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"We Won't Buy GM Wheat!" -

Safe Food Links

Safe Food News

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WORC in the News

GM Crops

Family farmers, ranchers and consumers are locked in a battle for safe and healthy food against giant international food corporations. Many important food decisions are being made at the boardroom table rather than the dining room table. Multi-national food and commodity companies play fast and loose with the safety of our food, and make huge profits off of your food dollar and the low price they pay to farmers and ranchers.


We Won't Buy GM Wheat
Our largest foreign markets have stated adamantly and repeatedly that they will find new sources for wheat if the U.S. allows genetically modified wheat to be grown and sold.

Market Risks of GM Wheat - study prepared by Dr. Robert Wisner, Professor fo Economics at Iowa State University.

Exactly what is genetic modification? Is it true they're taking genes from fish and inserting them into a strawberry?

What is our government doing to ensure that the GM food we eat is safe? Not much, according to the Pew Initiative for Food and Biotechnology.

More information on GM Wheat

Food Labeling
We’re fighting to protect consumers’ right to know by requiring the clear and accurate labeling at the retail level of all foods that have been irradiated or contain genetically modified ingredients (GMO’s), antibiotics used in human medicine, hormones that enhance growth in food-producing animals, chemical levels exceeding U.S. limits or chemicals not approved for use in this country.
Read more on labeling

Keep Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling!
Once again, Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling is under fire. This bill is scheduled to be introduced immediately after Memorial Day and is expected to move quickly
Read Action Alert

WORC submitted comments to the Agricultural Marketing Service of the USDA on the recordkeeping requirements of Country of Origin Labeling.
Read comments.

And in Minot the manager of Marketplace Foods publicly announced its compliance with the North Dakota law of labeling fresh meat as to the country of origin.
See the press release

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