The Don't Panic Eat Organic Home page was Last Updated Jan. 13,2009

You are the to visit this page . Counter installed April 28,1996

An organic growers home page! It is growing like everything else around here!

These are some of the places i have been on the net.. make up your own mind .


Prince Charles warns GM crops risk causing the biggest-ever environmental disaster

Pennsylvania changes course and allows farmers to alert consumers that they do—or don't—ply their dairy cows with hormones

Organic Price Report Rodale Institute

MetroFarm... The Online Magazine of Metropolitan Agriculture

The Whole Earth Catalog

Genetically Modified Crops Implicated in Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder


Official: organic really is better -
Leifert said the government was wrong about there being no difference between organic and conventional produce. “There is enough evidence now that the level of good things is higher in organics

You Bet Your Garden

Home-grown veg ruined by toxic fertiliser Gardeners have been warned not to eat home-grown vegetables contaminated by a powerful new herbicide that is destroying gardens and allotments across the UK

Scientists create Britain's first hybrid embryos where's the beaf?

Children that Switch from Conventionally Grown to Organically Grown Fruits and Vegetables found to have reduced levels of Organophosphorus Pesticides in their Urine study in PDF Don't panic eat organic.

USDA Recommends That Food From Clones Stay Off the Market too late you could be eatting it . don't panic buy organic

Organic Farming Beats No-Till?
Five Easy Ways to Go Organic

IFOAM The Principles of Organic Agriculture

There's a long and full talk in six parts by Jeffrey Smith, author of
Seeds of Deception,
at YouTube .also check out Genetically Modified Organisms - unnatural selection

Scientific Status Summary on the Organic Food Industry


Organic crops perform up to 100 percent better
in drought and flood years

Biotech instills fear and loathing in California rice belt

GM: The cover-up
Revealed: Government food watchdog gave green light to supermarkets to sell 'illegal' genetically modified rice

Long-grain rice had become inadvertently contaminated with a genetically engineered variety not approved for human consumption. Remember starlink Showing the world "folks we cannot control the GMO. Do not panic think Organic "

Also see Unapproved Rice Strain Found in Wide Area

Europe was right to ban the beef industry from using growth promoters to increase yield

Cute flash movie Organic vs. Non O.

Organic Federation of Australia Awards -2003
* The Food Forest - Best Organic Producer

Organic milk 'higher in vitamins'

Organic vegetables may contain higher levels of health-giving chemicals, claim Scottish researchers.

Organic farms 'benefit wildlife'

Organic farming could produce enough food to feed large populations, according to British scientists at the Festival of
Science in Sheffield

Organic food 'better' for heart


Organic Farmer Jon Tester Elected to United States Senate

VICTORY! MENDOCINO COUNTY FIRST COUNTY IN NATION TO BAN THE GROWING OF GENETICALLY ALTERED CROPS AND ANIMALS Right against might!!. . Now let the USDA know GMOs are contaminating organic food supply and we can not protect our product.

Groups Challenge EPA’s ‘Industry friendly’ Pesticide Rules -Two recent actions by environmental health watchdogs foreshadow a showdown between corporations and public-interest advocates over the safety of toxins marketed as pesticides

The New Farm }Guide to US Organic Certifiers


The entire book "Building Soils for Better Crops"

Breathing pesticides 'can trigger MS and Parkinson's disease'


Scientists aim for lab-grown meat

Roundup®highly lethal to amphibians, finds University of Pittsburgh researcher

What's Bugging You? It Could Be Pesticides

Seeds of doubt: North American farmers' experiences of GM crops

get your copy Seeds of doubt


Soil Association response to GM contamination of Soy products


Welcome to the Saskatchewan Organic Directorate Website

U.N. conference: Large-scale switch to organic agriculture could help fight world hunger

Lawsuit Challenges Unscientific FDA Policy on Gene-Altered Foods

SoilWiki-Discussion & Articles


AMS provides current, unbiased price and sales information to assist in the orderly marketing and distribution of farm commodities.

