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1999 SARE Project Soil Quality Tillage Radish Cover Crops Research Rolling Research in Alabama

Many thanks to Dr. Ray Weil, University of Maryland (right),
and Joel Gruver (in soil pit) for all the soil quality research they've done on my farm.

1999 SARE Project
"Economic and Environmental Impact of No-Till Processing
Tomatoes vs. Conventional Processing Tomatoes"

Soil Quality Research at Cedar Meadow Farm
This research was done in cooperation with University of MD, 1997


% aggregate stability
Fields not tilled for over 10 years 62.3%
Fields tilled in the last 10 years 18.1%

Carbohydrates (mg/kg soil)
Fields not tilled for over 10 years 48.4mg
Fields tilled in the last 10 years 37.3mg


Soil Bulk Density (g/cm3)
field 4 25 23 35 8 36
Bulk Density 1.35 1.28 1.25 1.18 1.19 1.06
Yrs. not tilled 2 3 10 15 30 30


Total Microbial Biomass mg/kg soil
Fields not tilled for over 10 years 304mg
Fields tilled in the last 10 years 161mg


% Aggregate Stability
field 4 25 23 35 8 36
Aggregate Stability 19.4 24.5 24.0 68.2 57.6 87.3
Yrs. not tilled 2 3 10 15 30 30


Microwave Extractable Carbon mg/g soil
field 4 25 23 35 8 36
Extractable .123 .136 .145 .154 .240 .247
Yrs. not tilled 2 3 10 15 30 30


Microbial Biomass Carbon mg/g soil
field 4 25 23 35 8 36
Microbial Biomass C .064 .076 .098 .093 .146 .160
Yrs. not tilled 2 3 10 15 30 30


Microwave Extractable Sugars
field 4 25 23 35 8 36
Extractable Sugars .059 .060 .064 .072 .105 .115
Yrs. not tilled 2 3 10 15 30 30


Results of 114 soil samples taken in PA and MD
  Average CMF
Bulk Density cm3 1.26 1.18
Aggregate Stability % 36.7 64.0
Extractable C mg/g .201 .252
Extractable Sugar mg/g .103 .129
Microbial Biomass mg/g .124 .168


Earthworm Castings Soil Test - Field # 5 (% base sat.)
  OM P K Mg Ca ph C.E.C. K Mg Ca S Zn Mn Fe
soil 4.3 230 105 192 1560 6.7 10.1 4.7 15.8 77.0 12 11.6 88 31
castings 7.4 230 211 253 1620 6.5 11.6 4.7 18.2 69.8 33 18.7 193 28


Effects of Cover Crops on Soil Quality
Crop Yeild in a Lower Quality Soil
vs. a High Quality Soil.

University of Maryland,
Dr. Ray Weil

These 2 fields are side by side and are same soil type. The High quality field has not been tilled for over 30 years and has 5.8% organic matter. The low quality field has not been tilled for 8 years and has 3.8% organic matter. We intend to carry this research out over several years to see the long term effects of cover crops. 1999 was an extremly dry year and yields were low, but it proved the positive effects of long-term no-till.

(4 replications, each approx. 15'x 100') hairy vetch/rye cover - 110.4 bu/A no cover - 107.5 bu/A difference - 2.9 bu/A average yeild in plot. 108.95 Low Quality Soil Field (3 reps) hairy vetch/rye cover - 81.2 bu/A no cover - 72.1 bu/A difference - 9.1 bu/A average yeild in plot - 76.65 bu/A difference between high and low quality fields - 32.3 bu/A

Steve & Cheri Groff Cedar Meadow Farm
679 Hilldale Road Holtwood, PA 17532
Phone: (717) 284-5152 Fax: (717) 284-5967 Email: