NYAM Issue Brief

Expanding Research on Care Coordination for Older Adults: A Discussion of Programs, Methods, and Outcomes
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The Margaret E. Mahoney Fellowship Program for Health Professional and Health Policy Students

To honor the legacy of Margaret E. Mahoney, and her commitment to addressing the health care and developmental needs of vulnerable populations, especially children, a new fellowship program has been created for health professional and health policy students, focused on transforming health care delivery systems for vulnerable urban populations as well as early childhood health and development.
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Applications Open: Deadline April 8th »

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Donna Frescatore and Expert Panel Discuss New York’s Emerging Health Exchange

On February 28, 2013, NYAM welcomed featured speaker Donna Frescatore, Executive Director of New York’s Health Benefit Exchange, and other health care policy and planning experts discuss the progress and implications of the New York State Health Exchange. More than 200 health care professionals attended the event.


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