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Non-Monetary Awards - Morale and Recognition Awards

Distributed Funds (Allocated to Division & Program Offices)

  • May be used for recognition, reward, recreation, and "morale boosting" of the organization.
  • Should be high leverage activities that benefit the largest number of Laboratory personnel.
  • Examples: Organization picnics, holiday parties, T-shirts, mugs, recreation equipment to be used by organization’s members (recreation equipment should typically be used on-site).
  • Decorations may be purchased using distributed funds; however, the decorations such as plants and flowers should benefit a significant majority of the organization.

Institutional Funds

  • Used for institution-wide recreation and morale activities that involve or benefit Laboratory personnel in general.
  • Should be on-site activities or if off-site only open to employees and their families.
  • These funds are not to be used to subsidize community activities that are open to the entire public; funding through outreach should be pursued for these types of activities. Please note that outreach activities could potentially be unallowable costs and must be approved by SUP division before expenditure can be made.

Unallowable Costs

  • Alcoholic Beverages.
  • Funds used for political or religious purposes.
  • Individual cash awards.
  • Donations to charitable organizations.
  • Purchase of gifts for individual employees such as gift certificates, airline tickets, flowers. (Note: gift certificates used as door prizes where every employee has an opportunity to win are allowable.)
  • Purchase of office equipment and appliances (i.e., refrigerators, microwaves); these can be purchased with group and division support money.

Request for Morale Funds - Form 1763 (pdf)

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