Columbia River Gorge Commission

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Friday, January 16, 2009
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How do I know if my land is in the Scenic Area?

Unfortunately, our website does not contain an interactive mapping tool at this time. We do have a public workstation in our office at the front counter with a mapping application that is available during our regular business hours. You can also contact your county planning department to determine whether or not your property is located inside the Scenic Area. Visit our Gorge Links section for County Contact Info.

What does it mean if my property is located inside the Scenic Area?

Most new land uses and ground disturbing activities will require a permit from your county planning department. Depending on what county you are located in, the process may vary. If you are located in Klickitat County, permits must first be obtained from the Gorge Commission and then from the Klickitat County Building Department - before construction activities take place. If you are located in one of the other five counties in the Scenic Area, then your proposal would be reviewed by their office for consistency with the county regulations as well as the Scenic Area guidelines at the same time. Gorge Commission staff are able to make comments on applications received by the other counties, but the decisions are ultimately made by the individual county departments.

What rules apply to my property?

The Scenic Area has rules that determine the zoning of the land, the uses allowed in that zone, and rules that protect scenic, cultural, natural and recreational resources. To determine what uses are allowed on your property, you first need to determine the Land Use Designation or zoning of your land. The first step in answering this question is to determine what land use designation is assigned to your property (e.g. GMA F-3 (20) = General Management Area Small Woodland, with a 20 acre minimum parcel size). You can obtain your zoning information from the county planning departments by clicking here [link to Gorge Links page]. Once you have identified the zoning of your property, refer to the applicable land use ordinance for your county. If you are in Klickitat County, click here [link to our rules page]. The ordinance should contain a list of uses allowed outright, a list of uses eligible for the expedited review process and a list of review uses for your land use designation. If you do not see your proposal within the list of allowed uses, please contact your county planning department for assistance.

Do I need to have the color of my house approved?

If your house (or any other building on your property) was built after 1986 and approved through the Scenic Area rules, then changing the exterior color must first be approved by the Gorge Commission or appropriate county planning department. If your house (or building) was approved before 1986 and was not reviewed under the Scenic Area guidelines, then approval is not necessary.

How do I submit comments on a current application?

Comments can be submitted in a variety of ways but can only be taken into consideration if they are made within the designated comment period for each application or proposal. Start by taking a look at your county planning department’s website. They may have an option available to make comments via email. If this is not available, or you would prefer to talk to a planner about your comments or questions, contact the planning department and ask to speak with the planner handling the case. Comments on new land use applications filed for lands inside the Scenic Area for Klickitat County can be submitted via email through this website, in person, by telephone or by regular mail. Follow the link below to submit comments by email on a current application in Klickitat County.
Make Comments Through this Website

How can I view a recent or past decision?

You can view a recent land use decision made by the Gorge Commission for lands within Klickitat County by clicking following the link below. To view decisions made in one of the other five counties located within the National Scenic Area, please contact the appropriate county planning department (contact info is available on the links page) for assistance.
View Recent Decisions

How can I get a map of the National Scenic Area?

At this time, detailed maps are not available online. We do have a public workstation in our office at the front counter with a mapping application that is available during our regular business hours. You can also contact your county planning department for assistance. Click below for county contact information.

How can I find out more about the National Scenic Area Act?

The National Scenic Area Act and the Management Plan for the National Scenic Area Act can be found by clicking on the link below
Click here for Scenic Area Info

How do I get a copy of the Commission meeting minutes?

You can view the meeting minutes by selecting minutes on the website. If the meeting minutes that you wish to see are not posted, please contact the Commission office for a copy.
View Minutes

How do I get a copy of the attachments that are referenced in the meeting minutes?

Attachments are not always posted on the website as they are often lengthy. Please contact the Commission office for copies of attachments.
Contact Us

How do I get an audio copy of a Commission meeting?

Audio downloads can be found on our webpage under Meetings & Minutes. Audio tapes or compact disc recordings of the Commission meetings are available for a fee. Please contact the Commission office for details.

How can I contact the Gorge Commission? How can I express my ideas and opinions?

You may e-mail, write or call staff and/or individual commissioners. You may also address the Commission at any public meeting during the public comment period. The public comment period is scheduled at the beginning of each meeting to hear public testimony on any issue which is not on the agenda. You may also provide written testimony at the meetings. Our phone number is 509-493-3323, our fax number is 509-493-2229, our mailing address is PO Box 730, White Salmon, WA 98672,our physical address is 57 Wauna Street, White Salmon, WA 98672 and the website address is

Columbia River Gorge Commission
PO Box 730 | 1 Town & Country Square | 57 NE Wauna Avenue | White Salmon, WA 98672 | ph: 509-493-3323 | fax: 509-493-2229
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