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Hydrologic Modeling

  • Hydrologic Transport Assessment System (HYTRAS)  (Presentation)
    HYTRAS predicts the transport of nuclear, biological, and chemical agents in surface waters.  HYTRAS uses geospatial information, hydrological data, and soil and sediment characteristics to estimate nuclear, biological, and chemical agent concentrations in water and sediment.  HYTRAS is planned for inclusion in future versions of the Military's Hazard Prediction Assessment Capability (HPAC)

  • Protecting the Nation's Water Supply (Poster)

  • Hazard Prediction  and Assessment Capability (HPAC)
    HPAC, which is funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and Strategic Command, is an integrated system of codes and data that provide detailed information on the dispersal of hazardous atmospheric releases of nuclear, biological, and chemical materials. HPAC includes detailed, three-dimensional information on sources, atmospheric transport and dispersion, and ground deposition, all linked to worldwide population information at a one-kilometer resolution to predict the consequences of various releases. The system provides estimates of acute and long-term radiological, chemical, or biological population doses.

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URL: http://computing.ornl.gov/cse_home/hytras.shtml
Updated: Tuesday, 30-Nov-2004 16:09:55 EST
