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IPM Course

For Pest Management Professionals

Through funding from the California State Water Resources Control Board, BIRC has developed an IPM Course for structural pest control. The IPM concept used in the training was formulated by BIRC in the 1980s:

"IPM is a decision making process that emphasizes prevention and non-chemical treatment methods. Inspection, monitoring and record-keeping are used to determine if, when and which treatments are needed. Site specific treatments are selected from available biological, cultural, manual, mechanical, physical, educational, and chemical strategies, and are used within an integrated program. Reduced-risk chemical controls are included in the treatment program when non-chemical methods are insufficient to solve the problem in an effective and affordable manner."

The Training Curriculum has five major sections: an introduction to IPM; management plans for three major pests: German cockroaches, rats and mice, and Argentine ants; and effective marketing and sales techniques for an integrated pest management program. The technical curriculum can be presented in five classroom sessions of three hours each. The marketing curriculum can be presented in three sessions: a two hour introduction and two full day sessions.

"Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) pursuant to the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000 (Proposition 13) and any amendments thereto for the implementation of California's Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the SWRCB, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation of use."

To view the curriculum, click on the links below:

An Introduction to IPM

Argentine Ants

German Cockroaches

Rats and Mice

Marketing IPM




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