Cooperative Extension University of Wisconsin-Extension
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What's New? Community Planning an Event—Consider Serving Local Food Building Community Capacity: Environment, Structure, and Action to Achieve Community Purposes Business Feasibility: A First Cut Analysis Comprehensive Planning and Citizen Participation Guide Farming Forage Variety Update for Wisconsin—2008 Trial Results Wisconsin Oats and Barley Performance Tests—2009 Guide to Raising Healthy Chickens Guide to Raising Healthy Sheep Basic Milk Pricing Concepts for Dairy Farmers Wisconsin Winter Wheat Performance Tests—2008 Soil Compaction: Causes, Concerns, and Cures Western Bean Cutworm: A Pest of Field and Sweet Corn Moth Identification Guide for Blacklight Trap Catch in Wisconsin Insect Resistance Management and Refuge Requirements for Bt Corn Soybean Cyst Nematode Identification & Management (DVD) Biological Control of Insects and Mites: An Introduction to Beneficial Natural Enemies and Their Use in Pest Management En Español Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo—Colección de Boletines Informativos Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Comunicación con los Acreedores (Managing Between Jobs: Talking with Creditors) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Asegurarse de que la Familia Tenga Donde Cobijarse (Managing Between Jobs: Keeping a Roof Overhead) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Ayudar a los Niños a Sobrellevar las Dificultades (Managing Between Jobs: Helping Children Cope) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Decidir Cuáles Son los Gastos Más Importantes (Managing Between Jobs: Setting Spending Priorities) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Decidir Qué Cuentas Pagar Primero (Managing Between Jobs: Deciding Which Bills to Pay First) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Decidir si la Protección por Bancarrota Es una Buena Opción para Usted (Managing Between Jobs: Deciding if Bankruptcy Is an Option for You) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Gastar Menos (Managing Between Jobs: Strategies for Spending Less) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Iniciar Su Propio Negocio (Managing Between Jobs: Starting Your Own Business) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Pagar por el Seguro que Necesita (Managing Between Jobs: Meeting Your Insurance Needs) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Puedes Ayudar Cuando Yu Papá o Yu Mamá Está sin Empleo (Managing Between Jobs: How You Can Help When Mom or Dad Is Unemployed) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Sacar el Mayor Provecho de lo que Tiene (Managing Between Jobs: Making the Most of What You Have) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Satisfacer las Necesidades Personales (Managing Between Jobs: Taking Care of Yourself) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Dónde Conseguir Ayuda para Encontrar Empleo (Managing Between Jobs: Where to Go for Help Finding a Job) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: El Trueque (Managing Between Jobs: Bartering) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: La Búsqueda de Trabajo—Tenga Cuidado con las Estafas (Managing Between Jobs: Looking for a Job—Watch Out for Scams) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Las Agencias Comunitarias Pueden Ayudar (Managing Between Jobs: Community Agencies that Can Help) Programa de Desayuno Escolar de Wisconsin (Wisconsin School Breakfast Parent Brochure) Raising Healthy Eaters Home & Family Are You Ready? The College Transition Canning Fruits Safely Canning Meat, Wild Game, Poultry and Fish Safely Canning Salsa Safely Canning Vegetables Safely Freezing Fruits and Vegetables Homemade Pickles and Relishes Making Jams, Jellies and Fruit Preserves Raising Healthy Eaters Supporting Children in the Shadow of Meth: A Caregiver's Guide to Help Children Separated from Their Families Tomatoes Tart and Tasty Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Sleep Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Decision-making Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Study Habits Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Social Networking Websites Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Credit Cards Lawn & Garden Choosing the Right Landscape Plants: Factors to Consider Effects of Flooding on Woody Landscape Plants Selecting Woody Landscape Plants for Fall Color: An Illustrated Guide Vegetable Cultivars and Planting Guide for Wisconsin Gardens—2008 Lilacs for Cold Climates Sampling Garden Soils and Turf Areas for Testing Garden Fertilization Natural Resources Storm Water Detention Ponds: Site Safety & Design Improving Your Private Well Water Quality Detecting and Eliminating Illicit Discharges Final Report of the Northeast Wisconsin Karst Task Force Wildlife Phenology Calendar--2009 Bird Feeding—Tips for Beginners & Veterans 4-H & Youth 2009 Wisconsin Project Guide Community Community Development Community Planning Building Community Capacity: Environment, Structure, and Action to Achieve Community Purposes Building Our Future: A Guide to Community Visioning Community Image Comprehensive Planning Fundamentals Comprehensive Planning and Citizen Participation Guide Creating a Vision for Your Community—More on the Art of Community Development Hiring a Planning Consultant: A Guide to Preparing a Request for Proposals Key Points About Wisconsin's New Comprehensive Planning and Smart Growth Law Preparing for the Comprehensive Planning Process Required Elements of a Local Comprehensive Plan Checklist Sheltered Housing for Older People Using Visioning in a Comprehensive Planning Process Land Use Planning: Smart Growth Building Our Future: A Guide to Community Visioning Comprehensive Planning Fundamentals GIS Use in Wisconsin's Public Planning Agencies Hiring a Planning Consultant: A Guide to Preparing a Request for Proposals Key Points About Wisconsin's New Comprehensive Planning and Smart Growth Law Preparing for the Comprehensive Planning Process Required Elements of a Local Comprehensive Plan Checklist Using Visioning in a Comprehensive Planning Process Tourism & Recreation Community Development Strategies for Tourism Forests and Regional Development: Economic Impacts of Woodland Use for Recreation and Timber in Wisconsin Recreational Homes and Regional Development: A Case Study from the Upper Great Lakes States State Parks and Their Gateway Communities: Development and Recreation Planning Issues in Wisconsin Tourism and Retail Development: Attracting Tourists to Local Businesses Conflict Education Understanding Conflict Economic Development Business Feasibility: A First Cut Analysis Community Development Strategies for Tourism Cooperatives: Principles and Practices in the 21st Century Forests and Regional Development: Economic Impacts of Woodland Use for Recreation and Timber in Wisconsin Planning an Event—Consider Serving Local Food Tourism and Retail Development: Attracting Tourists to Local Businesses Historic Wisconsin Cooperatives: Principles and Practices in the 21st Century Design in Wisconsin Housing: A Guide to Styles Giving Old Barns New Life: Barns and Barn Preservation—A Bibliography Giving Old Barns New Life: Ethnic History and Beauty of Old Barns Giving Old Barns New Life: Silos: An Agricultural Success Story Giving Old Barns New Life: Wisconsin's Changing Farmsteads Prairie Primer Local Government Community Issues Bigger Livestock Farms: Ideas for Government and Citizens How Healthy Is Your Organization? Sharing Government Services: A Practical Guide Water Issues in Wisconsin: How Does the Market Value Water Resources? Water Issues in Wisconsin: The Economic Value of Water: An Introduction Water Issues in Wisconsin: Water as a Public Good: Property Rights Local Government Center 2008–2009 Programs Conducting Local Elections Important Points to Remember for the Partisan Primary — August 13, 2008 Important Points to Remember for the November Election — October 15, 2008 Training for Election Day Officials / Election Day Duties — October 29, 2008 Getting Candidates on the Spring Ballot — November 19, 2008 Caucus Procedures for Towns and Villages — December 3, 2008 Current Issues Affecting Local Gov't Officials Developing the Annual Budget — September 15, 2008 Financial Administration — November 11, 2008 Federal Payroll Responsibilities — November 18, 2008 Property Tax 101 — December 16, 2008 Local Land Use Planning and Zoning Putting Sustainability to Work in Your Government —January 7, 2009 2007–2008 Programs Board of Review Training Conducting the Annual Board of Review — March 2008 Conducting Local Elections The Government Accountability Board and Other Changes and How They Affect You — September 25, 2007 Getting Candidates on the Spring Ballot — November 6, 2007 Caucus Procedures for Towns and Villages — November 27, 2007 Spring Elections / Clerk’s Duties — January 15, 2008 Municipal Clerks – How To Train Your Pollworkers — January 29, 2008 Recount How-To’s — March 11, 2008 Fall Elections – The Peculiarities and Differences — April 15, 2008 Nuts and Bolts of Filling Out Campaign Finance Reports — May 13, 2008 Absentee Voting-Emphasis on the Special Requirements Associated With Military and Overseas Voters — May 20, 2008 Nuts and Bolts of Filling Out Campaign Finance Reports — May 22, 2008 Current Issues Affecting Local Gov't Officials Developing the Annual Budget — September 24, 2007 Video Franchising — November 13, 2007 Healthcare: Proposal For Change — December 11, 2007 Demographic Trends: What Does the Future Hold? — February 12, 2008 State Shared Revenue: Its History and Possible Futures — March 4, 2008 How to Run the Annual Town Meeting — March 25, 2008 Regulation of Alcoholic Beverage Licensing — April 8, 2008 Local Land Use Planning and Zoning Initiating Community-Based Real Estate Development in Your Downtown — January 30, 2008 Local Subdivision Regulation and the Use of Impact Fees — February 27, 2008 Recent Case Law — March 26, 2008 Growing