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  1. North American freshwater leeches, exclusive of the Piscicolidae, 46 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  2. Archiv für Physiologie. Jahrg.1886 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  3. Jahresbericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Kultur. 55. (1877) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  4. Swenska wetenskaps academiens handlingar Ny Följd:28.Bandet (1895-1896) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  5. Swenska wetenskaps academiens handlingar Ny Följd:40.Bandet (1906) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  6. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefakten-Kunde. Jahrg.1846 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  7. Jahresbericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Kultur. 56. (1878) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  8. Jahresbericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Kultur. 73. (1895) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  9. Jahresbericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Kultur. 49. (1871) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  10. A history of the birds of Europe : c 1..v..5 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  11. A history of the birds of Europe : c 1..v..6 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  12. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 38 (1869) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  13. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 35, pt. 2 (1866) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  14. The germ theory in relation to therapeutics (added: 01/08/2012 )
  15. Notes on the natural history and physiography of New Brunswick (added: 01/08/2012 )
  16. Essais de paléoconchologie comparée. livr.12 (1921) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  17. A history of the birds of Europe : c 1.v.4 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  18. A history of the birds of Europe : c 1.v.3 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  19. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 34, pt. 1 (1865) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  20. Southern invesrtebrates on the shores of Acadia (added: 01/08/2012 )
  21. Dendrites and batrachians and reptiles of Nova Scotia (added: 01/08/2012 )
  22. Natural History Society of New Brunswick (added: 01/08/2012 )
  23. Traces of the Ordovican [sic] system on the Atlantic coast and organic remains of Little River Group, no. IV (added: 01/08/2012 )
  24. Contributions to Canadian palaeontology (added: 01/08/2012 )
  25. Contributions to Canadian palaeontology (added: 01/08/2012 )
  26. High school botanical note book (added: 01/08/2012 )
  27. High school botanical note book (added: 01/08/2012 )
  28. Return shewing the number of limits, or licences, or applications, granted or pending to cut timber on the Ottawa and its tributaries from 1848 to 1852 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  29. Réponse à une adresse de l'Assemblée législative en date du 19 avril 1886, demandant copie du rapport d'un voyage fait au Labrador canadien, en vertu d'un ordre en conseil, par M. Saint-Cyr, ancien dé (added: 01/08/2012 )
  30. Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands. 1 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  31. Thermal convection in Lake Washington, winter 1962-1963. (added: 01/08/2012 )
  32. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 39, pt. 1 (1870) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  33. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 44, pt. 1 (1875) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  34. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 35, pt. 1 (1866) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  35. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 65, pt. 2 (1896) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  36. The geography, topography, and natural history of Palestine / (added: 01/08/2012 )
  37. An investigation of the vertical variation of light scattering in Monterey Bay, California / (added: 01/08/2012 )
  38. Traité des délits, des peines et des procédures, en matière d'eaux et foréts ... / (added: 01/08/2012 )
  39. Paleo-oceanography of the Mediterranean sea : (added: 01/08/2012 )
  40. The drying of marine sediments for water content determinations. (added: 01/08/2012 )
  41. Correlation of sea surface temperature with cloud patterns off the west coast of North America during the upwelling season. (added: 01/08/2012 )
  42. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 44, pt. 2 (1875) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  43. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 29 (1860) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  44. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 34, pt. 2 (1865) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  45. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 62, pts. 2-3 (1893) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  46. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina. t.82 1916 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  47. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 4 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  48. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 5 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  49. The Edinburgh encyclopædia / Vol 7 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  50. Practical operating procedures for progressive rehabilitation of sand and gravel sites / 2 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  51. Seiching in Monterey Bay. (added: 01/08/2012 )
