Christine  BirdChristine Bird
Executive Producer
Jonathan Bird's Blue World / Oceanic Research Group
Jrene RahmJrene Rahm
Associate Professor
Université de Montréal
Bob KetnerBob Ketner
Virtual Community Manager
The Tech Museum of Innovation
Robert Mac  WestRobert Mac West
Informal Learning Experiences
Justine  RobertsJustine Roberts
Gyroscope, Inc.
Chuck  HowarthChuck Howarth
vice president
Gyroscope, Inc.
Jeremy LakeJeremy Lake
Program Coordinator
Earth Force
Kari JensenKari Jensen
Evaluation Associate/ Exhibit Developer

  • Summative :: Sanford, C. (2009). How People Make Things Summative Evaluation. [UPCLOSE] Children's Museum of Pittsburgh.
  • Summative Report :: Korn, R. (2008). Race Are We So Different?: A Summative Report. [Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.] American Anthropological Association.
  • Summative Report :: Goodman Research Group, Inc. (2008). Design Squad: Final Evaluation Report. [Goodman Research Group, Inc.] WGBH Educational Foundation.
  • Summative Report :: Stull, J. (2008). Sisters in Science in the Community: An Informal Gender Equity Program. Queens College/CUNY.
  • Summative Report :: Apley, A. (2008). Dinosaurs Alive Film Summative Report. [RMC Research] Maryland Science Center.
  • Summative :: Institute for Learning Innovation, C. (2008). Year Three Summative Evaluation . Miami Science Museum.
  • Upcoming Events

    May 11-16, 2009
    Other :: ASTC Connect
    Developing science-based professionals who can communicate effectively with public audiences

    May 25 - July 12, 2009
    Seminar & Workshop :: Online Course
    Mobile Interpretation for Museums: From Web 2.0-3.0

    May 25 - July 12, 2009
    Seminar & Workshop :: Online Course
    Multichannel Communication Laboratory

    May 25 - July 12, 2009
    Seminar & Workshop :: Online Course
    Usability for Interactive Digital Applications


    New Feature » Create a Member Profile to let others know about your work and interests. When you sign up, your member page will automatically associate you with your research, evaluation and projects in the database. Add new publications, presentations and include images that reflect your current professional activities.

    ISE Funding Deadlines Posted » The ISE program invests in projects that promote lifelong learning of STEM in a wide variety of informal settings. Funding is provided for projects that advance understanding of informal STEM learning, that develop and implement innovative strategies and resources for informal STEM education, and that build the national professional capacity for research, development, and practice in the field.

    Assessing Impacts for Online Professional Communities in Informal Science Education

    In May 2008 UPCLOSE convened a CAISE Inquiry Group with evaluators, academic experts and project leaders to discuss how to evaluate online professional communities serving informal science education professionals. View presentations, read interviews with experts, and learn about the insights shared during this two-day meeting. Enter Website »

    Interviews from the Field | Spring 2009
    Bbarron_rounded Dr. Brigid Barron
    Associate Professor
    Stanford University

    Follow a conversation about interest development and learning to create with new media technologies across settings. Read more »

    Affiliated Sites

    This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ESI-0610348. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.