Communities, Greening Communities: Managing Wisconsin’s Shorelands — April 9, 2008 Open Government and Parliamentary Procedure Open Meetings Law — March 12, 2008 Ethics and Conflicts of Interest — March 27, 2008 Open Records Law — April 17, 2008 Parliamentary Procedure for Local Governments — April 1, 8, 15, and 22, 2008 Minutes of Local Government Meetings — April 29, May 1, and May 6, 2008 2006–2007 Programs Conducting Local Elections Appointing Election Officials — October 24, 2006 Fall Elections / Absentee Voting / Changes in Election Law — August 22, 2006 Important Points to Remember for the November Election — October 10, 2006 Getting Candidates on the Spring Ballot — November 21, 2006 Caucus Procedures for Towns and Villages — November 30, 2006 Municipal Elections / Clerk's Duties — February 6, 2007 Recount How-To's — March 20, 2007 What Every Clerk Needs to Know—And Didn't Know to Ask — May 8, 2007 Current Issues Affecting Local Gov't Officials Developing the Annual Budget — September 18, 2006 Emergency Government Overview: Are You Ready? — November 14, 2006 The Many Roads to County Strategic Planning — December 12, 2006 The Future of Transportation Funding — February 13, 2007 The State's 2007–09 Biennial Budget and Fiscal Condition — March 6, 2007 How To Run The Annual Town Meeting — March 27, 2007 Current Issues Affecting Local Government Officials Regulation of Alcoholic Beverage Licensing — April 17, 2007 Fire Departments Fire Department Hot Topics — April 20 and 27, 2007 Local Land Use Planning & Zoning Implementation of the Livestock Facility Siting Law — November 15, 2006 Impact Fees and Other Methods of Funding Local Public Improvements — December 20, 2006 Plan Commission and BOA Members as Local Officials — January 31, 2007 Wisconsin Working Lands Initiative — February 28, 2007 Recent Case Law — March 28, 2007 Green Tier — Supporting Business for Local Economic/Environmental Improvement — April 18, 2007 Open Government and Parliamentary Procedure Parliamentary Procedure — March 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2007 Minutes of Local Government Meetings — April 12, 19, and 26, 2007 Ethics and Conflicts of Interest of Local Government Officials — April 11, 2007 Open Meetings Law — May 31, 2007 Open Records Law — June 14, 2007 Records Management — June 21 and 28, 2007 2005–2006 Programs Basics of Open Gov't & Parliamentary Procedure Open Records Law — February 16, 2006 Parliamentary Procedure for Local Governments — February 2006 Minutes of Local Government Meetings — March 1, 8, and 15, 2006 Open Meetings Law — March 23, 2006 Ethics and Liability of Local Government Officials — April 5, 2006 Records Management — May 3 and 10, 2006 Conducting Local Elections Caucus Procedures for Towns and Villages — November 10, 2005 Getting Candidates on the Spring Ballot — December 1, 2005 Training for Election Day Officials / Election Day Duties — December 15, 2005 Municipal Elections / Clerk's Duties — January 19, 2006 Training for Election Day Officials / Wrapping up an Election — February 9, 2006 Recount How-To's — March 9, 2006 Nuts and Bolts of Filling Out Campaign Finance Reports (for Candidates) — May 11, 2006 Nuts and Bolts of Filling Out Campaign Finance Reports (for Parties, PACs) — May 18, 2006 What Every Clerk Needs to Know — And Didn't Know to Ask — May 9, 2006 Current Issues Affecting Local Gov't Officials Developing the Annual Budget — September 12, 2005 Intergenerational Communication — Is it Possible? — November 8, 2005 The Many Faces of Demographics — December 13, 2005 The Great GASB 34: Challenges and Lessons — February 14, 2006 Rural Economic Development — March 7, 2006 How to Run the Annual Town Meeting — March 21, 2006 Regulation of Alcoholic Beverage Licensing — April 18, 2006 Local Land Use Planning & Zoning Business Improvement District (BID) — November 9, 2005 The Role of Subdivision Regulation — December 14, 2005 Siting Livestock Operations — January 25, 2006 Recent Case Law — February 22, 2006 Growing Communities, Greening Communities: Managing Impacts on Wetlands — March 22, 2006 Growing Communities, Greening Communities: Endangered Resources and Community Planning — April 26, 2006 Local Transportation Issues Local Transportation Funding — November 17, 2005 Bidding Local Road Projects — December 8, 2005 Driving the Road Permitting Process — January 12, 2006 2004–2005 Programs Conducting Local Elections Fall Elections and Changes in Election Law — August 25, 2004 Important Points to Remember for the November Election — October 13, 2004 Appointing Election Officials — October 20, 2004 Getting Candidates on the Spring Ballot — November 17, 2004 Problems on Election Day — November 3, 2004 Caucus Procedures for Towns & Villages — December 1, 2004 Municipal Elections: Clerk's Duties — February 9, 2005 Recount How-To's — March 23, 2005 What Every New Clerk Needs to Know and Didn't Know to Ask! — May 11, 2005 Problems on Election Day — April 6, 2005 Current Issues Affecting Local Gov't Officials Developing the Annual Budget — September 13, 2004 Local Government Aid Formulas — November 9, 2004 Council on Redesign of Long-Term Care — December 14, 2004 Tax Incremental Financing Districts — February 15, 2005 The State's 2005-07 Biennial Budget — March 15, 2005 How to Run the Annual Town Meeting — March 22, 2005 Regulation of Alcoholic Beverage Licensing — April 12, 2005 Local Land Use Planning & Zoning Siting Livestock Operations — November 18, 2004 Building the Connection Between Trees and Stormwater Management — January 27, 2005 Growing Communities, Greening Communities Computer Planning Tools — April 7, 2005 Recent Case Law — March 17, 2005 Plan Commission and BOA Members as Local Officials — December 16, 2004 Managing Wisconsin's Shorelands — February 17, 2005 Local Transportation Issues Estimating and Bidding Local Road Projects — November 12, 2004 WISLR and PASERWARE 3.01 — December 9, 2004 Local Transportation Funding — January 13, 2005 Open Government Laws Parliamentary Procedure/Open Government — February 9, 16, 23, and March 2, 2005 Minutes of Local Government — March 9, 16, and 30, 2005 Ethics and Liability of Local Government Officials — March 3, 2005 Open Records Law — April 20, 2005 Open Meetings Law — January 19, 2005 Records Management — February 17 and 24, 2005 Public Policy Affordable Strategies to Cover the Uninsured: Policy Approaches from Other States Building Policies That Put Families First: A Wisconsin Perspective Building Resiliency and Reducing Risk: What Youth Need from Families and Communities to Succeed Can Government Promote Competent Parenting? Child Support: The Effect of the Current System on Families Comprehensive Planning Fundamentals Corrections Policy: Can States Cut Costs and Still Curb Crime? Cost-Effective Approaches in Juvenile and Adult Corrections: What Works? What Doesn't? Creating a Vision for Your Community—More on the Art of Community Development Designing a State Prescription Drug Benefit: Strategies to Control Costs Early Childhood Care and Education: What are States Doing? Enhancing Educational Performance: Three Policy Alternatives Helping Poor Kids Succeed: Welfare, Tax and Early Intervention Policies Hiring a Planning Consultant: A Guide to Preparing a Request for Proposals Improving Health Care Quality While Curbing Costs Key Points About Wisconsin's New Comprehensive Planning and Smart Growth Law Long-Term Care Reform: Wisconsin's Experience Compared to Other States Long-Term Care: State Policy Perspectives Medicaid: Who Benefits, How Expensive Is It, and What Are States Doing to Control Costs? Moving Families Out of Poverty Policymaker's Guide to School Finance: Approaches to Use and Questions to Ask Preparing for the Comprehensive Planning Process Programs and Policies to Prevent Youth Crime, Smoking, and Substance Use: What Works Promising Approaches for Addressing Juvenile Crime Raising the Next Generation: Public and Private Parenting Initiatives Required Elements of a Local Comprehensive Plan Checklist Rising Health Care Costs: Employer Purchasing Pools and Other Policy Options Rising Prescription Drug Costs: Reasons, Needs and Policy Responses Single Parenthood and Children's Well-Being Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Programs that Work Using Visioning in a Comprehensive Planning Process Welfare Reform: Can Government Promote Parental Self-Sufficiency While Ensuring the Well-Being of Children? Public Policy Education En Español Agricultura (Agriculture) Consideraciones de Seguridad para el Maneja del Estiérocol (Safety Considerations for Manure Handling) Operaciones seguras con minicargadores en la finca (granja)(Safe Use of Skid-Steer Loaders on the Farm) Seguridad y Salud para los Operarios de Granjas (Safety and Health for Farm Operators) Alimentación y Nutrición (Food and Nutrition) Comiendo por Placer y Salud (Eating for Pleasure and Health) Cómo Ahorrar Dinero en el Gasto de los Alimentos (Stretching Your Food Dollars: Planning Meals and Shopping) Cómo Alimentar a los Niños (Feeding Young Children) Cómo Consumir Suficiente Calcio: ¿Qué es la Intolerancia a la Lactosa? (What Is Lactose Intolerance?) Cómo Mantener los Alimentos Seguros (Keeping Food Safe) Cómo Planear para Salir Adelante: Dólares y Centavos (Planning to Stay Ahead: Dollars and Cents) Los Alimentos: Cómo le Afectan (How Food Affects You) Programa de Desayuno Escolar de Wisconsin (Wisconsin School Breakfast Parent Brochure) Raising Healthy Eaters Crédito al Consumidor (Consumer Credit) Crédito al Consumidor: Comparación de Precios de Crédito al Consumidor (Consumer Credit: Shopping for Consumer Credit) Cuidando a los Niños (Parenting) El Primer Año del Bebé (Parenting the First Year) El Segundo y Tercer Año del Niño (Parenting the Second and Third Years) Preparación para ser Padres (Preparing to Parent) Finanzas Personales (Personal Finances) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo—Colección de Boletines Informativos Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Decidir Cuáles Son los Gastos Más Importantes (Managing Between Jobs: Setting