Wholesale (Terminal) Market Price Reports

Welcome to the OPX™, a comparison of conventional and organic prices for over 40 products, from grains to vegetables

The 24 scientists on the ISP published their report, The Case for a
GM-Free Sustainable World on the ISP website .pdf file15 June 2003

Rice with human genes: pharming in California

Babies as Guinea Pigs: Biotech company turns two Peruvian hospitals into laboratories



U.S. House of Representatives Gives $3 Million Boost
to USDA Organic Research Program




A federal judge has ruled that U.S. agriculture officials violated environmental laws in permitting four companies to plant genetically modified crops in Hawaii to produce experimental drugs


GM Watch

check out the Newsletter Archive



NASDA to support research and>marketing assistance for organic agriculture
Toxins Cited in Farmed Salmon


completely redesigned site. SARE

Farm Business and Household Survey Data: Customized Data Summaries from ARMS

Why Food Safety Will Continue Driving Growth in Demand for Organic Food {.pdf}---------Clearly, the U.S.D.A. needs to look anew at recent data on pesticide residues in conventional and organic foods and reconsider its message, in the interest of restoring confidence in the Department’s scientific abilities and openness to new information.

Symposium Proceedings::

Organic Agriculture: Innovations in Organic Marketing, Technology, and Research

Handy Farm Devices and
How to Make Them

Some Pictures Don't panic grow organic

One of the most important things going on right now in the organic movement is Compost Tea. You have to kow what you are doing and have a good understanding of what compost tea is all about to understand how great this will be to mankind. I am learning about it at Yahoo Groups and joining the compost tea group . and searching the Sanet-MG Archives and doing a Search for compost tea.

Let the soil work for us-E.T. Elliott and D.C. Coleman

Ag scientists feel the heat The heat comes from individual farmers, commodity groups and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which finances and controls much of the research

Genetically Modified Morals A Global Food Fight by Kathleen McAfee

Organic Agriculture Information website

Organic Farming Research Foundation

Organophosphorus pesticide exposure of urban and suburban pre-school children with organic and conventional diets. Eating organic food reduces exposure to pesticides. Don't panic eat organic .

Forest Garden by Robert Hart

Companion plants

Organic Kingdom, a premier organic food supplier offering bulk foods

Organic Kitchen

Plants For A Future
Organic food might reduce heart attacks Eating organic food may help reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer. .

Health begins in the soilWelcome To The Holistic Agriculture Library



Atrazine Poisoning Worse Than Suspected

Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)

The Beyond Organic Show


Tom Clothier's Garden Walk and Talk

Field study finds deformed frogs
UC Berkeley prof's research links pesticide to abnormalities

FDA Gives Green Light to
Deceptive Labels on Irradiated Food

Many Conventional Foods Contain Toxic Levels of Pesticides

Monsanto Bows to Pressure on GE Wheat

Organic Ecology! See where it’s happening in MN


Federal Court Bans Frankenfish & Antibiotics

Oregon Tilth

Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers =A website geared to improving accessibility to quality organic content online, and upgrading farmers' capacities to access that information.

EU Parliament Takes Strong Stand on Frankenfoods

Greenpeace Report Shows GE Industry in Trouble

The OFA is the peak industry body for the Australian organic and biodynamic industry.

USDA FAS GAIN Report NZ pdf format A study by the NZ Ministry for the Environment finds support for the importance of a GE-free


The North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX) is a network of individuals throughout the United States and Canada devoted to the discovery, cultivation and appreciation of superior varieties of fruits and nuts

Wendell Berry-Death of the American Family Farm

Why Small Farms Matter


Read the National Standards on Organic Agricultural Production and Handling USDA

U.S. Organic Farming Emerges in the 1990s: Adoption of Certified Systems pdf.file

HERBICIDES MAY COMPLICATE PREGNANCIES =The EnviroLink Network links to news stories from leading publications and media sources around the world.

Organic Links directory

Organic labeling process unnatural, growers declare
System aims to weed out rule-breakers; many farmers wary of cost, bureaucracy.

