Iowa State University

Iowa State University

Environmental Science

Interdepartmental Graduate Program

Welcome to the Environmental Science
Graduate Program!

John Downing, Chair of Environmental Science There is strong world demand for scientists, technologists, and engineers with multi-disciplinary training to confront the need for a healthy environment as the global human ecological footprint expands.

We offer interdisciplinary MS and PhD degrees in environmental science and achieve a greater than 95-percent placement rate in industry, higher education, and government for our graduates.  Our internationally recognized faculty and the world-class facilities provide our diverse and international student body with top scientific training and professional development opportunities.

Although a hallmark of our program has been thesis-producing MS and PhD degrees touching the interaction of environments with agricultural pressures, we provide diverse training opportunities at the human-environment interface, including a non-thesis option and several distance-education courses.

If you are already part of the expanding world of environmental science or are thinking of steering your career toward this exciting, interdisciplinary field, we think that our program will serve your needs.
         John A. Downing, Professor & Chair

Applying to Environmental Science

Applicants should have completed an undergraduate or Master's degree in one of the biological, chemical, physical, or engineering sciences.

The following link provides complete information about applying to the program.

For more information, contact

Find Out More

Download a free electronic brochure with more information about Environmental Science.

button for requesting e-brochure

    ENSCI Students in Action.

EnSci Graduate Program Office

Charles R. Sauer
Program Coordinator
109 Bessey Hall (office)
253 Bessey Hall (campus mail box)
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa  50011-1020  USA

voice:  515.294.6518
fax:  515.294.1337