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Land and Energy Conservation Toolbox

The Maine State Conservation Center is the flagship website for with the purpose of providing a comprehensive menu of conservation services and support for private landowners interested in sustainably managing the natural resources and open space on their land.

With additional funding, more states will be added to This will help to empower a nationwide network of citizen stewards with tools and resources to support wildlife habitat, open space, ecological and economic health, and energy efficiency. Providing the private landowner with conservation and estate planning information is a necessity to help maintain our nation's rural heritage as well as its ecological and economic sustainability. Visit the site

For over 65 years, conservation districts have worked in partnership with state and federal agencies and private organizations to deliver conservation assistance to private landowners nationwide. There are nearly 3000 conservation districts--one in almost every county. Now expanded to serve all the conservation needs of our nation, districts educate and help local citizens conserve land, water, forests, wildlife and other natural resources.Learn More »

The cooperative extension service is designed to help people use research based knowledge to improve their land. Administered through thousands of county extension offices, extension brings land-grant expertise to the most local of levels in affiliation with the state's designated land-grant universities.
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Climate Change, Carbon Management, and Green Resources
We are starting to provide listings of resources that will help you investigate your options and identify people or companies that can help you with your goals relating to sequestering carbon on your land, minimizing your carbon footprint, alternative energy options, and green building resources.
Take a look through some innovative energy saving / green products.
Find Green building professionals in your area.
Find Lawyers specializing in Climate Change

PLN, Wildlife Mississippi, The Longleaf Alliance, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Alabama Forest Resources Center, and Tara Wildlife have joined together to help forest landowners in the hurricane ravaged gulf states replant the 19 billion board feet of timber spread over five million acres in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. The Katrina Reforestation Outreach Program provides you with information about federal assistance programs designed to help pay the costs for the clean-up and salvage efforts and replanting. The KROP will connect you with forestry professionals, consultants, nurseries, seedling suppliers, and local experts to help you plan for and execute your reforestation efforts. Learn More about KROP

Energy Conservation Awareness Tools from the NRCS

Use online "energy estimator" tools to make energy-efficient conservation practice decisions. The NRCS has developed four on-line tools to help farmers and ranchers estimate the use and costs of their agricultural operations.
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Try the Tillage tool
Try the Nitrogen tool
Try the Irrigation tool
Try the Animal Housing tool

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Some articles from the Library to get you started

Conservation Easement Quiz
So you think you already know everything there is to know about conservation easements? Take the Conservation Easement Quiz and test your knowledge!

Basic Steps to Conveying a Conservation Easement
How does one go about donating or selling a conservation easement? There is no one right way to go about it. Find out more»

Tax Aspects of Donating Land or Conservation Easements
Are you looking for a summary of the tax savings that are available to private landowners who donate conservation properties. See some hypothetical examples of how much one couple could save.

Bundle Of Rights Approach To Value
In the appraisal of real estate, it is important to distinguish between real estate and real property. The bundle of rights theory maintains that ownership of a parcel of real estate may embrace a great many rights, such as the right to its occupancy and use. Find out more»

Conservation Easement Questions and Answers
Landscapes protected from development provide, at the very least, scenic pleasure to the myriad of residents and visitors each year in perpetuity. Find out more»

Tools For Reducing High Property Taxes in Maine
Many owners of real estate in coastal Maine are facing dramatic increases in their property taxes, read this article to learn about some easy ways to reduce one’s real estate tax liabilities. Find out more»

Search our Partner Database of Conservation Success Stories
What is Cooperative Conservation America? CCA is a public forum for collecting and sharing the cooperative conservation stories, lessons, models and achievements of all Americans. It provides citizen conservationists from every walk of life an opportunity to contribute to, and learn from, a common pool of conservation knowledge, tools, and practices – a cumulative and evolving database of information that will advance citizen stewardship, foster community-based conservation, encourage and support the vital role of private lands and landowners, and expand and strengthen shared governance in the care and conservation of America’s lands, waters, and wildlife.

Search the Cooperative Conservation Database

View a sampling of Success stories



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Related Resources
PLN Landowner
Conservation Districts

Land Trust Census

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Coastal Habitat Conservation Program

Contributions of capital gain real property for conservation purposes

Tools For Reducing High Property Taxes in Maine

Transferring Wealth through Land Conservation

Nebraska's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy

Maine's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy

California's Wildlife Action Plan

Working Forest Conservation Easements: A Primer for Forest Landowners

Adobe Acrobat PDF DocumentRanching as a Conservation Strategy

State Forester Speech: December 11, 2002

Texas' Wildlife Action Plan

PLN Professional
Adobe Acrobat PDF DocumentConservation Needs New Guiding Principles

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Adobe Acrobat PDF DocumentExamples of Agricultural Easement Language

Changes to Colorado's Conservation Income Tax Credit Law

Post-Mortem Donation of Conservation Easements

Legal Defense And Enforcement Of Conservation Easements


Adobe Acrobat PDF DocumentWhy Environmental Lawyers Should Know (and Care) About Land Trusts and Their Private Land Conservation Transactions

Court Opinions on Conservation Easements

Adobe Acrobat PDF DocumentIncreasing the Tax Incentives for Conservation Easement Donations



Adobe Acrobat PDF DocumentA Guide To The Tax Aspects Of Conservation Easement Contributions

Success Stories
Clinton River Spillway Bike Path Project

Partners in Restoration

The Irvine Ranch Land Reserve

Missouri SWCD/NRCS Partnership

Downeast Lakes Forestry Partnership

Platte River Habitat Partnership

Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan

Envision Utah

Integrating Desert Conservation, Visitor Services, and Public Safety

Compatible Use Buffer Program

Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!

Rio Grande Basin Initiative


Greater Yellowstone Mammal Migrations

Northeast Florida Islands Initiative Project

America’s Private Lands Conservation Partnership

Washington's Crossing

Central Texas Sustainability Partnership

Conserving Prairie Ranches, Ranchers, and Grassland Birds

Lewiston Initiates Community Investment with Bates Mill Redevelopment

Helping Indian Tribes Manage Natural Resources

Onslow Bight Conservation Forum

Confluence: A Conservation, Heritage & Recreation Corridor

Quabbin to Cardigan Collaborative

Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program

Implementation of a Scientifically Credible IPM Approach to Control Invasive Species and Restore Native Prairie

Wet Mountain Valley

Wildlife Forever – Minnesota Twins Bass Fishing Classic

Audubon California Landowner Stewardship Program

Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Partnership


West Branch Project, Maine

Water Reservoir Project

Nebraska Partnership for All-Bird Conservation

Upper Snake River Land Conservation Project

Action Teams for the Environment

Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership

Southern Nevada Lands Partnership

Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration

Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science in Tampa Bay

Grand County / BLM Recreation Partnerships

Southern Appalachian Elk Restoration

Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve

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Affiliated Sites:
Conservation Tax Center Adopt an Acre, Save a Ranch Katrina Reforestation Outreach Program Cooperative Conservation America Resources First Foundation Maine State Conservation Center
Our Supporters:
ExxonMobil Foundation    NRCS      Weeden Foundation          Hunter Panels           National Woodland Owners Association USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry
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