the next meeting. The next IHCC meeting will be held on May 2-3, 1995 in Chicago, Illinois.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. on February 9, 1995.

Minutes Approved:



Michael C. Garcia, Chair



This page was last updated on December 06, 2007