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NIDA Home > Drugs of Abuse/Related Topics > HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse

HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse

NIDA's Featured Publications

NIDA Research Report: HIV Research Report: HIV/AIDS (for a general audience)
This Research Report is designed to highlight the state of the science and raise awareness of the linkages between drug abuse and HIV/AIDS.
En Español

NIDA Infofacts: HIV NIDA InfoFacts on Drug Abuse and AIDS (for a general audience)
Principles of HIV Prevention Cover Principles of HIV Prevention in Drug-Using Populations: A Research Based Guide. This Guide provides the basic overarching principles that characterize effective HIV/AIDS prevention in drug users

Other NIDA Resources on HIV/AIDS, Other Infectious Diseases, and Drug Abuse - Learn the link between drug abuse and the spread of the HIV infection

  • d'cisions - a series of Webisodes designed to educate teens and young adults on the link between non-injection drug use and HIV transmission

Screen Shot of Text Message PSA
Text Message - PSA

Screen Shot of After the Party PSA
After the Party - PSA

Illustration of Book Cover with Jack and Jill Title
Jack and Jill - PSA

Public Service Announcements

Send the Message - Public Service Announcement

Sex Related HIV Risk Behaviors - Differential risks among injection drug users, crack smokers, and injection drug users who smoke crack


Messages From the Director



Press Releases

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See Also: Screenshot

Send the msg - text messaging from phone

NIDA's Publication Series

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National Institutes of Health logo_Department of Health and Human Services Logo The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) , a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Questions? See our Contact Information. Last updated on Tuesday, September 2, 2008. The U.S. government's official web portal