Sustainable Ag Programs at ISU

Learning Discovery Practice
Graduate Program in Sustainable Agriculture
Academic program offering MS and PhD degrees.

Student Operated Organic Farm
An interdisiplinary learning center integrated with the community. Methods demonstrated on the farm aim to strengthen the local food system and to promote ecologically sensitive agriculture.
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Explores and cultivates alternatives that support healthy people and landscapes in Iowa and the nation.

National Soil Tilth Laboratory
Generates and integrates knowledge for development and evaluation of practices that enhance surface and ground water quality while ensuring long-term conservation of the nation's soil and water resources.

North Central Regional Center for Rural Development
Initiates and facilitates rural development research and education programs to improve the social and economic well-being of rural people.

Organic Crop Production
Research/demonstration plots of organic soybeans following CRP land; organic herb and vegetable production trials and long-term agroecological plots at ISU Research Farms.

Iowa Water Center
Develops statewide interinstitutional linkages through interdisciplinary research teams from universities and private and public sectors to address water quality research.
Farm Economy Issues
Programs and services in household finances, farm finances, commodity marketing, direct marketing, structural change, farm and rural life issues.

Wallace Endowed Chair for Sustainable Agriculture
Promoting the wise use of science and public policy for protecting natural resources and farmland, the enhancement of rural communities, and the alleviation of global poverty and hunger.

Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods
The Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL) is a unique effort dedicated to providing leadership and support that help alleviate hunger and poverty in developing countries.

Hoop Structures for Swine
Contrast the performance of pigs in hoops to the performance of pigs finished in other confinement structures.

Integrated Pest Management
Newsletters, databases, and extension information to determine threshholds and pest management alternatives.

Manure Management Action Group
To provide a vehicle for a coordinated and comprehensive approach to improve manure management in Iowa.

Practical Farmers of Iowa
Participatory on-farm research, promoting farming systems that are profitable, ecologically sound, and good for families and communities.

Sustainable Agriculture Extension Programs
Sponsors sustainable agriculture programs for farmers, agricultural professionals, and the public.

Using Compost for a Safer Environment
Methods to improve the use of biological wastes and improve solid waste management.

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