Spending Priorities) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Gastar Menos (Managing Between Jobs: Strategies for Spending Less) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Decidir Qué Cuentas Pagar Primero (Managing Between Jobs: Deciding Which Bills to Pay First) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Comunicación con los Acreedores (Managing Between Jobs: Talking with Creditors) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Asegurarse de que la Familia Tenga Donde Cobijarse (Managing Between Jobs: Keeping a Roof Overhead) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Pagar por el Seguro que Necesita (Managing Between Jobs: Meeting Your Insurance Needs) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: El Trueque (Managing Between Jobs: Bartering) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Sacar el Mayor Provecho de lo que Tiene (Managing Between Jobs: Making the Most of What You Have) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Decidir si la Protección por Bancarrota Es una Buena Opción para Usted (Managing Between Jobs: Deciding if Bankruptcy Is an Option for You) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Satisfacer las Necesidades Personales (Managing Between Jobs: Taking Care of Yourself) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Puedes Ayudar Cuando Yu Papá o Yu Mamá Está sin Empleo (Managing Between Jobs: How You Can Help When Mom or Dad Is Unemployed) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Ayudar a los Niños a Sobrellevar las Dificultades (Managing Between Jobs: Helping Children Cope) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Las Agencias Comunitarias Pueden Ayudar (Managing Between Jobs: Community Agencies that Can Help) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: La Búsqueda de Trabajo—Tenga Cuidado con las Estafas (Managing Between Jobs: Looking for a Job—Watch Out for Scams) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Dónde Conseguir Ayuda para Encontrar Empleo (Managing Between Jobs: Where to Go for Help Finding a Job) Cómo Arreglárselas Cuando No Tiene Trabajo: Cómo Iniciar Su Propio Negocio (Managing Between Jobs: Starting Your Own Business) Get Checking Student Materials Kit (Paquete de Materiales para los Estudiantes del Programa Obtenga una Cuenta Bancaria) (1=paquete de 50 cada uno) Rent Smart La Casa (Home) Conocimientos Prácticos para el Hogar: Ayuda para los Nuevos Propietarios (HomeWise: Help for New Homeowners) El Hogar: Consejos para el Mantenimiento y el Cuidado de su Casa (HomeWorks News] Farming Agricultural Safety Farm Hazard Inspection Checklist Farm Rescue Continuing Education: Methods and Resources Safe Use of Skid-Steer Loaders on the Farm Safety Considerations for Manure Handling Safety and Health for Farm Operators Troubleshooting High Bacteria Counts in Farm Milk Youth and Dairy Cattle: A Safe Partnership Prevent Hay Mow and Silo Fires Animals Grazing Birdsfoot Trefoil for Grazing and Harvested Forage Grassland Birds: Fostering Habitats Using Rotational Grazing Grazing Streamside Pastures Options for Pasturing Animals Pastures for Horses Pastures for Horses: A Guide to Rotational Grazing—CD Pastures for Profit: A Guide to Rotational Grazing Stocker Enterprise Budgets for Grass-Based Systems Manure Bigger Livestock Farms: Ideas for Government and Citizens Guidelines for Applying Manure to Pasture and Cropland in Wisconsin How Much Fertilizer Do Your Animals Produce? Recommended Methods of Manure Analysis Species Beef Cattle Cattle Vaccines: Recommendations and Available Products Corn Silage Production, Management and Feeding Managing and Feeding Holstein Steers: Birth to 350 Lbs Managing and Feeding Holstein Steers: From Purchase to 350 Lbs Rations for Beef Cattle Stocker Enterprise Budgets for Grass-Based Systems Tools for Optimizing Feedlot Production Using Chopped Newspaper for Animal Bedding Dairy Management Bigger Livestock Farms: Ideas for Government and Citizens Cattle Vaccines: Recommendations and Available Products Conserving Water in the Milking Center Controlling Milking Center Wastewater: An Overview Dairy Worker's Training: Module IV—Herdsmanship Skills—Fresh Cow Exam (DVD) Estimating the Volume of Wastewater Flat-Barn Milking Systems Managing Waste Milk New Standards for Sizing Milklines Principles of Sheep Dairying in North America—CD Reducing Phosphorus Levels in Wastewater Seven Habits of Highly Successful Milking Routines Stocker Enterprise Budgets for Grass-Based Systems Stray Voltage Check Sheet: Steady State 60 hertz AC Spot Check Treating and Disposing of Milking Center Wastewater Troubleshooting High Bacteria Counts in Farm Milk Using Chopped Newspaper for Animal Bedding Youth and Dairy Cattle: A Safe Partnership Nutrition Corn Silage Production, Management and Feeding Determining Pasture Condition Feeding Dairy Cows for Efficient Reproductive Performance Grazing Streamside Pastures Fowl Bantams Guide to Raising Healthy Chickens Raising Waterfowl Horses Buying Horse Hay Pastures for Horses Pastures for Horses: A Guide to Rotational Grazing—CD Sheep Guide to Raising Healthy Sheep Management Guidelines for Efficient Sheep Production Principles of Sheep Dairying in North America—CD Crops Corn General Information Converting CRP Land to Corn: Minimizing Soil Loss Corn Fertilization Corn Replant/Late-Plant Decisions in Wisconsin Corn Silage Production, Management and Feeding Insect Resistance Management and Refuge Requirements for Bt Corn Selecting Corn Hybrids Uneven Emergence in Corn Pest Management Corn Earworm Corn Rootworms European Corn Borer Herbicide Persistence and Carryover Herbicide Resistance Management in Vegetable Rotations Insect Resistance Management and Refuge Requirements for Bt Corn Moth Identification Guide for Blacklight Trap Catch in Wisconsin Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops—2009 Seed Corn Maggot Western Bean Cutworm: A Pest of Field and Sweet Corn Forages & Pastures Grazing & Harvesting Alfalfa Germination and Growth Alfalfa Management Guide Birdsfoot Trefoil for Grazing and Harvested Forage Buying Horse Hay Grassland Birds: Fostering Habitats Using Rotational Grazing Grazing Streamside Pastures Greener Pastures: Is Grazing Right for Your Operation? Pastures for Horses: A Guide to Rotational Grazing—CD Pastures for Profit: A Guide to Rotational Grazing Sampling Hay, Silage, and Total Mixed Rations for Analysis Stocker Enterprise Budgets for Grass-Based Systems Pasture Grasses Determining Pasture Condition Forage Variety Update for Wisconsin—2008 Trial Results Identifying Pasture Grasses Pastures for Horses Pastures for Horses: A Guide to Rotational Grazing—CD Pastures for Profit: A Guide to Rotational Grazing Sampling Hay, Silage, and Total Mixed Rations for Analysis Steps to Successful No-till Establishment of Forages Stocker Enterprise Budgets for Grass-Based Systems Pasture Legumes Alfalfa Germination and Growth Alfalfa Management Guide Alfalfa Stand Assessment: Is this Stand Good Enough to Keep? Birdsfoot Trefoil for Grazing and Harvested Forage Determining Pasture Condition Forage Variety Update for Wisconsin—2008 Trial Results Identifying Pasture Legumes Pastures for Horses Pastures for Horses: A Guide to Rotational Grazing—CD Pastures for Profit: A Guide to Rotational Grazing Red Clover—Establishment, Management, and Utilization Sampling Hay, Silage, and Total Mixed Rations for Analysis Steps to Successful No-till Establishment of Forages Pest Management Herbicide Persistence and Carryover Invasive Plants of Wisconsin: Perennial Pepperweed Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops—2009 The Dirty Dozen and Beyond: Identifying and Managing 25 Pasture Weeds of Wisconsin Fruits Berries Care Fruit Crop Pollination Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Elderberries in Wisconsin Growing Grapes in Wisconsin Growing Raspberries in Wisconsin Growing Strawberries in Wisconsin Problems Cranberry Disorders: Cottonball Disease of Cranberry Cranberry Disorders: Cranberry Fruit Rot Diseases Cranberry Disorders: Cranberry Stem Gall Cranberry Disorders: Fungal Leaf Spot Diseases of Cranberry in Wisconsin Cranberry Pest Management in Wisconsin—2008 Raspberry Disorder: Fire Blight Strawberry Disorder: Angular Leaf Spot Strawberry Disorder: Black Root Rot Strawberry and Raspberry Pest Management in Wisconsin—2009 Tree Fruits Care Apple Cultivars for Wisconsin Direct Marketing of Farm Produce and Home Goods: Direct Marketing Alternatives and Strategies for Beginning and Established Producers Fruit Crop Pollination Growing Apples in Wisconsin Growing Apricots, Cherries, Peaches and Plums in Wisconsin Growing Pears in Wisconsin Orchard-Floor Management for Fruit Trees Planning and Establishing Commercial Apple Orchards in Wisconsin Plant Growth Regulator Use in Apples Rootstocks for Fruit Trees in Wisconsin Training and Pruning Apple Trees When Are Apples Ripe? Problems Apple Disorder: Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck Apple, Flowering Crab, Hawthorn, Juniper Disorder: Cedar-Rust Complex Apple, Pear, and Other Related Trees Disorder: Fire Blight 2009 Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide Diseases of Tree Fruits in the East Eastern Tent Caterpillar Walnut and Butternut Toxicity Watercore of Apple Soybeans & Small Grains Herbicide Persistence and Carryover Herbicide Resistance Management in Vegetable Rotations Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops—2009 Small Grain Insects Soybean Cyst Nematode Identification & Management (DVD) Wisconsin Oats and Barley Performance Tests—2009 Wisconsin Winter Wheat Performance Tests—2008 Vegetables Care Direct Marketing of Farm Produce and Home Goods: Direct Marketing Alternatives and Strategies for Beginning and Established Producers Greenhouse Unit Heaters: Types, Placement, and Efficiency Growing Beans and Peas in Wisconsin Growing Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, and Other Cole Crops in Wisconsin Growing Carrots, Beets, Radishes, and Other Root Crops in Wisconsin Growing Onions, Garlic, Leeks, and Other Alliums