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-Download Dr. Wisner's complete October 2003 report (pdf)

-Read summary of the October 2003 report (pdf)

- More on GM Wheat

Report shows harm to U.S. wheat markets

from genetically modified wheat

A report by Dr. Robert Wisner - a leading grain market economist at Iowa State University - shows the commercial introduction of genetically modified wheat in the next several years could cause major risk to the U.S. wheat industry. After examining data on existing markets, consumer trends, and grain handling and transportation systems, Dr. Wisner concluded that the commercial introduction of genetically modified wheat could result in the loss of 30% to 50% of U.S. spring wheat export markets, and a reduction of up to one-third in U.S. prices for hard red spring and durum wheat.

2nd Market Risk Report update August 2006
On August 23, 2006, WORC released a second update to the Market Risks report. The update found that consumer attitudes towards GM crops are unchanged.
The update also responds to claims made by some U.S. wheat growers that GM wheat would reverse declining wheat acres.
Read WORC's press release for Dr. Wisner's response.

Market Risk Report update
WORC released the update to the market risk report on May 10, 2005. Dr. Wisner's update finds that attitudes of consumers and regulatory treatment of GM foods overseas haven't changed, and his basic conclusions are unchanged.

Original Market Risk Report October 2003

-Download Dr. Wisner's complete market risk report (pdf)
-Read summary of the market risk report (pdf)
-Press Release
-Statements by:

  • Dr. Robert Wisner, Professor of Economics Iowa State University (statement, Dr. Wisner's bio)
  • Helen Waller, member of Northern Plains Resource Council (statement, Helen's bio)
  • April Fairfield, North Dakota state Senator (statement, April's bio)
  • Todd Leake, member of Dakota Resource Council (statement, Todd's bio)

Links to related information:

-More on GM Wheat
-Northern Plains Resource Council
-Dakota Resource Council
-APHIS Petition (pdf)
-Read executive summary of petition
-Read APHIS press release (3/11/03)

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