Organic Consumers Association =Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods & Crops

Anthony Rodale, Chairman of the Rodale Institute, spearheads The Institute in its mission to move the U.S., and indeed, the world,
toward sustainable, "regenerative" agriculture and also check out their, aimed at farmers ..


Genetically-modified superweeds "not uncommon

GM crop DNA found in human gut bugs For the first time, it has been proved that bacteria in the human gut can take up DNA from genetically modified food.

Today, the National Organic Rule is a bureaucratic product the original vision of organic farming as ecologically sustainable agriculture practiced by small farmers is giving way to big business. Organic's success is sowing the seeds of its own co-optation. Further derailing the organic mission, says Gould, are the increasing costs of certification, which disproportionately harm small growers

Remembering that Organic growers don't use Pesticides still there is a lot of good information at California Master Gardener Lecture Series using real radio.kick back and learn.

An interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva
"The deeper you can manipulate living structures
the more you can control food and medicine."


Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference

The Organic Farming Movement in Cuba pdf format


Organic farming 'a realistic choice' After a 21-year study, Swiss scientists have given a ringing endorsement to organic farming methods.

Witness Statement for New Zealand Royal Commission on Genetic Engineering It is no longer a moratorium that is needed. GM crops are unsafe and unsustainable as well as immoral.

Breaking free from biotech in Vermont I happen to think there's an incredible economic advantage for Vermont to go gmo-free," says Zuckerman, referring to genetically modified organisms. also check Colorado county may follow its seat by banning GMOs

Organic Livestock Feed Suppliers

IFOAM 2002 Organic World Congress "Cultivating Communities" August 21-28, 2002, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Terra Viva Organics

Welcome to

Organic Information Resources

Organic Signpost

Organic Volunteers .com's e- wwoof is a USA wwoof program.

Organic Agriculture website

Beautiful Beds and Borders That Help Control Pests

Smart Marketing Newletters

Soil And Health Library-(PC titles:)
The City Forest, Yeomans
The Challenge of Landscape, Yeomans

Friend Earthworm, Oliver
Pay Dirt, JI Rodale
The Clifton Park System of Farming, Elliot
Soil and Sense, Graham
High Road To Hunza, Mons
Health and Survival In the 21st Century, Home

"Swiss Organic Market 2000 - Continuation of the market growth" by Dr. Toralf Richter and Jürn Sanders .pdf file

OrganicTrade Services This Web site serves as a "portal" to the organic industry in the UK.

Organic Trader is an online trading network dedicated to bringing suppliers the best possible price and consistent competition for their products. Suppliers, buyers and distributors use this site to locate, request and buy/sell organic products.



Iceland puts organic food on menu

Food for Thought


Dietrick Institute for Applied Insect Ecology


Welcome to

Organic Advocates raising awareness and support for organic agriculture

News Articles About OPEG and the New Zealand Organic Industry

"Reap New Profits: Marketing Strategies for Farmers & Ranchers," a PowerPoint presentation. This latest informational product from CSREES' Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) is intended for ag professionals who want to help small and medium-size farm operations prosper/For more information about SAN books and free bulletins -- a collection of farmer-ready resources that spell out ways to increase profits while improving the environment and communities

WHAT ON EARTH? The Washington Post says {Organic agriculture* is thriving, driven by consumer demand and growing dissatisfaction with conventional farming practices. More than 18 million acres are now devoted to certified organic agriculture in 130 nations, according to a recent U.N. survey. Consumers have become wary of cows or chickens whose growth has been enhanced by hormones and of produce that may have pesticide residues.}

Why Organic ? Is organic grown safer for mankind and the earth ? If you can't take the heat you don't want to go here.The Kitchen

There are agricultural products, including personal care products, that, by
virtue of their organic agricultural product content, may meet the NOP

Press The Barn Owl and learn more about this flying cat and how he can help the organic farmer. Also check out the Barn Owl Project


OWL CAM be online 24 hours a day

Artificial Perches for RaptorsPress if you want the plans and instructions to build perches

SIGHTS & SOUNDS FROM THE RAPTOR CENTER where you will find pictures and calls of RaptorsThe Raptor Center

The Rushcliffe Barn Owl Project

SOIL MICROORGANISMS AND HIGHER PLANTS by N. A. Krasil'nikov from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Institute of Microbiology while there also check out the other papers at To The Holistic Agriculture Library

Garden Pests and Problems & What to do about them-keep an eye on this site it look to be a good one.