in Wisconsin Growing Pumpkins and Other Vine Crops in Wisconsin Growing Salad Greens in Wisconsin Growing Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants in Wisconsin Growing Vegetables at Home: Questions and Answers Organic Soil Conditioners Walnut and Butternut Toxicity Weed Management in Organic Vegetable Production: A Practical Review of Applied Research Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Mesh Produce Bags: Easy Batch Processing Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Narrow Pallet System Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Packing Shed Layout Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Standard Containers Problems Insect Pests Asparagus Beetle Aster Leafhopper Biological Control of Insect Pests of Cabbage and Other Crucifers Biological Control of Insects and Other Pests of Greenhouse Crops Black Cutworm Cabbage Maggot Caterpillar Pests of Cole Crops Colorado Potato Beetle Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin—2009 Corn Rootworms Cucumber Beetles Flea Beetles Hornworms Insect Pest Management for Greenhouses Japanese Beetles Onion Maggot Onion Thrips Potato Leafhopper Seed Corn Maggot Squash Bug Squash Vine Borer Corn Earworm European Corn Borer Vegetable Aphids Vegetable Leafminers Wireworms Diseases Analysis of the Snap Bean Root Rot Potential of Wisconsin Fields Beet Disorder: Cercospora Leaf Spot Carrot Diseases: Alternaria and Cercospora Leaf Blights Cole Crops Disorder: Black Rot Cole Crops Disorder: Blackleg Cole Crops Disorder: Clubroot Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin—2009 Corn Disorders: Smut and Rust Handbook of Pea Diseases Onion Disorder: Fusarium Basal Rot Onion Disorder: Purple Blotch Onion Disorder: Smut Onion Disorder: Soft Rot Onion Disorders: Botrytis Leaf Blight, Leaf Fleck, and Neck Rot Tomato Disorder: Physiological Fruit Problems Tomato Disorder: Post-Harvest Fruit Diseases Tomato Disorders: Early Blight and Septoria Leaf Spot Tomato Disorders: Fusarium and Verticillium Wilts Tomato and Pepper Disorders: Bacterial Spot and Speck Vine Crops Disorder: Angular Leaf Spot Vine Crops Disorder: Anthracnose Vine Crops Disorder: Bacterial Wilt Vine Crops Disorder: Powdery Mildew Vine Crops Disorder: Scab Weeds Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin—2009 Herbicide Resistance Management in Vegetable Rotations Weed Management in Organic Vegetable Production: A Practical Review of Applied Research Direct Marketing Developing Your Farm's Marketing Plan Direct Marketing Meat Direct Marketing Meat: A Resource for Direct Market Meat Producers in Wisconsin Direct Marketing of Farm Produce and Home Goods: Direct Marketing Alternatives and Strategies for Beginning and Established Producers Direct Marketing: Are Farmers' Markets a Good Fit for Your Business? Direct Marketing: Cooperatives: Their Role for Farm Producers Direct Marketing: Creating a Winning Display for Your Farm Products Direct Marketing: Crop Budgets for Direct Marketers Direct Marketing: Direct Marketing Options for Farmers Direct Marketing: Employing Farm Workers Direct Marketing: Farming and Tourism Direct Marketing: Fruit and Vegetable Safety on the Farm Direct Marketing: I'm Right and You're Wrong: Do's and Don'ts in Customer Service Direct Marketing: Market Research: Surveying Customers to Determine Their Needs Direct Marketing: Meeting the Challenges of Direct Marketing Direct Marketing: Resources for Direct Marketers in Wisconsin Direct Marketing: Risk, Liability and Insurance for Direct Marketers Direct Marketing: Selling Directly to Restaurants Direct Marketing: Selling to Institutions Direct Marketing: Strategies to Attract and Keep Customers Direct Marketing: To Your Customer's Door: Direct Delivery Direct Marketing: What is Community Supported Agriculture? Direct Marketing: What is Organic Agriculture? Pick-Your-Own Operations and Farm Stand Options for Your Business Planning an Event—Consider Serving Local Food Energy & Environment Energy Conservation Energy-Efficient Agricultural Lighting Energy-Efficient Dairy Farms Greenhouse Unit Heaters: Types, Placement, and Efficiency Heating Water on Dairy Farms Low-Cost Energy Conservation: General Farm Enterprise Low-Cost Energy Conservation: Grain Drying Low-Cost Energy Conservation: Heating Hot Water Low-Cost Energy Conservation: Indoor and Outdoor Lighting Low-Cost Energy Conservation: Irrigation and Crop Storage Facilities Low-Cost Energy Conservation: Ventilation and Heating Systems Refrigeration Systems Vacuum Systems Variable Speed Milk Pumps Ventilation and Cooling Systems for Animal Housing Well Water Precoolers Farming & the Environment Bigger Livestock Farms: Ideas for Government and Citizens Cleaning Up on the Farm: Reducing Liability from Spills, Dumps and Waste Materials Conserving Water in the Milking Center Controlling Milking Center Wastewater: An Overview Estimating the Volume of Wastewater Farm and Residential Petroleum Storage Tanks Farmland Conservation Choices Grazing Streamside Pastures Guidelines for Applying Manure to Pasture and Cropland in Wisconsin How Much Fertilizer Do Your Animals Produce? Managing Waste Milk Manure Management Choices Nitrate in Wisconsin Groundwater: Sources and Concerns Pollution Control Guide for Milking Center Wastewater Management Recommended Methods of Manure Analysis Reducing Phosphorus Levels in Wastewater Residue Management Choices Treating and Disposing of Milking Center Wastewater Using Recycled Wallboard for Crop Production Farm Finances Basic Milk Pricing Concepts for Dairy Farmers Estimating Agricultural Field Machinery Costs Estimating the Value of Wet Ear Corn—A Suggested Starting Point Options for Pasturing Animals Sharemilking in the Midwest Stocker Enterprise Budgets for Grass-Based Systems Pest Management Insects & Diseases Biological Control of Insects and Mites: An Introduction to Beneficial Natural Enemies and Their Use in Pest Management Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin—2009 Corn Earworm Corn Rootworms European Corn Borer Insect Resistance Management and Refuge Requirements for Bt Corn Moth Identification Guide for Blacklight Trap Catch in Wisconsin Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops—2009 Small Grain Insects Western Bean Cutworm: A Pest of Field and Sweet Corn Weeds Common Weed Seedlings of the North Central States Herbicide Persistence and Carryover Herbicide Resistant Weeds Invasive Plants of Wisconsin: Perennial Pepperweed Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops—2009 Reduced Herbicide Rates: Aspects to Consider The Dirty Dozen and Beyond: Identifying and Managing 25 Pasture Weeds of Wisconsin Weed Identification and Management—DVD Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin—2009 Rural Properties Country Acres: A Guide to Buying and Managing Rural Property Giving Old Barns New Life: Barns and Barn Preservation—A Bibliography Giving Old Barns New Life: Ethnic History and Beauty of Old Barns Giving Old Barns New Life: Silos: An Agricultural Success Story Giving Old Barns New Life: Wisconsin's Changing Farmsteads Woodland Visions—Appreciating and Managing Forests for Scenic Beauty Soils Soil Conservation Converting CRP Land to Corn: Minimizing Phosphorus Loss Converting CRP Land to Corn: Minimizing Soil Loss Estimating Residue Using the Line-Transect Method Irrigation Management in Wisconsin—The Wisconsin Irrigation Scheduling Program (WISP) Nitrate in Wisconsin Groundwater: Sources and Concerns Soil Fertility Aglime—Key to Increased Yield and Profits Alfalfa Fertilization Choosing Between Liming Materials Guidelines for Applying Manure to Pasture and Cropland in Wisconsin Management of Wisconsin Soils Nitrogen Management on Sandy Soils Recommended Methods of Manure Analysis Soil Calcium to Magnesium Ratios—Should You be Concerned? Soil Compaction: Causes, Concerns, and Cures Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Boron Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Calcium Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Chlorine Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Copper Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Iron Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Magnesium Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Manganese Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Molybdenum Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Nitrogen Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Phosphorus Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Potassium Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Sulfur Understanding Plant Nutrients: Soil and Applied Zinc Using Industrial Wood Ash as a Soil Amendment Using Recycled Wallboard for Crop Production When and How to Apply Aglime Soil Testing Management of Wisconsin Soils Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin Optimum Soil Test Levels for Wisconsin Sampling Soils for Testing Home & Family Food & Nutrition Cooking Creative Cooking How to Cut Up a Chicken Keeping Food Safe Stretching Your Food Dollars: Planning Meals and Shopping Wisconsin's Wild Game: Enjoying the Harvest Easy to Read Creative Cooking Eating for Pleasure and Health Feeding Young Children How Food Affects You Keeping Food Safe My Child, My Choices: Healthy Eating When You Are Pregnant Planning to Stay Ahead: Dollars and Cents Stretching Your Food Dollars: Planning Meals and Shopping Food Preservation and Safety Canning Fruits Safely Canning Meat, Wild Game, Poultry and Fish Safely Canning Salsa Safely Canning Vegetables Safely Freezing Fruits and Vegetables Freezing Home-Prepared Foods From Garden to Table: The Art of Growing and Preserving Apples From Garden to Table: The Art of Growing and Preserving Berries From Garden to Table: The Art of Growing and Preserving Vegetables Guidelines for Making Safe Jerky at Home Harvesting Vegetables from the Home Garden Homemade Pickles and Relishes Keeping Food Safe Make Your Own Sauerkraut Making Jams, Jellies and Fruit Preserves Safe Canning Methods Tomatoes Tart and Tasty Using and Caring for a Pressure Canner