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Presentation Pack

This widget will let you display a collection of presentations on your blog (from your tags, groups or events). Very useful for consultants (showcase your expertise), speakers (all your talks in one), conference organizers (a whole conference sessions in one)! Just customize and grab the code. However to create a personalized badge of your own content, you need a SlideShare account. Log in now! or

Signing up only takes a minute. Its free, you can host all your presentations on SlideShare, and share them on your blog or website.

Customize your Presentation Pack

  Select slideshows to appear in your widget
 My slideshows  
 My groups / events  
 My tags  
 Any tag (specify)
 Choose Layout
 Choose from  

 Specify widget title 


Preview your Presentation Pack

* The Presentation Pack is inspired by a prototype that was built by Chris Heilmann (a SlideShare user). Thanks a ton, Chris, for sharing this with the community!