Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) works with other partners to help Aboriginal and Northern individuals, families and communities to improve their health and social well-being.

What is INAC Doing?

In support of its mandate, INAC is responsible for safe water supplies on reserves and funding a range of province-like social programs to First Nations communities, including education, early childhood development, housing, family violence prevention, help for persons with disabilities and income assistance.

In the North, INAC is working to reduce, and wherever possible, eliminate contaminants in traditionally harvested foods, and to ensure access to healthy, affordable food in remote areas through the Food Mail program.

What Information is Available?

In this section, find information on how INAC is involved in cleaning up contaminated sites, ensuring the availability of safe and nutritious food in the North, and providing safe drinking water and funding for a variety of social programs on reserves.

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