Wisconsin Safe Food Preservation Wisconsin's Wild Game: Enjoying the Harvest Nutrition & Health Dietary Supplements Eating for Pleasure and Health Fact or Fiction: Evaluating Nutrition Information Feeding Young Children Getting Enough Calcium: Bone Up On Calcium! Getting Enough Calcium: Preventing Osteoporosis Getting Enough Calcium: What Is Lactose Intolerance? How Food Affects You My Child, My Choices: Healthy Eating When You Are Pregnant Raising Healthy Eaters When You Work Curriculum Sourcebook Wisconsin School Breakfast Parent Brochure Housing & Home Environment Home Design Controlling Home Noise: Basics for Beginners Design in Wisconsin Housing: A Guide to Styles Energy Conserving Window Treatments: Insulated Shades and Draperies Remodeling: Where to Begin Home Environment Chemical Hazards Disposing of Hazardous Wastes from the Home: Home and Garden Pesticides Disposing of Hazardous Wastes from the Home: Paint and Other Home Improvement Products Disposing of Hazardous Wastes from the Home: Solvents and Home Cleaning Products Disposing of Hazardous Wastes from the Home: Waste Oil and Other Automotive Products Household Cleaners and Polishes: Chemical Hazards in the Home Solvents: Chemical Hazards in the Home Indoor Air Quality Air Quality Issues in the Home Combustion Products in the Home House Dust and Biological Contaminants Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist Stalking Friable Asbestos in the Home Pest Control Cluster Flies in the Home Common Spiders In and Around the Home Controlling Carpenter Ants Controlling Cockroaches Controlling Earwigs Controlling Pantry Pests Controlling Silverfish and Firebrats Identifying and Controlling Wood-Destroying Insects Potentially Dangerous Spiders Wasp and Bee Control Water Quality Home Water Safety: Keeping Your Home Water Supply Safe Home Water Safety: Evaluating the Condition of Your Private Water Supply Home Water Safety: Evaluating the Condition of Your Public Water Supply Home Water Safety: Interpreting Drinking Water Test Results Home Water Safety: Choosing a Water Treatment Device Maintaining Your Home Well Water System Home Maintenance Care and Maintenance of Residential Septic Systems Closing Your Home for the Winter Controlling Home Noise: Basics for Beginners Controlling Molds and Mildew HomeWise: Help for New Homeowners HomeWorks News Lead-Based Paint Hazards Winter Home Moisture Problems Housing Country Acres: A Guide to Buying and Managing Rural Property ElderCare: Considering Housing Options ElderCare: Locating Community Resources ElderNet Housing Information: Apartments for Older People ElderNet Housing Information: Community-Based Residential Facilities for Older People ElderNet Housing Information: Continuing Care Retirement Communities ElderNet Housing Information: Housing Alternatives for Older People ElderNet Housing Information: Nursing Homes Home Inspection Guide Locating Community Resources Rent Smart Sheltered Housing for Older People Money Estate Planning Advance Directives for Health Care: Wisconsin Living Will and Power of Attorney for Health Care ElderCare: Planning for Financial Costs of Caregiving Family Estate Planning in Wisconsin Investing for Your Future: A Cooperative Extension System Basic Investing Home Study Course Our Family Records Managing Between Jobs Managing Between Jobs—Set Managing Between Jobs: Bartering Managing Between Jobs: Community Agencies That Can Help Managing Between Jobs: Deciding If Bankruptcy Is an Option for You Managing Between Jobs: Deciding Which Bills to Pay First Managing Between Jobs: Helping Children Cope Managing Between Jobs: How You Can Help When Mom or Dad Is Unemployed Managing Between Jobs: Keeping a Roof Overhead Managing Between Jobs: Looking for a Job—Watch Out for Scams Managing Between Jobs: Making the Most of What You Have Managing Between Jobs: Meeting Your Insurance Needs Managing Between Jobs: Setting Spending Priorities Managing Between Jobs: Starting Your Own Business Managing Between Jobs: Strategies for Spending Less Managing Between Jobs: Taking Care of Yourself Managing Between Jobs: Talking With Creditors Managing Between Jobs: Where to Go for Help Finding a Job Personal Finance Consumer Credit: Your Credit Report Get Checking Workbook Money 2000 and Beyond: Check Register Tracking System Money 2000 and Beyond: Organizing Your Financial Records Money 2000 and Beyond: Taking Control of Your Spending Money 2000 and Beyond: Tracking Your Spending Money 2000 and Beyond: Using Power Payments to Pay Off Debt Our Family Account Book Our Family Records Planning to Stay Ahead: Dollars and Cents Rent Smart Stretching Your Food Dollars: Planning Meals and Shopping When You Work Curriculum Sourcebook Your Financial Future DVD Parenting & Grandparenting Grandparenting Grandparents' Rights & Responsibilities: Wisconsin Laws Supporting Children in the Shadow of Meth: A Caregiver's Guide to Help Children Separated from Their Families Through the Eyes of a Child: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (color) Through the Eyes of a Child: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (black & white) Parenting Infants & Preschoolers Communicating with Your Infant Through Play: Toys and Activities for the First Two Years Parenting the First Year Parenting the Second and Third Years Preparing to Parent Supporting Children in the Shadow of Meth: A Caregiver's Guide to Help Children Separated from Their Families When You Work Curriculum Sourcebook Parenting School-Aged Children Family Keys Supplement: Tips for Using Family Keys (NCR597) Family Keys: Self-Care Resources for Children and Their Families HOME DVD Supporting Children in the Shadow of Meth: A Caregiver's Guide to Help Children Separated from Their Families When You Work Curriculum Sourcebook Parenting Teenagers Living With Your Teenager: The Changing Parent-Child Relationship Living With Your Teenager: Understanding Emotional Changes Living With Your Teenager: Understanding Physical Changes Whose Kids? Our Kids! Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Credit Cards Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Decision-making Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Sleep Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Social Networking Websites Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Study Habits College and Beyond Are You Ready? The College Transition Older Adults Advance Directives for Health Care: Wisconsin Living Will and Power of Attorney for Health Care ElderCare: Caring for the Caregiver ElderCare: Considering Housing Options ElderCare: Food Safety Reminders ElderCare: Locating Community Resources ElderCare: Planning for Financial Costs of Caregiving ElderCare: Understanding Alzheimer's Disease ElderNet Housing Information: Apartments for Older People ElderNet Housing Information: Community-Based Residential Facilities for Older People ElderNet Housing Information: Continuing Care Retirement Communities ElderNet Housing Information: Housing Alternatives for Older People ElderNet Housing Information: Nursing Homes Grandparents' Rights & Responsibilities: Wisconsin Laws Locating Community Resources Sheltered Housing for Older People Through the Eyes of a Child: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (color) Through the Eyes of a Child: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (black & white) Family Impact Seminars Affordable Strategies to Cover the Uninsured: Policy Approaches from Other States Building Policies That Put Families First: A Wisconsin Perspective Building Resiliency and Reducing Risk: What Youth Need from Families and Communities to Succeed Can Government Promote Competent Parenting? Child Support: The Effect of the Current System on Families Corrections Policy: Can States Cut Costs and Still Curb Crime? Cost-Effective Approaches in Juvenile and Adult Corrections: What Works? What Doesn't? Designing a State Prescription Drug Benefit: Strategies to Control Costs Early Childhood Care and Education: What are States Doing? Enhancing Educational Performance: Three Policy Alternatives Helping Poor Kids Succeed: Welfare, Tax and Early Intervention Policies Improving Health Care Quality While Curbing Costs Long-Term Care Reform: Wisconsin's Experience Compared to Other States Long-Term Care: State Policy Perspectives Looking Beyond the Prison Gate: New Directions in Prisoner Reentry Medicaid: Who Benefits, How Expensive Is It, and What Are States Doing to Control Costs? Moving Families Out of Poverty Policymaker's Guide to School Finance: Approaches to Use and Questions to Ask Programs and Policies to Prevent Youth Crime, Smoking, and Substance Use: What Works Promising Approaches for Addressing Juvenile Crime Raising the Next Generation: Public and Private Parenting Initiatives Rising Health Care Costs: Employer Purchasing Pools and Other Policy Options Rising Prescription Drug Costs: Reasons, Needs and Policy Responses Single Parenthood and Children's Well-Being Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Programs that Work Welfare Reform: Can Government Promote Parental Self-Sufficiency While Ensuring the Well-Being of Children? Conflict Education Understanding Conflict Lawn & Garden Flowers & Gardens Care Container Gardening Evaluating and Judging Flowers and Indoor Plants Greenhouse Unit Heaters: Types, Placement, and Efficiency Growing Perennials Growing and Using Annuals and Bulbs Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners Home Propagation Techniques How to Grow African Violets How to Grow Tuberous-Rooted Begonias and Gloxinias Mulches for Home Gardens and Plantings Mums for Fall Beauty—Tips on Growing Chrysanthemums Planning and Designing Your Home Landscape Plants Not Favored by Deer Prairie Primer Rain Gardens: A Household Way to Improve Water Quality Rain Gardens: A How-to Manual for Homeowners Roses for the Home Sampling Garden Soils and Turf Areas for Testing Wisconsin Native Plant Sources Problems Aster Leafhopper Biological Control of Insects and Mites: An Introduction to Beneficial Natural Enemies and Their Use in Pest Management