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UIHI Communication Broadcast

November 20th, 2008 · No Comments

The UIHI has created a list serve to streamline our communication efforts to provide regular updates of our projects and health data.  Our hope is that this broadcast can provide information that can be shared with your clients, community, staff, and agency partners.

Purpose: Streamline communications to provide snap shots of urban Indian health data, links to quarterly UIHI newsletters, and UIHI report publication announcements.

Who should subscribe: Anyone and everyone seeking information to support the health and wellness of the urban American Indian and Alaska Native community.

How often: At most, you should expect to receive 20 broadcast emails each year.

How to subscribe: http://www.uihi.net/Public/NewsletterSubscriptions.aspx

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Colorectal Cancer

November 12th, 2008 · No Comments

The Urban Indian Health Institute is pleased to release materials developed from the Urban Indian C.A.R.E.S. (Colon and Rectal Education and Screening) project.  The goal of Urban Indian C.A.R.E.S. is to promote education, testing, and treatment of colorectal cancer for urban American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) through the Urban Indian Health Organizations (UIHO) nationwide.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death among AI/AN.  Colorectal cancer can be prevented if detected early.  But American Indians/Alaska Natives are less likely to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer at the localized stage and more likely to be diagnosed at the distant stage compared to whites.  Additionally, AI/AN have a lower probability of survival and higher risk of death once diagnosed compared to whites.

The Urban Indian C.A.R.E.S. project has developed materials for a health promotion campaign packet consisting of a community poster, postcard, and factsheet. The community poster features an AI/AN colorectal cancer survivor named Ruby James, and can be placed in waiting rooms, lobbies, and exam rooms at Indian health centers and health fairs.  The postcard can be distributed by healthcare providers, outreach education staff, and at community events.  The fact sheet can be used to educate Executive Directors, providers, and other leadership about the need for increased education and screening for colorectal cancer among AI/ANs.    All materials are customizable and may include the photo and story of a local survivor.

C.A.R.E.S. Postcard (PDF)
C.A.R.E.S. Factsheet (PDF)
C.A.R.E.S. Poster (PDF)

Please contact Alice Park for more C.A.R.E.S. information or if you would like access to customizable templates for these materials.

Contact:  Alice Park at (206) 812-3034 or alicep@uihi.org

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Announcing the Weaving Project

October 23rd, 2008 · No Comments

Weaving Resources for Urban Indian Women’s Wellness

The UIHI is pleased to announce the project, Weaving Resources for Urban Indian Women’s Wellness (The WEAVING Project).  With this project, UIHI will assist urban Indian health organizations (UIHO) and state Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Programs (BCCEDP) in partnering together to increase breast and cervical cancer screening services for urban American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) women.

For more information

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