Sustainable Seafood Ocean-Friendly Eating
A sea life lover's guide to seafood

Download the Sustainable Seafood Guide

Reefs A Return to the Reefs
With the world's coral reefs in crisis, the author's childhood memories guide a far-reaching study of the problem in the Bahamas

Medicine Medicine From the Sea
From slime to sponges, scientists are plumbing the ocean's depths for new medications to treat cancer, pain and other ailments

Storm Warnings Storm Warnings
Is global warming to blame for the intensity of recent Atlantic hurricanes? While experts debate that question, they agree that more devastating tempests are headed our way

Killers In Paradise
The tropics are home to the world's most venomous creatures—jellyfish with 4 brains, 24 eyes and stingers that can kill you in a minute flat

Venice Venice's Uncertainty
A new floodgate system should protect the city from high tides unless climate change interferes

July 11, 2008
Micro-Fossils Reveal Dinosaur Colors and Ancient Sea Life

July 9, 2008
Grand Canyons of Ice

June 13, 2008
Leatherback Sea Turtle Returns to Texas

June 9, 2008
15 Years After Dolphin-Safe Tuna, Signs of Recovery

  Smithsonian National Museum of     Natural History

  National Oceanic & Atmospheric     Administration

  Blue Ocean Institute

  United Nations Atlas of the Oceans



The Land

Explore the threats to our troubled lands—and ways to stem the destruction—in this interactive special report

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