Biological Control of Insects and Other Pests of Greenhouse Crops Controlling Earwigs Deciduous Tree and Shrub Disorder: Skeletonizing by Rose Chafer Geranium Disorder: Bacterial Stem Rot and Leaf Spot Gladiolus Disorder: Fusarium Yellows and Bulb Rot Gladiolus Disorder: Virus Complex and Aster Yellows Hollyhock Disorder: Rust Japanese Beetles Peony Disorder: Phytophthora and Botrytis Blights Plant Disorder: Oedema Powdery Mildew of Ornamentals Rose Disorder: Blackspot Walnut and Butternut Toxicity Fruit Berries Care Fertilizing Small Fruits in the Home Garden From Garden to Table: The Art of Growing and Preserving Berries Fruit Crop Pollination Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Elderberries in Wisconsin Growing Grapes in Wisconsin Growing Raspberries in Wisconsin Growing Strawberries in Wisconsin Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners Home Fruit Cultivars for Northern Wisconsin Home Fruit Cultivars for Southern Wisconsin Problems Cranberry Disorders: Cottonball Disease of Cranberry Cranberry Disorders: Cranberry Fruit Rot Diseases Cranberry Disorders: Cranberry Stem Gall Cranberry Disorders: Fungal Leaf Spot Diseases of Cranberry in Wisconsin Cranberry Pest Management in Wisconsin—2008 Grape Pest Management for Home Gardeners Raspberry Disorder: Fire Blight Raspberry Pest Management for Home Gardeners Small Fruits: Insect and Disease Management for Backyard Fruit Growers in the Midwest Strawberry and Raspberry Pest Management in Wisconsin—2009 Strawberry Disorder: Angular Leaf Spot Strawberry Disorder: Black Root Rot Strawberry Pest Management for Home Gardeners Tree Fruits Care Apple Cultivars for Wisconsin Direct Marketing of Farm Produce and Home Goods: Direct Marketing Alternatives and Strategies for Beginning and Established Producers From Garden to Table: The Art of Growing and Preserving Apples Fruit Crop Pollination Growing Apples in Wisconsin Growing Apricots, Cherries, Peaches and Plums in Wisconsin Growing Pears in Wisconsin Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners Home Fruit Cultivars for Northern Wisconsin Home Fruit Cultivars for Southern Wisconsin Orchard-Floor Management for Fruit Trees Planning and Establishing Commercial Apple Orchards in Wisconsin Plant Growth Regulator Use in Apples Rootstocks for Fruit Trees in Wisconsin Training and Pruning Apple Trees When Are Apples Ripe? Problems Apple Disorder: Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck Apple Pest Management for Home Gardeners Apple, Flowering Crab, Hawthorn, Juniper Disorder: Cedar-Rust Complex Apple, Pear, and Other Related Trees Disorder: Fire Blight Apricot, Cherry, Peach, and Plum Pest Management for Home Gardeners 2009 Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide Diseases of Tree Fruits in the East Eastern Tent Caterpillar Tree Fruits: Insect and Disease Management for Backyard Fruit Growers in the Midwest Walnut and Butternut Toxicity Watercore of Apple Lawns & Turf Care Calibrating and Using Lawn Fertilizer and Lime Spreaders Growing Grass in Shade Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners Identifying Grasses in Wisconsin Turf Lawn Aeration and Topdressing Lawn Establishment and Renovation Lawn Fertilization Lawn Maintenance Planning and Designing Your Home Landscape Prairie Primer Sampling Garden Soils and Turf Areas for Testing Supina Bluegrass for Lawns, Golf Courses, and Athletic Fields Yard Care Series: Lawn and Garden Fertilizers Yard Care Series: Lawn Watering Yard Care Series: Lawn Weed Control Yard Care Series: Managing Leaves and Yard Trimmings Yard Care Series: Rethinking Yard Care Yard Care Series: Shoreline Plants and Landscaping Problems Black Cutworms in Golf Course Turf Common Weed Seedlings of the North Central States Earthworms in Turf Lawn Weed Prevention and Control Managing Turfgrass Pests in Wisconsin Mole Control Sod Webworms in Turf Turf Diseases of the Great Lakes Region Turfgrass Disorder: Chinch Bug Turfgrass Disorder: Greenbug Turfgrass Disorder: Sod Webworms Turfgrass Disorder: White Grubs Yard Care Series: Lawn and Garden Pesticides Yard Care Series: Lawn Weed Control Trees & Shrubs Deciduous Trees & Shrubs Care Caring for Deciduous Shrubs Caring for Your Established Shade Trees Choosing the Right Landscape Plants: Factors to Consider Guide to Selecting Landscape Plants for Wisconsin Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners Landscape Plants that Attract Birds Lilacs for Cold Climates Planning and Designing Your Home Landscape Plants Not Favored by Deer Preserving Trees During Construction Selecting Woody Landscape Plants for Fall Color: An Illustrated Guide Selecting, Planting, and Caring for Your Shade Trees Tree and Shrub Fertilization Problems Diseases Crabapple Disorder: Scab Dutch Elm Disease in Wisconsin Guide to Identifying Plant Disease Symptoms Honeylocust Disorder: Canker Diseases in Wisconsin Lilac Disorder: Bacterial Blight Maple and Other Trees Disorder: Verticillium Wilt Maple Decline: Collar Rot and Basal Canker Complex Mountain Ash Disorder: Fire Blight Mountain Ash Disorder: Scab Mountain Ash Disorder: Suncscald-Fungal Canker Complex Oak Wilt Management—What Are the Options? Russian Olive Disorder: Phomopsis Canker Sooty Mold Woody Ornamentals Pest Management in Wisconsin Insect Pests Ash Plant Bug Birch Disorder: Bronze Birch Borer Birch Leafminer Deciduous Tree Disorder: Cankerworms Deciduous Tree and Shrub Disorder: Skeletonizing by Rose Chafer Eastern Tent Caterpillar Euonymus Caterpillar Gypsy Moth Gypsy Moths: Identifying and Managing Gypsy Moth Caterpillars Gypsy Moths: Identifying and Managing Gypsy Moth Egg Masses Gypsy Moths: Selecting a Pesticide for Gypsy Moth Control Honeylocust Disorder: Plantbugs and Leafhoppers Honeysuckle Disorder: Honeysuckle Leaffolding Aphid Japanese Beetles Linden Borer Maple Gall Mites Maple Petiole Borer Maple and Other Trees Disorder: Cottony Maple Scale Oak Disorder: Twolined Chestnut Borer Woody Ornamentals Pest Management in Wisconsin Other Problems Deciduous Trees Disorder: Chlorosis Deciduous Trees Disorder: Miscellaneous Causes of Decline Deciduous Trees Disorder: Springtime Weather Injury to Foliage Effects of Flooding on Woody Landscape Plants Plant Injury Due to Turfgrass Broadleaf Weed Herbicides Salt Injury to Landscape Plants Scorch and Related Problems in Trees and Shrubs Shade Trees Disorder: Decline, Dieback or Early Senescence Evergreen Trees & Shrubs Care Choosing the Right Landscape Plants: Factors to Consider Evergreens Planting and Care Guide to Selecting Landscape Plants for Wisconsin Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners Landscape Plants that Attract Birds Planning and Designing Your Home Landscape Plants Not Favored by Deer Preserving Trees During Construction Tree and Shrub Fertilization Problems Colorado Blue Spruce and Other Conifers Disorder: Cytospora Canker Colorado Blue Spruce and Other Conifers Disorder: Rhizosphaera Needle Cast Conifers Disorders: Sphaeropsis Shoot Blight and Canker Effects of Flooding on Woody Landscape Plants Evergreens Condition: Seasonal Needle Drop Guide to Identifying Plant Disease Symptoms Juniper Diseases Pine Disorder: Dothistroma Needle Blight Pine Disorder: European Pine Sawfly Pine Needle Diseases: Brown Spot and Lophodermium Needlecast Salt Injury to Landscape Plants Spruce Disorder: Spruce Gall Adelgids Woody Ornamentals Pest Management in Wisconsin Vegetables Care Container Gardening Direct Marketing of Farm Produce and Home Goods: Direct Marketing Alternatives and Strategies for Beginning and Established Producers Exhibiting and Judging Vegetables From Garden to Table: The Art of Growing and Preserving Vegetables Garden Fertilization Growing Beans and Peas in Wisconsin Growing Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, and Other Cole Crops in Wisconsin Growing Carrots, Beets, Radishes, and Other Root Crops in Wisconsin Growing Onions, Garlic, Leeks, and Other Alliums in Wisconsin Growing Pumpkins and Other Vine Crops in Wisconsin Growing Salad Greens in Wisconsin Growing Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants in Wisconsin Growing Vegetables at Home: Questions and Answers Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners Harvesting Vegetables from the Home Garden Herbicide Resistance Management in Vegetable Rotations Home-Grown Tomatoes for Wisconsin Mulches for Home Gardens and Plantings Organic Soil Conditioners Sampling Garden Soils and Turf Areas for Testing Specialized Gardening Techniques: Wide-Row Planting, Square-Foot Gardening and Raised Beds Storing Fruits and Vegetables from the Home Garden Storing Vegetables at Home The Vegetable Garden Vegetable Cultivars and Planting Guide for Wisconsin Gardens—2008 Walnut and Butternut Toxicity Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Mesh Produce Bags: Easy Batch Processing Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Narrow Pallet System Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Packing Shed Layout Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Standard Containers Problems Diseases Analysis of the Snap Bean Root Rot Potential of Wisconsin Fields Beet Disorder: Cercospora Leaf Spot Carrot Diseases: Alternaria and Cercospora Leaf Blights Cole Crops Disorder: Black Rot Cole Crops Disorder: Blackleg Cole Crops Disorder: Clubroot Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin—2009 Corn Disorders: Smut and Rust Handbook of Pea Diseases Onion Disorder: Fusarium Basal Rot Onion Disorder: Purple Blotch Onion Disorder: Smut Onion Disorder: Soft Rot Onion Disorders: Botrytis Leaf Blight, Leaf Fleck, and Neck Rot Tomato Disorder: Physiological Fruit Problems Tomato Disorder: Post-Harvest Fruit Diseases Tomato Disorders: Early Blight and Septoria Leaf Spot Tomato Disorders: Fusarium and Verticillium Wilts Tomato and Pepper Disorders: Bacterial Spot and Speck Vine Crops Disorder: Angular Leaf Spot Vine Crops Disorder: Anthracnose Vine Crops Disorder: Bacterial Wilt Vine Crops Disorder: Powdery Mildew Vine Crops Disorder: Scab Insect Pests Asparagus Beetle Aster Leafhopper Biological