Organic Food Boom: 10% of European Farms Will Be Organic by 2005

Edible Flowers This extensive list represents all varieties that are native, wild or are derived from natural selections


Organic Foods Are Booming in Great Britain

Organic Gardening From Down Under

THE ORGANIC FARMERS MARKETING ASSOCIATION! this Website has been created to bring together organic farmers, consumers and supporters of organic agriculture

Small farm resources Organics

A new Day Range Poultry discussion group has been formed at

Controlling weeds and pests Weeds

U.S. Organic AgricultureOrganic farming became one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture during the 1990's

MetroFarm.comThe Electronic Magazine of Metropolitan Agriculture . check out the radio archives -

Farm Management Planning Guide Projected 2000 Organic Crop Budgets South Central North Dakota

The Organic Materials Review InstituteOMRI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to benefit the organic community and the general public.

This is a talk by Jan DietrickCat the Acres U.S.A. Eco-Ag Conference To play this .ra file you will need the RealAudio Player.The Dietrick Institute for Applied Insect Ecology A non-profit public benefit corporation since October 1996 headquartered in Ventura, CA. The Institute offers education and research programs that promote the use of biological pest management strategies based on maintaining, restoring or enhancing the diversity of organisms in soil and above-ground foodwebs. Sorry for the poor sound .

Also the CLIPS FROM THE ECO-FARM CONFRENCE -they will take a while to download but the sound is much improved

    1996 ECO-FARM CONFERENCE Beneficial Insects
  1. jan1b.rm
  2. jan2a.rm
  3. jan3a.rm
  4. jan4a.rm
  5. jan5a.rm
  6. Part 1Part 1- 991448k
  7. Part 2Part2-1369248k
  8. Part 3Part3-2009204k
  9. Part 4Part4-854116k
  10. Part 5Part5-2465124k

Notes from Farm Field Day #1Choosing Borders and Interplantings for Natural Control of Pests Plant them and they will come!


This was a great event:Soil Ecology SeminarA big thank you to Dr. Elaine Ingham (Oregon State University) told me it was ok to post Scientific Basis for Biological Farming and Natural Control of Soil Insects and Disease

To an organic grower knowing what life is in the soil and how to improve that life is far more important than NPK and now organic growers can check soil life and get a meaningful soil test at The Soil Foodweb lab


Experts Talk Soil at MOFGA Meetings by Jean English


Mulch and Mulch-Related Information tryMULCH-BASED AGRICULTURE GROUPI

I also found a good link in the California Cherimoya Association Newsletter toUC Pest Management GuidelinesOver 15yr. of IPM knowledge from University of California at Davis,major pests with color photos,biologies,monitoring methods,and Some ORGANICALLY ACCEPTABLE METHODS and treatment strategies remember organic growers don't need any stinking herbicides or pesticides.

National Biological Control Institute USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Sustainable Practices for Vegetable Production in the South By Dr. Mary M. Peet - North Carolina State University more IPM than organic but lots of useful information.

Newsletter International Organization for Biological Control

Using Weeds as Indicators of Turf Management and Environmental Conditions and Weeds as Indicators Of Soil Conditions

Dr. Bargyla Rateaver a comprehensive archive of information and sources about the Organic Method of growing plants

You're a what??!! an Organic Gardener??!! Part 1

Lunar Agriculture or... Moon Planting or Gardening By The Moon

Alternative Agriculture News Back Issues From the Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture.

ATTRA - Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas - is a leading information source for farmers and Extension agents thinking about sustainable farming practices.

