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Guide to Genetically Modified Alfalfa

Market Risks of GM Wheat

Harvest at Risk

Filling The Gaps

Law and Order in the Oil and Gas Fields

Biodiesel Benefits Cattle Report

Surface Mining Control and Reclmation Act Report

Landowners gain more time to protect their rights and the environment from tar sands pipeline

Read news release

Read comments on inadequate Keystone Pipeline application

Homegrown Prosperity
WORC’s Homegrown Prosperity Renewable Energy Tour has completed its 12-week journey through seven states to promote good-paying jobs and income for rural communities and offer solutions to reduce greenhouse gases and pollution.

Member Group News
Oil Shale: Groups looking to Obama administration to help in 2009 – Western Colorado Congress joins in requesting new administration to withdraw commercial oil shale regulations.

Farm group calls ag mailing deceptive – Dakota Rural Action says letter on animal identification and meat labeling uses coercion to get producers to sign up for federal program.

Rural Action kicks off new chapter– Oregon Rural Action’s newest chapter will work on plastic recycling, renewable energy, and local foods.)

More Member Group News...

Animal Factories

In a last minute favor to the animal factory industry, President Bush's Environmental Protection Agency exempted animal factories from a federal reporting requirement first enacted 28 years ago. The rule required animal factories to tell EPA about emissions of ammonia or hydrogen sulfide from manure pits or other farm operations. The animal factory industry failed in several attempts to get this through Congress in the last three sessions. See comments that WORC and some member groups organizations submitted on this and another proposed rule change earlier this year.

A report released December 16 exposes how industrial hog and dairy operations are subsidized through the federal Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). The report, entitled Industrial Livestock at the Taxpayer Trough, estimates that between 2003 and 2007, roughly 1,000 industrial hog and dairy operations have captured at least $35 million per year in taxpayer support through EQIP.

CAFOs Uncovered – The Untold Costs of Confined Animal Feeding Operations, a new study by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Putting Meat on The Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America, a recently released report by the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production.

Court Rulings require water law clarification – WORC supports the Clean Water Authority Restoration Act

More Factory Farms...

GM Crops
Wheat and rice growers tell Congress about USDA’s failure to study economic impacts of genetically modified crops.
Testimony of Todd Leake, Dakota Resource Council
Testimony of Harvey Howington, Arkansas Rice Growers Association

WORC submits comments on scope of study to evaluate deregulation of genetically modified alfalfa

Is Roundup Ready alfalfa growing near you? USDA has listed counties where Roundup Ready alfalfa is grown, or call USDA, 866-724-6408, to find out

More GM Alfalfa...

More GM Crops...

WORC seeks new 90-day comment period to protect landowner rights and the environment from tar sands pipeline
Read letter to Department of State
Read news release

Surveys show Coloradans and Montanans support shift to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and fuel-efficient vehicles.

Read Colorado and Montana surveys and news releases

Read statement by Peggy Utesch, Western Colorado Congress

Read statement by Beth Kaeding, Northern Plains Resource Council

Listen to streaming audio recording of Colorado and Montana news events

WORC joins with 10 groups to protest oil shale leasing plans.

Is there a Future for FutureGen?, a WORC briefing on a cancelled plan to build a coal-fired power plant and store carbon dioxide emissions.

Al Gore sounds off on mountaintop removal and coal to liquids in a brief video
by Netroots Nation.

"Clean Coal” doesn’t exist, a short video by CLEAN

WORC criticizes plans for massive oil shale leasing program

The Key to Lower Gas Prices: Efficiency, not oil shale, can reduce the price at the pump now, a factsheet by the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Western Resource Associates report addresses resource planning for generation and transmission cooperatives

House votes to boost renewable energy and protect western waters and landowners

Learn how your representative voted
Read summary of key provisions

Stripmine Act 30 years later – Is it working?

See testimony of rancher Ellen Pfister
See WORC news release

More on Energy...

Clean Water
Background briefing on Clean Water Restoration Act

More on Clean Water...

Making biofuels microprocessing legal, WORC briefing.

Sustainable bio diesel production goes hand in hand with cattle ranching,
an audio commentary by rancher Jeanne Charter.

WORC urges EPA to deny request for freeze on enthanol Renewable Fuels Standard.
Read Letter

WORC releases new report Biodiesel Benefits for Cattle Producers:
Feeding Byproducts of Biodiesel Production

News release
Executive summary

Growing Sustainable Biofuels: Common Sense on Biofuels, by Patrick Mazza

Union of Concerned Scientists releases new report, “Biofuels: An Important Part of a Low-Carbon Diet

John Farrell, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, comments on why energy policies should encourage “better” rather than “more”

Read report “Locally owned wind and ethanol – better, not bigger”

More on Biofuels...

A new way to trade, WORC factsheet on the TRADE Act.

WORC urges end to World Trade Organization Talks
Read Statement

Peru Pact Senate Vote Lets Down Western Agricultural Producers
Read WORC Press Release

WORC urges Senators to oppose Peru trade pact

Peru Trade Agreement Vote
Ignores Public Sentiment

New report by Public Citizens says pending trade agreements will worsen imported food safety program by increasing food imports while replicating limits on U.S. food safety policy from past trade deals

WORC Calls on USTR to stop imports from countries with animal disease

More on Trade...

Family Farms
Powder River member Audrey Malan gives thanks for local food and local producers in a High Plains News radio commentary.

Tell USDA to fix meat labeling rules
WORC's comments on Country-of-Origin Labeling rules.

WORC opposes using school lunch program to sneak through a National Animal Identification System. Read Letter

Farm bill is a missed opportunity.
Read Farm Bill Summary.
Read WORC's statement.

WORC tells Congress JBS Swift merger “would further harm price, choice, innovation and competition in the U.S. beef markets.”
Read WORC's testimony.

WORC joins in opposition to JBS Swift merger.

Farm bill seeks fairer livestock markets – commentary by WORC’s Mabel Dobbs

WORC Praises Livestock and Renewable Energy Provisions in Senate Farm Bill

WORC urges Congress to pass water protection legislation.

Tell Your Senators to Return Fairness & Competition to Livestock Markets

WORC and allies urge Senate to support Livestock Title in Farm Bill

Commentary outlines risk to local foods in Farm Bill debate

WORC, the member groups, and more than 175 organizations reiterate need for a livestock title in Senate Farm Bill

Read letter
Read news release

Factsheet lists key provisions of the Farm Bill passed by the House of Representatives

Chart compares 2002 Country-of-Origin Labeling law to changes in House Passed Farm Bill

Why Competition Reforms Are Needed in the 2007 Farm Bill, an R-CALF USA Fact Sheet

More on Captive Supply...

More on Family Farms...


Way Out West Cookbook
Order your Way Out West Cookbook today!
Cook, bake, eat and enjoy!!

Cowboys Don't Walk
Cowboys Don't Walk: A Tale of Two - a memoir of life in the 20th Century West and the emergence of the environmental movement among farmers and ranchers in eastern Montana. Published by WORC in 1999. Read what Robert Redford says about this book.


Donate to WORC
Donate to WORC - support our efforts to make the voices of family farmers and ranchers, rural residents, and working families heard in Washington.

WORC is a regional network of seven grassroots community organizations that include 9,700 members and 44 local chapters. WORC helps its member groups succeed by providing training and coordinating issue work.