Control of Insect Pests of Cabbage and Other Crucifers Biological Control of Insects and Mites: An Introduction to Beneficial Natural Enemies and Their Use in Pest Management Biological Control of Insects and Other Pests of Greenhouse Crops Black Cutworm Cabbage Maggot Caterpillar Pests of Cole Crops Colorado Potato Beetle Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin—2009 Corn Earworm Corn Rootworms Cucumber Beetles European Corn Borer Flea Beetles Hornworms Japanese Beetles Managing Insects in the Home Vegetable Garden Onion Maggot Onion Thrips Potato Leafhopper Seed Corn Maggot Squash Bug Squash Vine Borer Vegetable Aphids Vegetable Leafminers Wireworms Natural Resources Invasive species Weeds Invasive Plants of Wisconsin: Perennial Pepperweed The Dirty Dozen and Beyond: Identifying and Managing 25 Pasture Weeds of Wisconsin Insects Gypsy Moth Gypsy Moths: Identifying and Managing Gypsy Moth Caterpillars Gypsy Moths: Identifying and Managing Gypsy Moth Egg Masses Gypsy Moths: Selecting a Pesticide for Gypsy Moth Control Trees Forest Management Care A Selection of Forest Investment Evaluations Christmas Tree Shearing Collecting and Planting Seeds of Cone-bearing Trees Conducting a Successful Timber Sale Estimating Stocking Conditions in Your Timber Stand Estimating and Interpreting Site Index Forest Soils of Wisconsin: An Overview Forestry Terms Forests and Regional Development: Economic Impacts of Woodland Use for Recreation and Timber in Wisconsin Harvesting and Forest Management How Forest Trees Grow How to Evaluate Forestry Investments Intermediate Cuttings in Forest Management Managing Northern Hardwood Stands Measuring Trees and Estimating Volume Pine Plantation Management Woodland Visions—Appreciating and Managing Forests for Scenic Beauty Problems Blue Stain: Is It Coloring Your Bottom Line Red? Gypsy Moths: Identifying and Managing Gypsy Moth Caterpillars Gypsy Moths: Identifying and Managing Gypsy Moth Egg Masses Gypsy Moths: Selecting a Pesticide for Gypsy Moth Control Oak Wilt Management—What Are the Options? Urban Forestry Deciduous Trees & Shrubs Care Caring for Deciduous Shrubs Caring for Your Established Shade Trees Choosing the Right Landscape Plants: Factors to Consider Guide to Selecting Landscape Plants for Wisconsin Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners Landscape Plants that Attract Birds Planning and Designing Your Home Landscape Plants Not Favored by Deer Preserving Trees During Construction Selecting Woody Landscape Plants for Fall Color: An Illustrated Guide Selecting, Planting, and Caring for Your Shade Trees Tree and Shrub Fertilization Problems Diseases Crabapple Disorder: Scab Dutch Elm Disease in Wisconsin Guide to Identifying Plant Disease Symptoms Honeylocust Disorder: Canker Diseases in Wisconsin Lilac Disorder: Bacterial Blight Maple Decline: Collar Rot and Basal Canker Complex Maple and Other Trees Disorder: Verticillium Wilt Mountain Ash Disorder: Fire Blight Mountain Ash Disorder: Scab Mountain Ash Disorder: Suncscald-Fungal Canker Complex Oak Wilt Management—What Are the Options? Russian Olive Disorder: Phomopsis Canker Sooty Mold Woody Ornamentals Pest Management in Wisconsin Insect Pests Ash Plant Bug Birch Disorder: Bronze Birch Borer Birch Leafminer Deciduous Tree Disorder: Cankerworms Deciduous Tree and Shrub Disorder: Skeletonizing by Rose Chafer Eastern Tent Caterpillar Euonymus Caterpillar Gypsy Moth Gypsy Moths: Identifying and Managing Gypsy Moth Caterpillars Gypsy Moths: Identifying and Managing Gypsy Moth Egg Masses Gypsy Moths: Selecting a Pesticide for Gypsy Moth Control Honeylocust Disorder: Plantbugs and Leafhoppers Honeysuckle Disorder: Honeysuckle Leaffolding Aphid Japanese Beetles Linden Borer Maple Gall Mites Maple Petiole Borer Maple and Other Trees Disorder: Cottony Maple Scale Oak Disorder: Twolined Chestnut Borer Woody Ornamentals Pest Management in Wisconsin Other Problems Deciduous Trees Disorder: Chlorosis Deciduous Trees Disorder: Miscellaneous Causes of Decline Deciduous Trees Disorder: Springtime Weather Injury to Foliage Effects of Flooding on Woody Landscape Plants Plant Injury Due to Turfgrass Broadleaf Weed Herbicides Salt Injury to Landscape Plants Scorch and Related Problems in Trees and Shrubs Shade Trees Disorder: Decline, Dieback or Early Senescence Evergreen Trees & Shrubs Care Choosing the Right Landscape Plants: Factors to Consider Evergreens Planting and Care Guide to Selecting Landscape Plants for Wisconsin Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners Landscape Plants that Attract Birds Plants Not Favored by Deer Preserving Trees During Construction Tree and Shrub Fertilization Problems Colorado Blue Spruce and Other Conifers Disorder: Cytospora Canker Colorado Blue Spruce and Other Conifers Disorder: Rhizosphaera Needle Cast Conifers Disorders: Sphaeropsis Shoot Blight and Canker Effects of Flooding on Woody Landscape Plants Evergreens Condition: Seasonal Needle Drop Guide to Identifying Plant Disease Symptoms Juniper Diseases Pine Disorder: Dothistroma Needle Blight Pine Disorder: European Pine Sawfly Pine Needle Diseases: Brown Spot and Lophodermium Needlecast Salt Injury to Landscape Plants Spruce Disorder: Spruce Gall Adelgids Woody Ornamentals Pest Management in Wisconsin Water Resources Drinking Water Do Deeper Wells Mean Better Water? Home Water Safety: Choosing a Water Treatment Device Home Water Safety: Evaluating the Condition of Your Public Water Supply Home Water Safety: Interpreting Drinking Water Test Results Home Water Safety: Keeping Your Home Water Supply Safe Home Water Safety: Evaluating the Condition of Your Private Water Supply Improving Your Private Well Water Quality Maintaining Your Home Well Water System Final Report of the Northeast Wisconsin Karst Task Force Lakes, Streams & Ponds Aquatic Insects of Wisconsin The Benefits of Well-Managed Stream Corridors The Lake in Your Community Managing Wisconsin Fish Ponds A Model Lake Plan for a Local Community People of the Lakes: A Guide for Wisconsin Lake Organizations Protecting Your Waterfront Investment: 10 Simple Shoreland Stewardship Practices Understanding Lake Data Water Issues in Wisconsin: Water as a Public Good: Property Rights Wild Rice in Wisconsin: Its Ecology and Cultivation Wisconsin Water Law: A Guide to Water Rights and Regulations Wonderful, Wacky, Water Critters Shoreland Management Fresh Look at Shoreland Restoration Protecting Our Living Shores Protecting Your Waterfront Investment: 10 Simple Shoreland Stewardship Practices Protecting and Restoring Shorelands Sensible Shoreland Lighting Storm Water Basins: Using Natural Landscaping for Water Quality and Esthetics The Water's Edge Stormwater Brown Water, Green Weeds Car Care for Cleaner Water Cleaning Up Storm Water Runoff Detecting and Eliminating Illicit Discharges Erosion Control for Home Builders Pet Waste and Water Quality Polluted Urban Runoff: A Source of Concern Standard Erosion Control Plan Storm Drain Stenciling Storm Sewers: The Rivers Beneath Our Feet Storm Water Detention Ponds: Site Safety & Design The New State Stormwater Rules: Public Education & Outreach Wisconsin Storm Water Manual Wildlife Birds Bird Feeding—Tips for Beginners & Veterans Canada Geese—Crop Damage Controlling Hawk and Owl Damage Controlling Woodpecker Damage Ecology of the Ruffed Grouse Grassland Birds: Fostering Habitats Using Rotational Grazing Landscape Plants that Attract Birds Shelves, Houses and Feeders for Birds and Mammals Hunting Ecology of the Ruffed Grouse Guidelines for Making Safe Jerky at Home Processing Your Deer So You Got a Deer Wisconsin's Wild Game: Enjoying the Harvest Insects Building and Operating an Observation Beehive Outdoor Hazards in Wisconsin: A Guide to Noxious Insects, Plants and Wildlife Small Mammals, Bats & Snakes Bats: Information for Wisconsin Homeowners Ground Squirrels: Their Ecology and Control Meadow Mouse Control Mole Control Protecting Gardens and Landscape Plantings from Rabbits Shelves, Houses and Feeders for Birds and Mammals Skunks: How to Deal with Them Snakes of Wisconsin The Raccoon Tree Squirrels in Wisconsin: Benefits and Problems Woodchucks: Their Ecology and Control Wildlife Management A Landowner's Guide to Woodland Wildlife Management with Emphasis on the Ruffed Grouse Bear Damage and Abatement in Wisconsin Controlling Deer Damage in Wisconsin Outdoor Hazards in Wisconsin: A Guide to Noxious Insects, Plants and Wildlife Wildlife Management Wildlife Phenology Calendar--2009 Program Development & Evaluation Educating Adults Facilitating Adult Learning (DVD) Communicating & Using Evaluation Results Building Capacity in Evaluating Outcomes: A Teaching and Facilitating Resource for Community-Based Programs and Organizations Community Group Member Survey: Using the Results Using Graphics to Report Evaluation Results Collecting & Analyzing Data Analyzing Qualitative Data Analyzing Quantitative Data Building Capacity in Evaluating Outcomes: A Teaching and Facilitating Resource for Community-Based Programs and Organizations Collecting Evaluation Data: An Overview of Sources and Methods Collecting Evaluation Data: Direct Observation Collecting Evaluation Data: End-of-Session Questionnaires Collecting Evaluation Data: Surveys Questionnaire Design: Asking Questions with a Purpose Sampling Using Excel for Analyzing Survey Questionnaires Designing Evaluations Building Capacity in Evaluating Outcomes: A Teaching and Facilitating Resource for Community-Based Programs and Organizations Developing a Concept of Extension Program Evaluation Evaluating Collaboratives: Reaching the Potential Planning a Program Evaluation Planning a Program Evaluation: Worksheet 4-H & Youth Animal Sciences Beef Beef Group Activity Guide Beef Resource Handbook Bite into Beef Here's the Beef Judging Breeding and Market Cattle Leading the Charge Meat Animal Project Record (also Poultry, Sheep, Swine) Cats Cat Group Activity Guide Climbing Up! Leaping Forward Purrr-fect Pals! Clothes Horse 4-H Clothes Horse Activity Guide Additional Patterns for Clothes Horse Horse and Riding Attire Dairy 