Food Circles Networking Project

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         Links to Project Partners
         Links for Consumers
         Links for Farmers

Links to Project Partners:

Missouri Alternatives Center

University of Missouri Extension

Community Food Systems and Sustainable Agriculture Program

Missouri Department of Agriculture

Growing Growers Program of Kansas City

Links of Interest to Consumers:

Mothers & Others, a national nonprofit education organization, works to promote consumer choices which are safe and ecologically sustainable for this generation and the next.

The Campaign for Food Safety is a public interest organization
dedicated to building a healthy, safe, and sustainable system of food
production and consumption.

Community Food Security Coalition
Food security can be defined as the state in which all persons obtain a nutritionally adequate, culturally acceptable diet at all times through local non-emergency sources. Food security broadens the traditional conception of hunger, embracing a systemic view of the causes of hunger and poor nutrition within a community while identifying the changes necessary to prevent their occurrence. Food security programs confront hunger and poverty.

The Organic Consumer Association OCA is a new national consumer advocacy organization committed to educating, uniting, and organizing organic consumers.

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's mission is to create environmentally and economically sustainable rural communities and regions through sound agriculture and trade policy.

Links of Interest to Farmers:

The North American Farmers' Direct Marketing Association is the perfect place for family farmers, extension agents and farm market managers to network with each other on the profitability of direct marketing.

National Farmers' Union Farmers Union's mission is to protect and enhance the economic interests and quality of life of  farmers and ranchers and rural communities.

ATTRA - Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas - is the
national sustainable farming information center operated by the private nonprofit National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT).

Small Farm Today magazine was founded by a small farmer in central Missouri in 1984 and is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of small farming, rural living, community, sustainability, and agripreneurship. It is published on a farm, by a farmer, for farmers.

The Small Farm Program is a University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) statewide program. The Small Farm Program provides production and marketing information to farmers not reached by traditional extension programs.

Sustainable Farming Connection This site -- conceived and managed by former staff members of The New Farm magazine -- will help you tame costs, add value to what you sell and keep you informed of the latest news from the sustainable farming community.

The Leopold Center is located at Iowa State University and has three primary objectives:  to identify and reduce negative impacts of agriculture on natural resources and rural communities; to develop profitable farming systems that conserve natural resources; to work with ISU Extension and other groups to inform the public of new research findings

The Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture,  is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, research and education organization established in 1983 to encourage and facilitate the adoption of low-cost, resource-conserving, and environmentally sound farming systems.

Organic Farmers Marketing Association

Organic Farming Research Foundation

Community Supported Agriculture of North America
What is Community Supported Agriculture and How Does It Work?

The Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

Sustainable Agriculture Network

Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
A sustainable agriculture research center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. CIAS brings together farmers, researchers, policy makers, and others to study farming practices, farm profitability, the environment, and rural vitality.

Student-Operated Community Supported Agriculture and Permaculture Farm at Iowa State University
To provide a site where students, faculty, farmers and community members can interact to learn formally and informally about the interrelatedness of the food system and the viability of localized food systems. Because the farm is student-operated, a number of considerations, including consumer demand, production practices, energy usage, ecological design, pest control and economic management, will be integrated in student experience in a way that is currently not possible through conventional educational channels.

The Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society is an organization of professionals dedicated to the study of values issues associated with the production, distribution and consumption of food, fiber and natural resources.

Questions, comments: Mary Hendrickson

Our Mission
A Vision of a Localized Food System
Links of Interest
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