  52. A gravity survey of Fort Ord, California. (added: 01/08/2012 )
  53. Our native trees and how to identify them (added: 01/08/2012 )
  54. An oceanographic survey of the coastal waters between San Francisco Bay and Monterey Bay, California. (added: 01/08/2012 )
  55. A description of the physical oceanographic features of the eastern Gulf of Mexico, August 1968. (added: 01/08/2012 )
  56. A study of water circulation in Monterey harbor using Rhodamine B dye / (added: 01/08/2012 )
  57. Variation in thermal structure and geostrophic current between Alaska and Hawaii determined from synoptic space sections. (added: 01/08/2012 )
  58. Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España, : 1 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  59. Rapporto al consiglio federale sulle foreste delle alte montagne della Svizzera dietro l' ispezione : (added: 01/08/2012 )
  60. Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg. 65.Jahrg. (1909) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  61. Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg. 66.Jahrg. (1910) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  62. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. 30.Bd. (1906-1909) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  63. Jahresbericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Kultur. 28. (1850) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  64. Memoirs : no.2 (1889) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  65. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 48, pt. 1 (1879) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  66. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 31 (1862) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  67. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v. 36 (1867) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  68. Liangqi baxing dongwu yanjiu = new ser.:v.4 (1985) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  69. Liangqi baxing dongwu yanjiu = new ser.:v.3 (1984) (added: 01/08/2012 )
  70. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 6.1 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  71. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 2 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  72. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 3 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  73. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  74. Batotheca Europæa. (added: 01/08/2012 )
  75. Aux honorables membres du Sénat du Canada et aux honorables membres de la Chambre des communes du Canada (added: 01/08/2012 )
  76. The artificial propagation of marine food fishes and edible crustaceans (added: 01/08/2012 )
  77. Description anatomique, d'un cameleon, d'un castor, d'un dromadaire, d'un ours, et d'une gazelle (added: 01/08/2012 )
  78. The oyster fisheries of Canada (added: 01/08/2012 )
  79. Fresh water fishes and batrachia of the peninsula of Gaspe, P.Q. and their distribution in the Maritime Provinces of Canada (added: 01/08/2012 )
  80. Geographische en historische beschrijuing der Kusten van Noord-America (added: 01/08/2012 )
  81. D.D. dissertatio medico-botanica (added: 01/08/2012 )
  82. Marine algae of New Brunswick (added: 01/08/2012 )
  83. Le nord du globe, ou, Tableau de la nature dans les contrées septentrionales (added: 01/08/2012 )
  84. Le nord du globe, ou, Tableau de la nature dans les contrées septentrionales (added: 01/08/2012 )
  85. Report on fish-breeding operations in the Dominion of Canada, 1890 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  86. Special reports on I.--The Fisheries of Canada II.--On the treatment and planting of Salmonoid Fry III.--The propagation of Black Bass ... 1897 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  87. Special appended reports (added: 01/08/2012 )
  88. Linnaea 1 (added: 01/08/2012 )
  89. De frvctibvs et seminibvs plantarvm 1788 v.1 (added: 01/07/2012 )
  90. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive, Enumeratio contracta ordinum generum specierumque plantarum huc usque cognitarium, juxta methodi naturalis, normas digesta / Index pt. 1-2 (added: 01/05/2012 )
  91. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive, Enumeratio contracta ordinum generum specierumque plantarum huc usque cognitarium, juxta methodi naturalis, normas digesta / Index pt. 4 (added: 01/05/2012 )
  92. Dictionnaire iconographique des orchidees : Cypripedium (added: 01/04/2012 )
  93. Dictionnaire iconographique des orchidees : Maxillaria (added: 01/04/2012 )
  94. The Orchid review. v.8 (1900) (added: 01/04/2012 )
  95. Auction sale of Hambletonian bred horses, to be sold by public auction on lot 24, con. 13, Lobo, (1 1/2 miles west of Denfield on the L. H. & B.R'y) on Monday, November 27, 1893, sale to commence at 1 (added: 01/01/2012 )
  96. Observation of the near shore water circulation off a sand beach / (added: 01/01/2012 )
  97. Environmental errors in use of the airborne infrared radiation thermometer to measure sea-surface temperature. (added: 01/01/2012 )
  98. Verification of a model for estimating maximum depth of convective mixing. (added: 01/01/2012 )
  99. Liangqi baxing dongwu yanjiu = new ser.:v.2 (1983) (added: 01/01/2012 )
  100. Liangqi baxing dongwu yanjiu = new ser.:v.1:no.1 (1982) (added: 01/01/2012 )
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