4-H Dairy Heifer Management Record 4-H Managerial Project Agreement Cowabunga! Dairy Cattle Group Activity Guide Dairy Cattle Judging Made Easy CD Leading to Win Learning About Dairy Resource Manual Lifetime Dairy Record Mooving Ahead Preparing to Lead Rising to the Top The Rules are Black and White Dogs 4-H Dog Judging Guidelines A Guide to Showmanship Dog Group Activity Guide Dog Obedience: Novice and Beyond Leading the Pack The Basics of Training Your Dog Goats Get Growing with Meat Goats Just Browsing Meat Goats Helper's Guide Meating the Future Horses Draft Horse Giddy-Up and Go Head, Heart and Hooves Horse Group Activity Guide Horse Science Horses and Horsemanship Horses are Fun—Horseless Horse Jumping to New Heights Pleasure Riding Riding the Range Stable Relationships Pets Pet Group Activity Guide Pet Pals Scaling the Heights Scurrying Ahead Poultry Bantams Chicken Breeds and Varieties Flocking Together From Egg to Chick Pigeons Poultry Group Activity Guide Poultry for Fun and Food Scratching the Surface Small Turkey Flock Management Testing Your Wings Rabbits All Ears Making Tracks Rabbit Group Activity Guide What's Hoppening? Sheep Judging Breeding and Market Sheep Sheep Resource Handbook Swine Going Whole Hog Judging Breeding and Market Swine Putting the Oink in Pig Swine Group Activity Guide Swine Resource Handbook The Incredible Pig Veterinary Science Adventure Notebook All Systems Go Animal Disease Animal Health From Airedales to Zebras On the Cutting Edge The Normal Animal: Leader Guide The Normal Animal Veterinary Science Veterinary Science Group Activity Guide Arts & Communications Arts & Crafts Advanced Visual Arts: Portfolio Pathways Advanced Visual Arts: Sketchbook Crossroads Elements, Principles of Design Palette of Fun Helper's Guide Palette of Fun Member Sheet, Introduction Block Printing Block Printing Members Guide Block Printing Leaders Guide Clowning Enter the Clowns Communications Communication Activities for 4-H Clubs It's All in the Family It's All in the Farm Family Teaching Resources for Youth Educators Voices from the Past Computers Inside the Box: Building, Repairing Computers (+CD) Newbie Know-How: Getting Started with Computers P2P—Peer to Peer: Creating, Managing Networks Teens Teaching Tech Advice Creative Writing Crazy About Books Reading Circle Creative Wordworking—Fun Ideas for Writers Drawing & Painting Drawing and Painting Folk Arts Folk Arts Leader Guide Latino Cultural Arts QuRico! La Cultura Bilingual Helper's Guide Leathercraft Adventures in Leathercraft Members Guide Adventures in Leathercraft Leaders Guide Metal Enameling Metal Enameling Members Guide Metal Enameling Leaders Guide Photography Action! Making Videos and Movies Focus on Photography Controlling the Image Mastering Photography Public Speaking 4-H Public Speaking Handbook 4-H Public Speaking Opportunities—A Parent's Handbook Theatre Arts Becoming a Puppeteer! Enter the Clowns Play the Role Setting the Stage! Theatre Arts Group Activity Guide Citizenship Public Adventures Citizenship Adventure Kit Citizenship Guide's Handbook Club Management Certificates Certificate of Excellence Certificate of Honor Certificate of Leadership Certificate of Participation (2 per sheet) Certificate of Recognition Diamond Clover 20-yr Certificate (C-1405) Distinguished Leadership Emerald Clover 25-yr Certificate (C-1406) Gold Clover 10-yr Certificate (C-1303) Gold Clover 40-yr Certificate (C-1410) Gold Clover 45-yr Certificate (C-1411) Gold Clover 50-yr Certificate (C-1412) Pearl Clover 15-yr Certificate (C-1404) Ruby Clover 30-yr Certificate (C-1407) Sapphire Clover 35-yr Certificate (C-1408) Silver Clover 5-yr Certificate (C-1302) Successful Completion Wisconsin Club Achievement Certificate Club Forms 4-H Club Treasurer's Handbook 4-H Money: Handle with Care Videotape Facilitator Guide Attendance Record Calendar of Club Activities Club Evaluation Form Financial Record—Club Junior Leader Summary Record Minutes of Club Meeting (White) Minutes of Club Meeting (Yellow) Wisconsin 4-H Club Financial Handbook for Leaders Enrollment Materials 2009 Wisconsin Project Guide Member Forms Junior 4-H Project Financial Record Member Evaluation—4-H Program Member Planning and Evaluation—Activity Member Planning and Evaluation—Project Membership Card (10 per sheet) Senior 4-H Project Financial Record (Livestock) Senior 4-H Project Financial Record (Non-Livestock) Younger Member Summary Form Office Forms & Resources 4-H Interest Cards (4 per sheet) 4-H Volunteer Application Form Expectations for Volunteers Forms It Shouldn't Hurt to be a Child...But Sometimes It Does Leader Permanent Record Card (2 per sheet) Leadership Summary Form—Club Membership Summary Form—Club Program and Activity Assessment Tool Program and Activity Assessment Tool: Brochure Program and Activity Assessment Tool: Six Suggestions Youth Protection Certification Card (10 per sheet) Promotional Materials Commonly Asked Questions About 4-H Kit Box (12x10x5) Project Box (15X12x10) Welcome to Wisconsin 4-H Welcome to Wisconsin 4-H (Spanish) 2009 Wisconsin Project Guide Record Book Materials Club Record Book Cover (Yellow) Member Record Book Cover (Green) Family, Home, & Health Child Development Child Development Group Activity Guide Growing In Communities Growing On My Own Growing With Others Clothing Fashion Forward Let's Sew! Refine Design Sewing Expressions Group Activity Guide Under Construction Consumer Savvy Consumer Savvy Group Activity Guide Consumer Wise The Consumer In Me Crocheting Crochet Made Easy Food & Nutrition Foods Group Activity Guide Foodworks (Level D) Six Easy Bites (Level A) Tasty Tidbits (Level B) You're the Chef (Level C) Food Preservation Canning Fruits Safely Canning Meat, Wild Game, Poultry and Fish Safely Canning Salsa Safely Canning Vegetables Safely Freezing Fruits and Vegetables Homemade Pickles and Relishes Making Jams, Jellies and Fruit Preserves Tomatoes Tart and Tasty Health First Aid in Action Keeping Fit Staying Healthy Home Environment Exploring Your Home In My Home Living With Others Where I Live Intergenerational Programs Walk in My Shoes Leader Guide Walk in My Shoes Knitting International And My World And My World Leaders and Activity Guide Leadership Organizational Leadership Getting Started in 4-H Leadership I'm a 4-H Project Leader. Now What Do I Do? Say It with Posters Sing Along Songbook Youth Leadership Leadership Mentor Guide for Grades 6-12 Leadership Mentor Guide for Grades K-5 My Leadership Journal for Grades 6-8 My Leadership Portfolio for Grades 9-12 My Leadership Workbook for Grades 3-5 So You're the Club President So You're the News Reporter of Your Group So You're the Club Secretary So You're the Club Treasurer So You're the Club Vice President Mechanical Sciences Aerospace Aerospace Group Activity Guide—Flight Crew Lift-Off Pilot in Command Pre-Flight Reaching New Heights Bicycles Bicycle Fix It! Video Bicycle Helper's Guide Bicycling for Fun Wheels in Motion Electricity Electric Group Activity Guide Entering Electronics Investigating Electricity Magic of Electricity Wired for Power Scale Models Guidelines for Building Scale Models Small Engines Crank It Up Small Engines Group Activity Guide Tune It Up Warm It Up Tractor Certification Safe Operation of Agricultural Equipment—Instructor's Manual Safe Operation of Agricultural Equipment—Student's Manual Tractors Starting Up: Getting to Know Your Tractor, Level A Tractor Operations: Gearing Up for Safety, Level B Moving Out: Learning about Your Tractor, Level C Learning More: Learning About Ag Tractors, Level D Woodworking Finishing Up Making the Cut Measuring Up Nailing it Together Woodworking Group Activity Guide Natural Resources Adventures 4-H Adventure Project Introduction to Adventures Adventures—Backpacking Backpacking Expeditions Camping Adventures Hiking Trails Outdoor Adventures Group Activity Guide Adventures—Bicycling Bicycling Adventures—Canoeing Canoeing Adventures—Winter Travel Winter Travel Birds Getting to Know Birds Entomology Creepy Crawlies Dragons, Horses and Other Flies Entomology Group Activity Guide What's Bugging You? Naturespace 4-H Naturespace Activities Guide Education Connection Introduction to Naturespace Naturespace Key—Leader Orientation Packet Wisconsin Endangered and Threatened Species List Recycling Recycling for Reuse Shooting Sports 4-H Shooting Sports Program Basic Air Pistol Basic Archery Basic Hunting (Short Version) Basic Muzzleloading Basic Rifle Basic Shotgun Sportfishing Cast into the Future Reel in the Fun Sportfishing Group Activity Guide Take the Bait Trees/Forestry Explore the Deep Woods Follow the Path Forestry Group Activity Guide Reach for the Canopy Water Give Water a Hand Give Water a Hand Action Guide Wildflowers Wildflowers Plant Sciences Crops—Corn 4-H Corn Project Manual Is Direct Marketing for My Project? Marketing Your 4-H Crops Record Sheet—Crops Management Crops—Forage Pest Scouting Alfalfa Crops—Small Grains 4-H Small Grains Manual Flowers 4-H Horticulture Leader's Guide Branching Out Digging Deeper Evaluating and Judging Flowers and Indoor Plants Forcing Spring Flowering Bulbs Fruits Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Elderberries in Wisconsin Growing Grapes in Wisconsin Growing Pears in Wisconsin Growing Raspberries in Wisconsin Growing Strawberries in Wisconsin Home Grounds 4-H Lawn Care Evergreens Planting and Care Planning and Designing Your Home Landscape Selecting, Planting, and Caring for Your Shade Trees House Plants Propagating and Growing House Plants Plant Crafts Plant Crafts Plant Crafts Supplement Vegetables 4-H Horticulture Leader's Guide Branching Out Budding Gardeners Digging Deeper Exhibiting and Judging Vegetables Nature's Herbs Organically Grown Handbook Self-Determined Designing Your Own Project Younger Members Cloverbuds Cloverbuds Leader Guide: Helping Youth Grow into 4-H Cloverbuds: 4-H Discovery Program for 6-8 Year Olds Cloverbuds: Activity Sheets Cloverbuds: Participation Summary Cloverbuds: Program Record Exploring Exploring Farm Animals Group Activity Guide Exploring the Treasures of 4-H Activity Guide