Permaculture Research Institute

Danish organic English versions from the central Danish Organic web site

GaiaOne Knowledge Systems A Network for Farmers, Gardeners, Consumers & Industry Professionals Working Together To Bring Organic Food To The WORLD!

The Prince of Wales web sight

Organic Gardening and Farming The Environment lots of great links


Organic Farming Research

Compost Teas for Plant Disease Control Pest Management Technical Note

I think you would enjoy checking out Howard Garrett's web page at Mr. Garrett has an Organic Gardening show on WBAP 820 am radio out of Dallas Texas.

Sustainable Farming ConnectionWhere farmers find and share information

Small Flock Series: Incubation of Poultry Jesse J. Lyons Department of Animal Sciences--Hatching eggs — watching an egg turn into a baby chick — is a learning experience for students of all ages as well as a practical way for you to start a small poultry flock.

market for organic food has now reached critical mass

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farms by State

Keslick & Son, Modern Arboriculture & Landscape Maintenance

Organic Consumers Association

"Peaceful Valley Farm Supply - Tools & Supplies for Organic Farmers & Gardeners since 1976".

Organic growing

Organic Gardens

USDA Farmer Direct Marketing

The Organic Materials Review Institute

One of the greatest plantsman I know is Paul H. Thomson. I have learn a lot from this individual. Take a look at what he has to say about setting it up to have fresh fruit at all times. He got me off on the right foot. Taken from California Rare Fruit Growers: Volume 8 Number 1 February,1976 :Fruits The Year Around::::::: Paul H. Thomson

Natural Foods Merchandiser

Natural Life Mag---Organic Agriculture on the Rise Worldwide-

mycorrhizal information exchange site

The Mycorrhiza Project

I made a good friend of Vactav Petrik Sr. writer of Soil Processes. We became friends about 15 yrs. ago he was working in practical microbiology and I was an organic farmer. If you would like to see some quotes from his work press Understanding the SoilI have taken leaf samples and soil samples of my farm and farms around me and have proved to myself that organic farming works. I get my soil Microbes from Mr. Petrik.Sr.and for years have watched my soil get richer and richer.


ATTRALots of organic information at the Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas - it is here that you will find the national sustainable farming information center located at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.

OFRF Leads the WayTo foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming practices.


CNN Organic Food News

Welcome to Noah's Ark!
Noah's Ark is an organic grower of Cherimoya .Want to learn about our most exciting crop , get recipes and read advertisements ? : ) just press Organic Cherimoya. We have been in business since 1979.

California Cherimoya Association

Cherimoya CountryA Red tail Hawks eye view of Cherimoya Country

Mr. L. London has done a great job on this page you might want to try a web,Metalab and Permaculture online searchable database:PERMACULTURE Discussion Forum -+- your port of entry to an expanding global network of landtech pioneers -+- or a permaculture course etc. keep an eye on this one site

PERMACULTUREPermaculture Websites, Mailing Lists and Newsgroupsn also for more Permaculture information I always check April at Permaculture Visions,

There is good Permaculture reading also at Permaculture and Sustainable Living & Livelihood

Check out what I was able to glean from Ifoam 96 from press releases and emailifoam'96 gleanings .Now IFOAM has a web site atIFOAMThe INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE MOVEMENTS

Soil Quality First Direct Evidence Ethylene Biosynthesis Triggers Plant Defense Mechanisms

Organic Gardening From Down Under


The Scottish Agricultural College has a strong organic program. Their web site is

The Organic Trust Limited a registered and Department of Agriculture and Food approved body for the Inspection and Certification of organic producers and processors in Ireland

The Garden Spot


Sometime I am lucky enough to get sent books, tools, newsletters to review from people in the organic movement.


