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Welcome to Asset Visibility!
AV: The Answer to the Warfighter's question of,
"Where's my stuff?"

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Attention AV Customers

If your account is no longer active, and you wish to have your access reestablished, please submit a ticket to the DLA Customer Interaction Center. They can be reached at:
1-877-DLA-CALL (352-2255)

When opening your ticket, please make sure that you have them assign the ticket to the AVPMO.

Prior to connecting to Asset Visibility for the first time, or if you receive a new CAC, please go to the following URL:

When prompted for your digital certificate, please select your NON-EMAIL certificate.



In June 2012, we informed you that the decision has been made to converge the Asset Visibility (AV) program with the Integrated Data Environment (IDE) and the Global Transportation Network (GTN) Convergence (IGC) program. This action is scheduled to be completed by May 2013.

In preparation for the IGC-AV transition you will soon see modifications to the AV Environment. The first change will be that the Access AV button will no longer be available starting around February 15, 2013. With IGC becoming the system of ownership, all users will need to begin accessing AV through the IGC portal at all times. If you are unable to log into the IGC portal, please contact the IGC helpdesk at Commercial Phone (618)220-6836 or DSN 770-6836 or email USTC-IGCHelpdesk@ustranscom.mil

DLA's AV program has enjoyed being the system of record to deliver the visibility of assets over the last 7 years and that tradition will continue via IGC.

You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG authorized use only.

By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions:

  • The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations.
  • At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS.
  • Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG authorized purpose.
  • Any communications occurring on or data stored on this IS, or any device attached to this IS, may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose.
  • This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy.

    Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential.

    Security protections may be utilized on this IS to protect certain interests that are important to the USG. These protections are not provided for your benefit or privacy and maybe modified or eliminated at the USG's discretion., By signing this document, you acknowledge and consent that when you access Department of Defense (DoD# information systems:, You are accessing a U.S. Government information system #as defined in CNSSI 4009) that is provided for U.S. Government-authorized use only.

    WARNING: AV and its reports are FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO). It contains
    information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of
    Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled,
    transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DOD policy
    relating to FOUO information; is not to be released to the public or other
    personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval of
    an authorized DOD official.

    By clicking the button below (Access AV), you understand and agree to the above conditions.

(This page was last updated on 10 January 2012)

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