
National Guard Armory 8-28-2014 (1) (800x355)

City of Socorro Gains Owership of the National Guard Armory

A ceremony took place on September 2, 2014 at the National Guard Armory to transfer the ownership from the New Mexico National Guard to the City of Socorro. The Armory will be renovated into the City’s Convention Center. Mayor Bhasker and General Salas shake hands after signing over the deed. Attendees at the Ceremony. Councilman Peter Romero, Mayor Ravi […]

Socorro Chile sub7-2 Approved7-3


There is nothing better than fresh New Mexico chile produced in the rich farm lands of the Rio Grande and the Socorro area has many local family farmers who raise more than five varieties of green chile. Click here to find out where to buy the best chile in New Mexico.  

Resolution No. 14-07-21 – Encouraging a Decision by SEC Member/Owners Regarding Municipal Acquisition

On July 21, 2014 the Governing Body of the City of Socorro passed Resolution No. 14-07-21 encouraging the Socorro Electric Cooperative, Inc. to have an official and binding cooperative meeting to vote either yes or no for the City of Socorro to aggressively pursue the acquisition of the City portion of SEC (outlined in Resolution […]

Socorro Electric Cooperative, Inc. Complaint Form Pertaining to Delivery of Service and Customer Service

Resolution No. 14-06-16 Authorizes the City Administration to: Receive complaints concerning Socorro Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SEC) and investigate the feasibility of acquiring that portion of SEC serving the City of Socorro. Click her for Complaint Form