The book "Lets Get Growing"was sent to me to review.Elizabeth and Crow Miller the organic farmers author this How-To Gardening Book. If you are like me and want to read more from Mr. and Mrs. Miller : Enter" Our Garden"

Tofu Tollbooth2 is outA Guide to Natural Food Stores & Eating Spots With Lots of Other Cool Stops Along the Way

Organic Tree Fruit Management is a book by Linda Edwards thru the Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia The book will assist the beginning and the experienced organic grower as well as the conventional grower in transition to organic or considering organic as a option.

La'akea Permaculture Gardens


Digitalseed.General gardening information, planting schedule, a monthly garden guide and other inform

Companion Planting

The AgriSurfer

University of California - Small Farm Center

Sustainable Farming ConnectionWatch this site it is growing ,lot of good info and links

This is a flyer I got from the folks were I buy my bio-controls Ricon-Vitova I want to thank them for letting me print it in full as it is a good example of :Beneficals for biological pest control & sustainable avocado production


Bats on the Web"Bats are not blind, they're not rodents, and they won't get tangled in your hair. The truth is that bats are among the most gentle, beneficial, and necessary animals on earth. "Check out BCI

Worm Digest's Online Articles


Why earthworms?

Could you please Let me know how you like it here or just say hi also if you have any information that may be of help to an organic farmer or see any good web pages the kind our readers would be interested in please send e-mail to Sals@rain.orgMail me as this will give me some idea as to if the homepage is being used and can help make it grow. Thank You : >

Rodale's Organic Gardening Online

Welcome to Organic Gardening Tips

Grow organicAdam Penenberg gives you a how-to guide.

CAFF Community Alliance with Family Farmers

WWW CERTIFIED ORGANIC FOODWorking Together to bring Organic Food to the WORLD This is an International Site all are welcome

Pepper Joe's

Insects and Weeds This is where I store the good insect and weed links I have found on the World Wide Web

This is where I store the links to fruit sites on the net.

The Plant TrackerIt is the only database I know of that actually lists, and allows you to search by, the uses for a plant - whether it's edible, medicinal or used for something else you probably never suspected - like cleanser, wax, or baby diapers. also check out the PLANTS FOR A FUTUREA Resource and Information Centre for Edible and other useful plants

ECHO�Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization- access our resources and services for small farm tropical agriculture from around the globe.

I made a good friend of Vactav Petrik Sr. writer of Soil Processes. We became friends about 15 years. ago he was working in practical microbiology and I was an organic farmer. If you would like to see some quotes from his work press Understanding the SoilI have taken leaf samples and soil samples of my farm and farms around me and have proved to myself that organic farming works. I get my soil Microbes from Mr. Petrik.Sr.and for years have watched my soil get richer and richer.

Institute of Organic Agriculture Information about the Institute for Organic Agriculture (University Bonn, >Germany) can now be obtained via Internet: This home page at University of Bonn is in German , English Francais and Espanol.t

Organic Growers of Michigan

Earth's Best is a line of certified organic baby food that provides 100% pure and natural nutrition for infants-all grown without pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers.

[The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association]


Canberra (Australia) Organic Grower's Society


The Seeds Of Change Web Page Seeds Of Change was founded in 1987 to foster plant life . bio-diversity. We do this by offering certified organic. open-pollinated seeds to the public. .

Suppliers of Organic, Non-GE*, or Heirloom (O-P*) Vegetable Seed Horticulture Resource List

Algys' Herb Pageis where I go to learn more about growing organic herbs.Herbs

BGH Bovine Growth Hormone I don't want it in my milk. Don't Panic Buy Organic


Enter here for even More LinksLinks to other sights on the web that may be of interest

I click WEATHER. to check the weather also a very interesting weather page at INTELLICASTand their monthly almanacs


In case you are relatively new to the World Wide Web, you may wish to read the NCSA Mosaic Demo Document. There is also the Suggested Starting Points for Internet Exploration. You may wish to use the following resources to keep track of the evolution of cyberspace and to find information on the Internet:

Again, thanks for visiting the don't panic eat organic home page . We hope to see you here again soon.

If you have enjoyed this home page or if you have any helpful tips and information for a organic farmer ,please send e-mail to Mail me,

