


Cassini Scientist for a Day Fall 2008 Final

After much debate, a group of Cassini scientists selected nine winning essays for the Cassini Scientist for a Day Fall 2008 contest.

More information | Cassini site




Calling All Spacecraft!

When it comes to making a long-distance call, it's hard to top NASA's Deep Space Network.

Read more | Solar System Exploration site




Phoenix Finishes Successful Work on Red Planet

NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has ceased communications after operating for more than five months.

Read more | Phoenix site



Mars Exploration site

Get the latest updates on the Mars rovers and the orbiters circling the red planet.

Mars Exploration site

montage showing an artist concept of the Mars Exploration Rovers along with social-networking sites. Socializing on Mars

Mars Exploration Rovers have new life on the likes of "Second Life," "YouTube," "," and "Facebook."

Read more (Jan. 15)

Spirit's Everest panorama Watch, Listen and Celebrate Five Years on Mars

Catch up with the rovers via several videos and podcasts.

Read more (Jan. 15)

artist concept of Stardust-NExT Stardust Spacecraft Passes Close to Earth

The NASA/JPL Stardust spacecraft flew within 9,000 kilometers (5,600 miles) of Earth today. The Stardust-NExT mission is scheduled for an encounter with comet Tempel 1 in Feb. 2011.

Mission home page (Jan. 14)

Opportunity rover 5 Years on Still Roving on Mars - Opportunity

Opportunity landed near a geological treasure trove on Mars - and that was just the beginning of the rover's discoveries.

Play video

Harsh climate, dust storms, winds, a broken leg - nothing has stopped the Mars Exploration Rovers from celebrating their fifth anniversary this month.

Five years after landing on Mars, the twin exploration rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, are still alive and studying opposite sides of the Red Planet.

Cassini-Huygens to Saturn
Studying Saturn and its rings and moons.
Mission home page

Dawn, the first spacecraft ever planned to orbit two different bodies after leaving Earth, will orbit Vesta and Ceres, two of the largest asteroids in the solar system.
Mission home page

The Epoxi mission recycles the already "in flight" Deep Impact spacecraft to investigate two distinct celestial targets of opportunity.
Mission overview

Mars Exploration Rovers
Spirit and Opportunity have been exploring Mars since January 2004. Clues found in some rocks indicate liquid water once covered the ground.
Mission home page

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
This orbiter has the most powerful telescopic camera ever to another planet, plus five other scientific instruments.
Mission home page

Mars Odyssey
This orbiter studies Mars' surface composition and radiation environment and has instruments to detect water and shallow buried ice.
Mission home page

Microwave Instrument
on Rosetta Orbiter

This JPL instrument will study gases given off by a comet as the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft orbits the comet. Rendezvous with the comet is scheduled for 2014.
Rosetta home page

Phoenix Mars Lander
This mission is using its robotic arm and other instruments to dig and analyze samples of soil and ice.
JPL Phoenix site
University of Arizona Phoenix site

The Stardust-NExT mission recycles the already "in flight" Stardust spacecraft to flyby and investigate comet Tempel 1 in Feb. 2011.
Mission overview

Voyager 1 and 2 flew past Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 also flew by Uranus and Neptune. Voyager 1 is now approaching interstellar space.
Mission home page

Orbits sun around the north and south poles.
Mission home page